Science in the Newsroom

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Science in the Newsroom

04 Aug 2020 to 27 Aug 2020
Asia Pacific and South Asia

Building journalist skills for future health crises





Call for Nominations is closed. 

The World Editors Forum Asia Chapter, the regional network in Asia for editors within the World Association of News Publishers (WAN-IFRA), is offering a virtual training programme covering six modules to improve knowledge and practices of generalist journalists around science and health reporting.

The coronavirus pandemic has challenged news organisations like never before, requiring journalists to respond with immediate innovation and pick up new science and health reporting skills and knowledge on the fly. Health misinformation is rife about everything from mask-wearing to the symptoms of COVID-19 to the origins of the virus. News organisations have had to design new methods to get through to audiences that are bombarded with information, rumour and misinformation.

Journalists have had to manage all these with scarce resources, while working from home and keeping themselves safe from the virus. It has been tough.

Call for Nomination is closed !


  1. 1
  2. 2



  • 1

    Science, Covid-19 and Journalism: The perils of science reporting

  • 2

    Monitoring and combating misinformation

  • 3

    Data journalism

  • 4

    Innovation in pandemic storytelling

  • 5

    Solutions journalism

  • 6

    Newsroom of the future


Learning Outcomes

The programme aims to help newsrooms meet the challenges of reporting on the climate crisis and other environmental and sustainability related issues. By increasing journalists' skills, knowledge, and confidence, they will be better prepared to cover all aspects of climate reporting, as defined by the World Bank, including extreme events, health effects, food security, livelihood security, migration, water security, cultural identity and other related risks.

The programme will focus on solutions orientated journalism and making climate challenges and solutions relevant to everyday audiences. Our aim is for you to learn about what has worked best for journalists and news organisations covering the climate crisis in order to prepare you for what might lie ahead. 

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Recognise and analyse the central challenges journalists and news organisations face covering the climate crisis

  • Identify a personal toolkit of skills and knowledge they can use to approach/cover the climate crisis and other environmental and science stories in the future

  • Take a personal reporting project that they have developed back to their organisation


Who should attend

This course will suit generalist journalists with a minimum of two years of newsroom experience and who are interested in improving their skills and knowledge.

We are inviting Editors to nominate candidates in their newsrooms who could benefit from new skills and knowledge.


Science in the Newsroom

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