World News Media Congress

World News Media Congress

12 Jun 2016 to 14 Jun 2016

World Editors Forum · World Advertising Forum

The world’s most significant gathering
of news media professionals

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The 68th World News Media Congress took place in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, from 12 to 14 June 2016, alongside the 23rd World Editors Forum and the 26th World Advertising Forum.

Get a flavour of the event with this two minute video and check our event coverage. #WNC16 was three days of ideas, strategies and inspiration – with deep insights on news media transformation. You can also find all the photos here



    World News Media Congress

    Over three days in Cartagena, we deliver an insiders perspective on the management and business issues facing news media today, as well as highlighting emerging new business models and revenue streams. See how others are managing their digital transformation and learn

    • how to cope with rapidly evolving social distribution platforms
    • what tech decisions are needed to keep pace with new forms of storytelling (e.g. VR)
    • how to position your company to compete with broadcast competitors

    Learn how diversification and new revenue streams can help support core news activities and hear from pure players as well as industry outsiders who have undergone their own digital transformations. As ever, we keep an eye on emerging trends and potential disruptors.


    World Editors Forum

    The editorial stream of the Congress will investigate how editors can lead their newsrooms and journalists to the next level.  How do you produce journalism that matters in a world where the shelf-life of original work is just minutes and resources are limited? We will examine new journalism initiatives and newsroom trends while exchanging experiences and views on critical ethical dilemmas, challenges to press freedom and the ongoing threat to journalists’ safety. 

    With many of the issues facing editors now business related, the Cartagena programme is structured to ensure you won't miss out on any critical information that might affect the way you operate in the future.


    World Advertising Forum

    After the recent huge rise in ad blocking, it’s time to explore different strategies in digital advertising. How can we serve ads efficiently while respecting the reader experience? We put this question to advertising teams around the world.

    This is the perfect place for publishers to discuss ad revenue challenges. How can advertisers recognise the true value of your audience? The answer, increasingly, is driven by data. We will look at how this has affected the daily operations of every news outlet, and the associated lift in programmatic sales.  

    The forum will also feature best practices in mobile, video and native advertising. And as a special topic, we check the results of those who have adopted “viewability” metrics to measure advertising results and price their ads.

    World News Media Congress

    Partners & Sponsors

    Thanks for all our sponsors for their support!


    Congress Venue