Programme | WAN-IFRA Middle East Conference 2017

WAN-IFRA Middle East Conference 2017

13 Mar 2017 to 14 Mar 2017
United Arab Emirates (the)

Brought to you by Dubai Production City

Programme | WAN-IFRA Middle East Conference 2017



March 13

  • 09:30

    Welcome Coffee and Registration

  • 10:00

    Official Opening of the conference

    Welcome address from the Host


    Welcome address from our partner


    • Managing Director, Dubai Media City (DMC), Dubai Studio City (DSC) and Dubai Production City (DPC), UAE

    Welcome address from the region


    Welcome address from WAN-IFRA


    Welcome speech of our Guest of Honour


  • 10:30

    VIP Tour through the Exhibition and Coffee Break

  • 11:00

    Opening Keynote: dmg’s global expansion – and how the Daily Mail is growing its brand

    Kevin will discuss how dmg media, publishers of the Daily Mail, Metro and MailOnline — the world's largest English-language newspaper website, has expanded globally, and how the Daily Mail is continuing to grow its brand


    • Kevin Beatty
      CEO, dmg media, United Kingdom, and First Vice-President WAN-IFRA
  • 11:45

    Media Trends and Outlook

    The session will start with a overview of the global trends and the outlook for news media companies in 2017.
    The panel of media experts from Middle East will present the developments from their respective media market and will be moderated by Thomas Jacob, Chief Operating Officer, WAN-IFRA, Germany



  • 12:45

    Lunch and Networking @ Expo Foyer

  • 14:15

    Driving Revenue Growth


    • Principal Consultant, WAN-IFRA Consulting, Germany

    Paid content: Learning from other markets
    Following the introduction of different paid content models, three media houses will present their different strategies on increasing the revenue by charging for content delivered on digital platforms.


  • 15:30

    Coffee and Networking @ Expo Foyer

  • 16:00

    Online Video: From Stunts to core business, The engine for future growth
    Norway’s largest online news site, VG, part of Schibsted Media Group, has invested heavily on online video. What formats and content types work best? What is the best way to monetizing our video assets? What are the learning’s so far?


    • News Director, NRK (Norwegian public service broadcaster), Norway
  • 16:30

    Revitalizing classifieds
    Jang Group, the country's largest media company, has used QR codes to give new life to classifieds and reverse the decline they’d experienced. In addition, Augmented Reality has helped the company synergize - and monetize - their print, design and broadcast platforms.


    • Managing Director, Jang Media Group, Pakistan
  • 17:00

    From data to relationships
    How NRC Media grows in readership and revenue

    Xavier van Leeuwe (Director Marketing and Data) reveals how a newspaper with 187 years of legacy went from decline to growth by making data work for them, optimise acquisition and retention offers and listening to customers.



  • 17:30

    End of day 1

  • 19:30

    Digital Media Awards Ceremony 2017

    Restaurant Mawal - Al Murooj Rotana,Downtown Dubai

    We will celebrate the winners of the Digital Media Middle East Awards in a night designed to bring together industry peers and successful innovators.

    The schedule for the evening:
    19:30   Busses leaving from Crown Plaza to restaurant Mawal
    20:00   Welcome drinks
    20:15   Categories 1, 2 and 3 will be awarded
    20:30   Appetizers
    21:00   Categories 4, 5 and 6 will be awarded
    21:30   Main Dish
    21:45   Categories 7, 8 and 9 will be awarded
    22:00   Dessert
    22:15   The End


    Kindly hosted by OKAZ

March 14

  • 09:30

    Power of Print

    The session will be moderated by Manfred Werfel, Deputy CEO, WAN-IFRA, Germany

    Innovations in Print
    Despite the rapid growth of digital media, print is still holding well in some of the mature markets. What are the learning’s? How can publishers extend the life of print, while gearing up for the digital transformation?


  • 09:45

    Newspaper Printing in a Digital World

    Technological and organizational innovations are a key factor, even in a mature sector such as the press, characterized by declining production volumes and erosion of profit margins, in order to create greater efficiency in the supply chain and greater synergy among its main actors: newsroom, production, logistic


    • Chief Operating Officer, Newspaper Printing Axel Springer at Axel Springer Print Management GmbH
  • 10:15

    Bridging the Spectrum: Al-Jazirah's New innovative Printing Solutions
    Effective print advertising understands the interconnectivity of the human psyche with print media using the five senses. Because newspaper ads don’t block, intrude, interrupt, and cannot be deleted. In understanding this unique ability, the J-i6 - Al-Jazirah’s Printing Innovation Suite was born.


    • PR and Business Development, Al-Jazirah Corporation for Press, Printing, and Publishing, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
  • 10:45

    Innovations in Print at Times of India
    Printing operations as a center of profit and innovation Bennett, Coleman & Co, the publisher of the Times of India, is committed to deliver hundreds of innovations in newspaper production every year. It also considers that drastic costs can be saved in printing operations through continuous improvement process while some revenues opportunities are still under-valued.


    • Former Technical & Production Director, The Times of India, India
  • 11:15

    Coffee and Networking @ Expo Foyer

  • 11:45

    Embedding the innovation culture in news media companies


    • CEO, Al Abkaria Holding Company and GM Nebras Films, Saudi Arabia

    Investing in Media Startups – Presentations and Panel discussion with entrepreneurs
    Forward-looking media companies around the world are creating media labs and investing in startups to spur innovation. What are the key criteria to look for when investing in startups?


  • 12:30

    Lunch and Networking @ Expo Foyer

  • 14:00

    Content creation and digital distribution


    • Digital Media Strategist, Consultant and Content Creator, Jordan
  • 14:00

    Session Keynote: Challenges of digital transformation of newsrooms – key components and key difficulties

    Dmitry Shishkin, Digital Innovation Editor, BBC World Service Group, will explain how innovation can work despite, or even because of, digital changes. He will also discuss how teams should work to make this happen. 

    His examples come directly from the practice of nearly 30 teams that he has accompanied in the digital transformation process. Key challenges he will address include: overcoming cultural resistance, stopping projects that do not work, taking innovation seriously, prioritizing and setting measurable targets that fit for the entire portfolio.

    See his recent guest blog post for WAN-IFRA here….


    • Digital transformation, content strategy and innovation consultant, WEF Board Member, UK
  • 14:45

    Riding the VR trend
    Emulating the New York Times and other global media brands, South Korea's leading daily, the Chosun Ilbo, has stepped up its efforts in recent months for creating compelling VR content for its users which is available on a dedicated VR Chosun app. The newspaper also created its own Chosun VR Cardboard viewer and distributed it to its readers...


    • Head of Digital News Division, Chosun Ilbo, Korea
  • 15:15

    Coffee and Networking @ Expo Foyer

  • 15:45

    Empowering the newsroom's creativity
    The Times & Sunday Times' New Products team focusses on enhancing and improving storytelling across platforms through the use of data journalism, gamification and other special projects powered by new in-house or third party tools


    • Interactive News Editor, The Times & The Sunday Times, United Kingdom
  • 16:15

    Closing Conference Keynote

    Visual Storytelling in the Digital Age
    This presentation presents a state of the media today, with emphasis on how we tell stories visually on mobile devices, the role of print and the importance of email newsletters and sponsored content to find new ways of promoting content and monetizing your operation.


  • 17:00

    End of conference

WAN-IFRA Middle East Conference 2017
