Exposition | Digital Media Asia 2015

Digital Media Asia 2015

Exposition | Digital Media Asia 2015



The industry's top technology and service providers will showcase their latest products and service development and offerings at the foyer info-tables.

The exhibition will be held on level 18 of The Mira Hotel, Hong Kong.


Info-table Status

Available table top: 06

Info-table 01: AFP
Info-table 02: ppiMedia
Info-table 03: WoodWing
Info-table 04: Limelight
Info-table 05: Financial Times
Info-table 06: Available
Info-table 07: Crowdynews
Info-table 08: ProtecMedia
Info-table 09: AT Internet
Info-table 10: Brightcove
Info-table 11: Vindicia
Info-table 12: PR Newswire


For more information on exhibiting or sponsoring DMA 2015,
please contact nurul.fitriyana@wan-ifra.org or +65.6562 8440
Download the Marketing Kit 2015.

Digital Media Asia 2015
