Programme | Digital Media Asia 2015

Digital Media Asia 2015

Programme | Digital Media Asia 2015


Three days of inspiring presentations, practical workshops, and innovative sessions. Don´t miss any updates, join the conversation #DMAHK15!


November 17

  • Stream IDs:
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    • Masterclass

    Masterclass: Increasing Revenue in the Major Verticals - Autos, Property and Recruitment

    The masterclass is based on case studies from Asia and some relevant examples from other geographies. It would line up as follows:

    • Property opportunities: Examples of best practices from newspapers and major property sites, and how you can incorporate them into your print / online services to generate high-margin revenue.
    • Recruitment opportunities: Examples of best practices from newspapers and major recruitment sites online. What services and tools do you need to offer, especially social media-oriented, to engage fully and profitably with job-seekers and companies in your markets?
    • Automotive opportunities: Targeting auto dealers / moto dealers / transportation dealers and private-party sellers to create a highly profitable business with print and online elements.
    • One-hour conversation about the elements of classified advertising: the "freemium" model; the importance of "critical mass;" competing or cooperating with online classified businesses; ancillary opportunities like high-gloss property advertising magazines, and more.


  • Stream IDs:
    • 380


    • Masterclass

    Masterclass: MOJO: Mastering mobile video journalism

    • Learn how to quickly produce broadcast quality, social video content that connects with mobile and social audiences.
    • Transform your iPhone into a pro video camera and edit suite in this practical workshop.
    • You will learn how to film, edit and share video for social media channels.


  • Stream IDs:
    • 409


    • Workshop

    Partnerships and our evolving relationship with readers

    A workshop brought to you by the Guardian Publisher Network

    We learned early on that it doesn't matter what distribution platform you use, what's most important is the quality of journalism people want to read and ensuring that it is available exactly when and how people want to consume it.

    We understand and have responded to the key trends: Huge growth in mobile, increased complexity in platforms, importance of social and digital platforms gaining ever increasing market share. We can highlight to publishers and explain in their own language how to prioritise growth opportunities and respond to a new and global competitor set.

    This workshop, hosted by WAN-IFRA's Digital Media Asia 2015, will offer unique insights on how the Guardian approaches partnerships with social and search platforms, digital pure-players and technology suppliers​. The workshop will also introduce the Guardian's new membership model​ and how this presents an opportunity to forge stronger relationships with readers​.

    It will cover the following main topics:

    • Social and search platforms
    • Digital news and technology
    • Guardian Membership

    The Publisher Network was launched to offer publishers the unique opportunity to share knowledge, stay up-to-date with vital industry developments and build an unparalleled network with peers, industry experts and Guardian staff.


    • Suzy Hay
      Global Director of Content Partnerships, Guardian News and Media, UK
  • Stream IDs:
    • 409


    • Workshop

    Google News Lab: Digital Tools for Newsrooms and Innovations through Mobile

    Level 25, Tower 2, Times Square, 1 Matheson Street, Hong Kong

    Google News Lab is a global project aimed at supporting quality journalism through education, training and innovative digital and mobile tools. Since its launch earlier this year, the Google News Lab has partnered with news organisations to map the world's response to the Nepalese earthquake, unearthed which fashion trends people really care about in the US, detected hints of a Conservative Party victory in the Britain's election, and tracked the ups and downs of the US's wild primary season.

    This half-day workshop is a special event hosted by Google at their Hong Kong office complimentary to all Asian Digital Media Awards Participants. Registration is on a first-come-first-serve basic due to limited seat available.


    • Robin Moroney of Google will introduce News Lab, Google Tools for Media and Journalists, and elaborate on key trends and best practices in digital and mobile storytelling across Asia.
    • Iain Martin of Storyful will talk on the increasing role of citizen video and dwell on the YouTube Newswire, a joint project of Google News Lab and Storyful.
    • Irene Jay Liu of Thomson Reuters will talk on current trends and how newsrooms are adopting to the new digital and mobile formats in Asia.

    Last hour will be dedicated to informal drinks and networking.

    Timing: 16.30 - 19.00

    16.30 - 17.00: Guests to arrive, networking
    17.00 - 18.00: Three presentation and Q&A
    18.00 - 19.00: Drinks and networking

November 18

  • Stream IDs:
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    • Conference

    Registration Open

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    • Conference

    Conference Opening

    Global digital media trends


    • Director, Global Advisory - WAN-IFRA, Germany

    Conference Video Opening by

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    • Conference

    Session 1: Top 5 Digital Priorities

    Check you're on track for 2015. Leading media execs present their digital strategies and tell you where they plan to focus their efforts in the coming months. Benchmark your own efforts with peers of the industry.

    Digital Partnerships: Key priorities in a distributed world

    In a world of increasing complexity and multiple platforms, publishers need to consider and determine their key priorities when distributing content. Suzy Hay will share some thoughts around how the Guardian assesses specific partnership opportunities, and how we are working with the increasing complexity this represents.


    • Suzy Hay
      Global Director of Content Partnerships, Guardian News and Media, UK

    Bloomberg digital revamp: start of a new era

    Engaging and growing an audience is paramount to most media organizations in the fast-paced world of multiple platforms and social feeds. Find out how a targeted strategy and focus helps to create consistency in a diverse region.


  • Stream IDs:
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    • Conference

    Coffee Break

  • Stream IDs:
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    • Conference

    Session 2: Content Optimisation

    What triggers customers to pay for digital content? Marketing digital content outside of the traditional media platforms and to new audiences is key to success in today´s media landscape

    Content innovation: 360 video and animation

    With the popularity of VR technology nowadays, we would like to to share our new initiatives applying 360-degree video & virtual reality animation in different types of news story.


    • Vincent Tsui
      CMO, Next Digital Limited - Next Mobile, Hong Kong

    Charging for online content

    What triggers customers to pay for digital content? How to start charging on a free online news market?


    • Pedro Monteiro
      Product Manager Digital Paid Content, Impresa, Portugal

    Aggregation and content partnerships

    News Republic won the Best Mobile Media App at the World Mobile Congress 2015. It publishes 50,000 articles daily from 1,500 licensed content partners and has signed deals with Samsung, Acer, HTC and Sony.


    Smarter monetisation strategies for digital media companies

    Revenue models to successfully navigate the digital media revenue maze


    Panel discussion moderated by


    Hosted by

  • Stream IDs:
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    • Conference

    Lunch Break

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    • Conference

    Lunch meeting: Video Moves Revenue - Monetising Video

    Video has revamped every online news and magazine publishers' content model, presenting them with new opportunities to drive revenue. Ad blockers however, are posing a serious threat to those revenues and publishers are facing tough questions on how to effectively monetise their video in the midst of growing ad blocker usage on a global scale.

    Join this seminar to learn more about:

    Registration is required as seats are limited. Please RSVP to Wilson Leong at before Friday, 13 Nov, to reserve your seat.

    Hosted by

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    • Conference

    Session 3: Growing Digital Revenues

    Session Intro: Digital revenue generation best practices



    The Evolution of MCIL Business to New E-Commerce and WebTV business

    Challenges create new eye sight for MCIL – to invest into E- commerce and WebTV – the potential is invincible and media support is crucial for the success.


    Innovations in media in the mobile first world

    New ways to reach the audience, content formats, business strategies, web and mobile tools for quality journalism.


    Increasing revenue in the major verticals

    Explore opportunities in online classifieds verticals and other alternative revenue streams.


  • Stream IDs:
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    • Conference

    Coffee Break

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    • Conference

    Session 4: Best Digital Practices in Asia

    Presentation of the Asian Digital Media 2015 winners. Brain snack presentations of the winning entries

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    • Conference

    Asian Digital Media Awards Cocktail Reception

November 19

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    • Conference

    Breakfast Meeting : The Newsroom (R)Evolution

    The Newsroom (R)Evolution:

    EidosMedia tells the story of a digital shift and how news providers evolve without losing sight of their traditional know-how and values

    In times of change, how do content producers live between traditional channels and evolutionary news services on digital platforms? How does a newsroom remain efficient yet expanding the reach of their brand? This sessions starts from market trends and works its way up through founding workflows consolidated over the years, provides examples on how it has been possible to create true content convergence between print and digital outlets, and concludes with the most innovative, vertical solutions to propel and monetize content on mobile apps, social networks and instant messaging.


    Hosted by

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    • Conference

    Session 5: Innovation in Digital Advertising

    Develop efficient ad strategies for a mobile-first media environment, tapping on native and programmatic advertising. Keep premium pricing, and stay safe from market fraud.

    Session intro: Compensation strategies for driving multimedia sales



    Programmatic ad strategy

    How Asian media companies manage the migration of advertising spend in programmatic


    • Liam Lucas
      Head of Buyer Cloud, APAC, Rubicon Project

    The Ad-blockers issue

    The impact on publishers and advertisers. How is the industry addressing the issue?


    • Director, Global Advisory - WAN-IFRA, Germany

    Panel discussion on ad-blockers moderated by


  • Stream IDs:
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    • Conference

    Coffee Break

  • Stream IDs:
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    • Conference

    Session 6: Audience Intelligence & Data Strategy

    Create, understand and monetise your audience.
    Increase referral from social media platforms and turn social readers into subscribers.

    Driving digital initiatives

    Insights of France's leading media publisher data and analytics strategy for optimizing audience engagement and revenue per user.


    Social media and audience engagement at the WSJ


    • Yumiko Ono
      Asia Digital Editor, The Wall Street Journal

    Technology driven publishing for readership and revenue growth


    • Eugene Leow
      Head of Digital Strategy, English/ Malay/Tamil Media Group, Singapore Press Holdings Ltd, Singapore

    Panel discussion moderated by

    Hosted by

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    • Conference


  • Stream IDs:
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    • Conference

    Session 7: Web TV - Video

    Strategies to create (ad friendly) quality content. Reach a critical size. How to choose the right distribution platform? What are the real monetisation opportunities?

    Video news in a mobile world

    Which type of stories are most popular, how live video can make users stay on a site, things to avoid, the use of viral video to attract an audience, the importance of trusted content and how mobile is taking over desktop when it comes to digital news consumption.


    • John Pullman
      Global Editor of Video and Pictures, Reuters, UK

    From Periscope to Instagram: 10 Types of Social Video


  • Stream IDs:
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    • Conference

    Coffee Break

  • Stream IDs:
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    • Conference

    Session 8: Media for Millennials

    Attract and build a business around a younger demographic. Millennials, aged roughly between 15 and 32 years old, are always-on, digital natives and video consumers. How to answer their specific content consumption patterns? What lessons can we learn from Buzzfeed, Vox, Vice and other successful digital pure-players?

    News for Millenials in Chinese & English

    After a new round of funding and the launch of an English website, The New Lens explains their strategy for reaching millenials.


    • Joey Chung
      Co-Founder and CEO, The News Lens, Taiwan

    The young news audience is there - we just need to serve them in the way they want

    Henrik Eklund, CEO & Founder of Newstag will identify the consequences of a changing user behavior and explain how the innovative business model of Newstag offers its audience a new way of relating to news. Still only in beta version Newstag attracts million of millenial users in every country in the world.

    Impresa Snapchat edition

    New narratives and new platforms for reaching out to the Millenials generation: snapchat edition, iPad app and long form stories, etc


    • Pedro Monteiro
      Product Manager Digital Paid Content, Impresa, Portugal
  • Stream IDs:
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    • Conference

    Closing Keynote

    Media innovation and Global Internet Governance


Digital Media Asia 2015
