Programme | Digital Media Europe 2019

Digital Media Europe 2019

01 Apr 2019 to 02 Apr 2019

Programme | Digital Media Europe 2019


NOTE: The agenda will develop over the coming weeks as we add further speakers!


March 31

  • 19:30

    Welcome drinks with a view of Vienna

    SKY Restaurant, top floor above Steffl Department Store, Kärntner Straße 19, Vienna

    Join us for drinks and canapés with an incredible view over the centre of Vienna, including the Stephansdom.

April 01

  • 08:30

    Registration and coffee

  • 10:00

    A few words about this year's programme


    • Deputy Director, Digital Revenue Network, WAN-IFRA, France
    • Exec Director, Digital Revenue Network, WAN-IFRA
    • Director of Innovation & Leadership, Craig Newmark J-School/CUNY, USA
  • 10:10



  • 10:30

    Subscriptions: Content and audience data driving engagement and retention

    Speakers in this session have led radical changes to their reader revenue strategies in the last few years. In both cases, local news publishers Amedia (Norway) and RBS (Brazil) put their audiences' behaviour under the microscope, analysing and translating that precious data into new content strategies and, ultimately, significant subscriber growth and revenue.


    • Director of Innovation & Leadership, Craig Newmark J-School/CUNY, USA


    • Executive Vice-President of Product & Operations (TV, Print, Digital, Radio), RBS Group, Brazil
    • Executive Vice President, Amedia AS, Norway
  • 11:30

    Coffee Break

  • 12:00

    Content & audience continues - national case

    It was a dramatic moment when Bonnier's Expressen finally launched a paid content offer in Q4 2018 – 15 years after its Swedish rival, Aftonbladet of Schibsted, did the same. What convinced Expressen it was time? What data did they gather before finally going live? And what has been the reaction to date?


  • 12:00

    Parallel Session - How to Increase Reader Loyalty and Boost Subscriptions

    Ground floor
    In this session, Gilbrant will present on Linkpulse's experience with working closely with customers like Aller, Amedia and Schibsted. All this knowledge has now been condensed into a solution that dramatically increases subscriptions, ad efficiency, video views, as well as your total traffic.


  • 12:30

    Pricing and customer lifetime value


  • 13:00


  • 14:10

    Early Results from the Chartbeat Subscriptions Accelerator

    Content intelligence platform Chartbeat aggregates data about subscribers from more than 200 publishers across the world. Working with his team, Chartbeat's Chief of Product, Engineering and Data Science, Josh Schwartz, has been analyzing the data to learn about user behavior and improve results for media partners. In this session, Josh will join WAN-IFRA’s Deputy Director, Valerie Arnould, for a Q&A discussion around the latest insights.
  • 14:10

    Parallel Session: Native Advertising Roundtable

    Ground floor

    Discuss your current challenges with peers: what kind of growth are you seeing? How have your sales tactics evolved in recent years? What does the content creation process look like? What does the future hold?



    • Head of Creative Sales, Schibsted Brand Studio, Sweden
    • Creative Specialist Content Marketing, Schibsted Brand Studio, Sweden
    • Executive Managing Director, Styria Content Creation, Austria
    • Nicola Dietrich © Paul Wilke
      Head of Content Strategy, Styria Digital One / Styria Content Creation, Austria
    • Executive Director New Business , BurdaForward GmbH
  • 14:30

    Subscriptions: Product & UX (driving engagement and retention)

    The product manager often owns and defines the subscriber experience. But as Digiday recently pointed out, “they create organizational headaches and upset power dynamics; they can be difficult to find and keep; and they force publishers to reckon fully with just how committed they are to acting like the owners of digital products, rather than the producers of content.”


    The growing influence of the product manager


  • 15:30

    Coffee Break

  • 16:00

    Integrating product into strategy


    • Founder Granary Square, non-executive director, UK
  • 16:20

    Reinventing the Product

    Have we really re-invented the product since the printed paper? The challenge is greatest for local news as they compete for readers with national brands. Which product is right for which user? Russmedia have a dual strategy with the news portal aimed at a digital-first audience, while focuses more on traditional readers of the Vorarlberger Nachrichten. Lokalportal is an attempt to make local news into a geo-specific social experience.



  • 17:00

    2019 European Digital Media Awards Ceremony

    These awards, presented by WAN-IFRA, the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers, recognise European publishers who have delivered unique and original digital media projects in the last 12 months. From new approaches to digital subscriptions, to impactful native advertising campaigns - projects that inspire us all. Discover the 2018 winners!

    Futurist and science fiction author Karl Schroeder, will talk about fake news, AI and the reduced inertia of facts. The library has high inertia; the antilibrary is a system with little or no inertia to it, which treats all information the same — it can be created or destroyed at will. How do we increase the cost and inertia of “facts” in the age of digital media?  He will read from his recent short story in the MIT Technology Review, 'Noon in the antilibrary'.

  • 18:15

    #DME19 party!

    Join us for drinks and canapés!


  • 18:15

    "How to succeed in the relationship economy" - Book Signing with Matt Lindsay


April 02

  • 08:30

    Breakfast session: From print to story-first

    In this session, hear how Berlin’s biggest newspaper, Der Tagesspiegel, is changing focus, workflows & technology.


  • 09:00

    A New Spring for Publisher Alliances


    • Managing Director, styria digital one, Austria

    Is Single Sign-On the saviour of media as 3rd party cookies decline?

    In Portugal, the single sign-on project Nonio, launched by Portuguese publishers, is now in the acceleration phase. It has one million logged-in users and is entering a new phase for “content gating”.

    At the same time in France, 10 media groups, representing 80 major news brands, have agreed on the launch of an SSO initiative (starting this summer). Using the same password to access all those brands will allow more targeted advertising and customised services.


    • Head of News Division, Le Figaro Group, France
    • Commercial Director, Media Capital Multimedia, Portugal

    Ad alliances reborn: can layering data help drive up revenue?

    The Guardian, News UK, The Telegraph and Reach have come to the conclusion that they need to join forces to compete in the digital ad market and created The Ozone Project. Since the end of last year the publishers have been using shared technology and made it possible for advertisers to buy audiences at scale through a single buying point (the Guardian, the Times, the Sun, the Telegraph and Reach portfolio). How is it working for Ozone, a few months after launch?

    In the Netherlands, De Persgroep, Sanoma Media and Telegraaf Media Groep (TMG) have also joined forces to provide anonymous profiles to advertisers based on first-party data. In doing so, they respond to the increasing demand for data-driven marketing within the Dutch media playing field. Their initiative is called NLProfiel.


    Spotlight on United for News advertising initiative

    The goal of United for News’ sustainability initiatives is to create a global advertising platform of reputable media at all levels of the market against which brands and agencies will direct a greater share of their digital advertising budget. In doing so, advertisers help sustain local and national media, while investing in brand safe marketing channels. On the advertising side, Vodafone and GroupM are among the strong supporters of this initiative.


    • Managing Director, United for News, UK
  • 10:30

    Coffee Break

  • 11:00

    Parallel Session- Subscriptions: Marketing Optimisation Roundtable

    Ground floor

    This roundtable will look at aspects of the customer lifecycle from acquisition to purchase-to-pay. How can we streamline this? How can initiatives like Subscribe with Google support publishers? 


    • Expert Advisor, WAN-IFRA & Senior Advisor, Schibsted, Sweden


  • 11:00

    Native ads reality check: Can they work for publishers?

    In 2017, native advertising brought in 20% of overall ad revenue for news media organisations, according to the findings of the just-published “Native Advertising Trends in News Media”, the annual study conducted by WAN-IFRA and the Native Advertising Institute. Frontrunners like Guardian Labs and Schibsted Brand Studio have learned a lot about how campaigns work, what brands expect when they work with publishers and how to measure the efficiency of native advertising.



  • 12:30


  • 13:30

    Reader loyalty: the missing link between an occasional reader and paying subscriber

    Does growing your loyal readers base increase the chances of generating more subscribers? Experts on our panel will discuss this premise, which is actually the main focus of Content Insights' extensive study that reveals correlation between reader's journey and subscriptions. Stick with us to find out what turns a curious, occasional news reader into a satisfied subscriber. The panel will be joined by representatives of two different German news publishers, whose samples of content performance data were both included in our study: Christopher Pramstaller, Audience Editor @ Süddeutsche Zeitung, and Andreas Whörl, Data Analyst @ Mittelbayerische Zeitung.


  • 13:50

    Making changes and driving transformation

    Launching new products is not enough, explains Anita Zielina in our recent interview. In the process of re-inventing the publishing business, the first obstacle is often internal culture: leadership style, collaboration, how we engage with readers, and also how we engage with one another in the organisation.


    • Managing Director, Russmedia and Editor-in-Chief, Vorarlberger Nachrichten, Austria


    • Director of Innovation & Leadership, Craig Newmark J-School/CUNY, USA
  • 14:20

    Coffee Break

  • 14:50

    Video revenue revisited

    Digital video is crucial to creating engaging news content, but until recently, publishers have found it hard to monetise in a way that justifies the cost. This session is about how smart, well integrated, cost effective and super relevant video content can actually be profitable.


  • 15:50

    Rapid Fire talks - ideas and projects that are changing media

    Strong together - How a large publishing network makes digital journalism independent.

    The media landscape is in a state of upheaval - dwindling advertising revenues, data dependency and mass lay-offs dominate the picture. To counteract this, BurdaForward founded the publisher network 1.5 years ago, in which 130 media & publishers have joined forces to jointly find answers to the challenge of digital change and the supremacy of GAFA. Kerstin Laute explains how the collaboration works and how publishers can use the network to increase their reach and revenues and reduce their costs.


    Is virtual reality journalism dead? How Euronews turned 360° video into an audience favourite

    Virtual reality was supposed to be the future, offering journalists a spectacular opportunity to bring audiences into the story. The hype bubble burst when consumers failed to buy VR headsets in significant numbers, and most news organisations have subsequently abandoned 360° video. In this session, immersive journalism editor Ole Krogsgaard explains Euronews’ decision to continue to produce 360° stories – and why the new interactive formats, tailored specifically for computer and smartphone consumption, keep users particularly engaged.


  • 16:30

    Wrap up DME19

Digital Media Europe 2019
