Programme | Publish Asia 2019

Publish Asia 2019

07 May 2019 to 09 May 2019
Novotel Singapore On Stevens

Programme | Publish Asia 2019


(Click on/off the coloured event tracks below to display/hide the sessions for Publish Asia and Newsroom Summit Asia respectively)


May 07

  • Stream IDs:
    • 7194


    • Networking

    Golf with the Singapore Press Club

    Join members of the Singapore Press Club, led by Club President Patrick Daniel, and locally-based Ambassadors and diplomats for their early-morning quarterly game at Keppel Golf Club before Publish Asia/Newsroom Summit Asia! (more...)

  • Stream IDs:
    • 7194


    • Networking

    Free entry to the Singapore Zoo!

    Enjoy a visit to the Singapore Zoo, ranked the #3 zoo in the world by TripAdvisor! Set in a rainforest environment, the Singapore Zoo is home to over 2,400 animals of over 300 species, 34 per cent of which are threatened. The park also boasts the world's first free-ranging orangutan habitat in a zoo. Only 40 complimentary tickets (worth SGD37 each) available on a first-come-first-served basis to registered conference participants, while stocks last. (more...)

  • Stream IDs:
    • 7132


    • Masterclasses

    Masterclass: Turning Adversity into Opportunity: 11 News Business Models for Sustainable Revenues

    During this masterclass, London-based media innovator and consultant, Juan Señor, will explore 11 specific business models for publishers to embrace for a diversified stream of revenues: some are tried and tested, while others require innovative thinking and editorial leadership. All point to a new way for news media to pay its bills in the digital age. (more...)


    • President, Innovation Media Consulting Group, UK
  • Stream IDs:
    • 7132


    • Masterclasses

    Masterclass: Safety in Hostile Environments: Reporting in Conflict Zones

    This masterclass for journalists reporting in volatile contexts and hazardous situations and their newsroom managers covers reporting from hostile environments, personal safety and preserving the dignity of victims of violence. Using scenarios from the field of forensic identification as well as virtual reality-based conflict-zone simulations, participants will learn how to ethically report on conflict while staying safe. (more...)


  • Stream IDs:
    • 7132


    • Masterclasses

    Masterclass [FULL]: Science in the news: keeping the facts straight

    A complimentary masterclass for journalists covering science, health and consumer affairs* 

    The World Editors Forum is offering this masterclass to help identify the specific challenges around science and health journalism and develop workflows for fast, accurate and engaging reporting. Applicants must have at least 3 years' journalism experience and submit 2 recent pieces of work. Successful applicants will also receive full access to Publish Asia/Newsroom Summit Asia on 8-9 May. (Click to apply)



    • CEO, Wildtype Media Group & Editor-in-Chief, Asian Scientist Magazine

May 08

  • Stream IDs:
    • 7080
    • 7081


    • Publish Asia Track

    • Newsroom Summit Track

    Opening Ceremony

    Welcome Remarks

    Thomas Jacob, Chief Operating Officer, WAN-IFRA, Germany

    Opening Address

    Guest of Honour

     S. Iswaran, Minister for Communications and Information, Singapore

  • Stream IDs:
    • 7080
    • 7081


    • Publish Asia Track

    • Newsroom Summit Track

    Opening Keynotes: Transformation and Business Models

    Keynotes showcasing how news media companies are reinventing their business models, changing the culture and transforming themselves into agile publishing powerhouses



    • CEO, Singapore Press Holdings Ltd
    • Publisher, Caixin Media; Professor, School of Communication and Design, Sun Yat-sen University
  • Stream IDs:
    • 7080
    • 7081


    • Publish Asia Track

    • Newsroom Summit Track


  • Stream IDs:
    • 7081


    • Newsroom Summit Track

    Session 2B: The Evolving Digital-First Newsroom

    So the print and digital (i.e. web, social, mobile/apps and video) teams have finally moved into the same newsroom, a central news hub set up in the middle where all key editors are seated. With the push towards being “digital first”, the need to streamline workflows and operations has never been greater, but is it happening? A candid look at the trials and errors, successes and silver linings of this work-in-progress.


    • Vice President of Caixin Media; Managing Director of Caixin Global

    Newsroom of the future: how different is it?

    Convergence. Superdesk. Can it really work? In the age of social media and the digital-first newsroom, placing all senior editors in one area seems like the logical solution to move away from the traditional print press setting. And with the increasingly widening roles of reporters and editors, and the blurring of lines between desks, it looks set to be that way. But is it really happening? With the widening of roles, new responsibilities and new skills to be acquired, roles with "foreign" job descriptions, previously unheard of in the newsroom, are cropping up. Welcome to the future of newsrooms.


    • Chief Content Officer, Star Media Group Berhad

    Evolving a first-to-digital newsroom

    Moving the 174-year-old daily print newsroom of The Straits Times to become a 24/7 multi-media operation has taken years of relentless effort to drive the process over several waves of change.


    • Editor-in-Chief, The Straits Times & SPH's English/Malay/Tamil Media Group, Singapore

    What does "Digital First" actually mean now? The CNA Digital Experience

    Chief Editor of CNA Digital, Jaime Ho, shares how this pan-Asian broadcaster has made the transition to the new digital reality, and how CNA has leveraged the best of visual, social and written story-telling. 


    • Chief Editor, CNA Digital, Mediacorp
  • Stream IDs:
    • 7080


    • Publish Asia Track

    Session 2A: New Businesses, New Opportunities

    Diversification is key in a media landscape that has been massively disrupted and turned on its head. Find out more about the varied approaches publishers are adopting - through joint ventures, alliances and creating their own technology platforms - to boost revenues and acquire new audiences.


    From Publishing to TV: the Karangkraf Experience

    Founded in 1978, the Karangkraf Media Group is the largest privately-held, family-run publishing group in Malaysia and one of the country's biggest. Its Sinar Harian daily publishes four regional editions and has a circulation of 100,000. Two other business groups in printing and Malay-language magazines/books generate the bulk of revenue. Its latest venture is a JV with Malaysian pay TV operator Astro to extend and produce content around 15 magazine titles for broadcast, to maximise monetisation potential from licensing, Adex, subscriptions and commerce. Astro has 21 million viewers across 70 percent of Malaysian households while Karangkraf has 15 million readers across its print, magazine publications and online media assets.


    Road to a sustainable & scalable programmatic supply eco-system - a Singapore Media Exchange perspective

    Programmatic has been an oft-misunderstood word even today primarily due to the complexities involved in manning the buying machinery (the DSP) and even more on the publisher side due to the myriads of technology vendors on the supply side with varied models & promises of monetisation. In this landscape, is there room for a sustainable, scalable programmatic supply eco-system that could simplify the lives of both publishers and buyers alike? The answer may lie in publishers banding together to create such an environment. Hear more from SMX - the first premium programmatic exchange in Singapore - born through the coming together of two media giants in the country.


    Securing financial and editorial independence through tokenization

    Drawing on his experience in both the media and blockchain business, Sonny Kwon discusses how media tokenization can be used to gamify news, increase reader engagement, and secure financial and editorial independence in an increasingly competitive media landscape.


    • Sonny Kwon
      Founder & CEO, PUBLISH Inc. / Founder & Managing Editor, EconoTimes & TokenPost
  • Stream IDs:
    • 7080
    • 7081


    • Publish Asia Track

    • Newsroom Summit Track

    Networking Lunch

  • Stream IDs:
    • 7080
    • 7081


    • Publish Asia Track

    • Newsroom Summit Track

    Lunch Session: Introducing PUBLISHsoft, blockchain-based content management system for newspaper businesses

    In this session, PUBLISH, Inc. will present a state-of-the-art content management system for newspaper businesses. Learn how PUBLISHsoft can assist publishers in launching their own cryptographic token and managing a reward system that promotes a participatory mode of news production and consumption.


    • Sonny Kwon
      Founder & CEO, PUBLISH Inc. / Founder & Managing Editor, EconoTimes & TokenPost

    Hosted by

  • Stream IDs:
    • 7080


    • Publish Asia Track

    Session 3A: In NewsMedia Ads We Trust

    Latest studies out of the APAC region show a high level of consumer trust in TV, newspapers and news websites. Encouraging signs out of Australia show that this high level of trust can help stem the decline in print advertising.


    AdTrust3: Extending the Trust Halo

    More than 90 per cent of Australians choose news media to stay up to date with the issues that matter most to their lives. A key factor that drives this continuing engagement with newsmedia is trust. NewsMediaWorks' latest research into this hot topic shows how newsmedia is the most trusted of all mediums and how this trust halo extends from editorial content to advertisers. The research also delves deeper into how trust differs in key advertiser verticals, across age demographics, why it is important and how the insights from the study have been used to unite publishers in NewsMediaWorks' trade messaging: The Truth Builds Trust.


    • Marketing Director, NewsMediaWorks, Australia

    AdTrust APAC Survey Results

    This session will feature the results of region's largest such survey on the most and least trusted platforms involving 12 APAC countries. Be the first to view the findings of this unprecedented study!


    Panel discussion on AdTrust APAC Survey results


    • Barbie Atienza
      Head of External Affairs, Manila Bulletin Publishing Corporation / President of United Print Media Group (UPMG) Philippines
    • Chief Executive Officer, KG Media
    • Elsie Cheung
      COO, South China Morning Post
    • Marketing Director, NewsMediaWorks, Australia
    • Jokke Nurminen
      CEO, Syno International
  • Stream IDs:
    • 7081


    • Newsroom Summit Track

    Session 3B: Wooing The Millennial: Audience Engagement With Videos & Apps

    A look at the innovative and creative products and applications newsrooms have been developing to attract and retain new and young audiences, and keep existing users engaged.


    How Verificado created a new way of engaging young Mexicans during the elections.

    The goal of Verificado was simple: to provide clear and credible information about the 2018 elections to the Mexican public, and limit the impact of mis- and disinformation on public discourse. That meant reaching people through WhatsApp by engaging them with content that was tackling misinformation head on as well as being engaging, entertaining and informative. Fergus Bell, co-founder of Pop-Up Newsroom and core Verificado partner, will explain how this came together. 


    IDN Times: Shaping Indonesia's Future

    The IDN Times team is scaling up its content through #hyperlocal, growing its community of 80,000 writers who produce over 5,000 published articles a month and creating product apps. It avoids platform dependency through the twin objectives of building content and community. Editor-in-Chief Uni Lubis on the strategy to grow this #1 digital media destination among the country's Millennials and Gen Z from 10 regional hyperlocal sites to 33 by the end of 2019.


    Audience and Community Take Centre Stage

    World Editors Forum Executive Director Cherilyn Ireton offers a sneak peek into the latest findings from the group's upcoming Trends in Newsrooms Report out in June. Find out how publishers are shaping their audience and community strategies and teams with examples from the World Digital Media Awards.


  • Stream IDs:
    • 7080
    • 7081


    • Publish Asia Track

    • Newsroom Summit Track


  • Stream IDs:
    • 7081


    • Newsroom Summit Track

    Session 4B: New Products, New Jobs: Bridging Newsroom Gaps

    Trying to fit square pegs into round holes? For years, newsrooms tried to get existing staff to take on new responsibilities and new skills. Fast forward to today, newsrooms have started hiring for new job roles which were not even imaginable five years ago. What are some of these new positions and where do they fit within the newsroom hierarchy?


    • Editor-in-chief, Yahoo News and Finance, Verizon Media Southeast Asia

    The quest for talent in a news organisation today

    Sin Chew Media Corporation's Tan Lee Chin shares what she has learnt from setting up an online video product in a print company - the glitches, pitfalls and the awakening moments.


    • Tan Lee Chin
      COO (Content & Commercial), Sin Chew Media Corporation

    Building a newsroom to serve and engage its readers

    SCMP’s efforts towards digital transformation have led to the rapid expansion of its product development, technology, digital, data and editorial teams with world-class talents. Its newsroom is striving hard to build digital platforms that best allow for meaningful engagement with readers. Hear from SCMP's Zuraidah Ibrahim on how newsroom capabilities are being better harnessed to serve its global readership.


    Preparing for a fast-changing newsroom focused on collaboration, innovation and trust

    With a growing number of organisations starting to collaborate with other organisations or with different teams in their own company, newsroom staff often temporarily find themselves performing functions or roles they couldn't have predicted, let alone train for. Furthermore, journalists covering major news events are increasingly finding themselves working at the cutting edge of newsroom innovation, in a world where trust is talked about at every turn. How does a journalist prepare for a future workplace they can't predict and how can we start to normalise "niche" skills that will undoubtedly become mainstream? Fergus Bell outlines the steps to take.


  • Stream IDs:
    • 7080


    • Publish Asia Track

    Session 4A: Pricing Strategies For Maximum Profits

    Setting the right price can make all the difference between winning new subscribers or losing loyal long-time paying print and digital readers. How much is too much? What value and bundles can publishers offer to hit that sweet spot? Speakers share the factors that go into pricing considerations, marketing tactics and attractive add-ons to ensure subscribers feel they are getting value for their money.


    • Joji Philip
      Founder & Editor-in-Chief, DealStreetAsia

    Bisnis Indonesia’s digital subscriptions bet

    With a cover price of 80 US cents and at 32 pages, the Bisnis Indonesia Daily broadsheet is Indonesia’s most expensive daily paper and the thickest. It started charging the same cover price for its e-paper three years ago and releases it at midnight as a perk to its e-paper subscribers. President Director Lulu Terianto shares how this 33-year-old publication has become a market leader which does not believe in discounted pricing and the business strategies behind its upcoming mobile phone app.


    Why 9.90 Is Not Always 9.90: Successful Subscription Pricing Strategies

    Dr Jochen Krauss will expand on a Market Excellence Framework that covers Pricing Strategy (i.e. current & future revenue sources in context of digitalisation), Product Design and Price Setting (i.e. portfolio design and price optimisation) and Price Implementation (i.e. Campaign design and Price communication).


  • Stream IDs:
    • 7080
    • 7081
    • 7194


    • Publish Asia Track

    • Newsroom Summit Track

    • Networking

    Asian Media Awards Dinner

    Celebrate Asia’s best in news publishing over a delicious dinner at the stunning Singapore Flyer. Find out who the winners are across the 15 award categories, including Best in Design, Best in Editorial Content, Best in Print and Best in Photojournalism.

    Launched in 2008, Singapore Flyer is one of Singapore’s most iconic landmarks in the idyllic Marina Bay. Come day or night, experience the splendour of Singapore's cosmopolitan cityscape and beyond, 165 metres from above.

    Enjoy a complimentary 30-minute scenic pre-dinner flight, which includes FLYER 360+, an interactive in-capsule virtual tour of Singapore. Be treated to more than just the view onboard the largest giant observation wheel in Asia!

    Hosted by

May 09

  • Stream IDs:
    • 7080
    • 7081


    • Publish Asia Track

    • Newsroom Summit Track

    Session 5: Day 2 Opening Keynote



    The Way Forward: How to Save the News Business & Why Only Journalism will Save Journalism

    Based on its annual book: 'Innovation in News Media' - the industry's barometer published in conjunction with WAN-IFRA for more than two decades - this fascinating and thought-provoking presentation will demonstrate that news publishers can survive and thrive in the digital age through content-driven innovation. During the presentation, we will travel to every continent and size of market to learn how others publishers are innovating editorially and in their business models. The cases demonstrate that a 'back-to-basics' journalism-first strategy is the only way news media can cut through the noise and attract paying readers, bigger ad revenue and more influence than ever before.


    • President, Innovation Media Consulting Group, UK
  • Stream IDs:
    • 7080
    • 7081


    • Publish Asia Track

    • Newsroom Summit Track


  • Stream IDs:
    • 7080


    • Publish Asia Track

    Session 6A: Events, Experiences & Engagement

    Live journalism and a variety of events have proven effective in rewarding loyal readers and wooing new ones. Let’s take a leaf from the pages of these publishers who are bringing events to the next level.



    • Helena Phua
      Executive Vice President, Asia Pacific, The New York Times

    Profitable poetry, films (and flops): the Lake House experience

    Sri Lanka’s Oscars, profitable poetry, reader-chosen cricketers. Savan Wijewardene of Associated Newspapers of Ceylon Limited, also known as Lake House - Sri Lanka’s largest publishing group, shares their learnings in terms of leveraging their brand, sales force and physical premises to create sustainable event platforms. He takes an honest look at what worked, what didn’t, and what might work in the future.


    Essential ingredients for successful events

    From book fairs and cultural activities to business forums and community outreach programmes, Singapore Press Holding’s Chinese Media Group Managing Editor, Loh Woon Yen, shares how the Group taps on the unique strengths across its brands to organise events that are relevant to readers and generate value for the publisher and sponsors.


    • Managing Editor, Chinese Media Group, Singapore Press Holdings
  • Stream IDs:
    • 7081


    • Newsroom Summit Track

    Session 6B: Driving Editorial Decisions With Data

    In the old days, the “editor’s instinct” was everything. These days, this instinct is supplemented with hard data and artificial intelligence to tell stories better and distribute them in a smarter and more effective manner.


    Useful Data for Editorial Decision-making - a Prelude to Full Mobile Personalisation

    iTromsø Editor-in-Chief and CEO, Stig Jakobsen, will explain how his news group systematically gathers information which helps them make editorial decisions, and how they went from there to becoming the first newspaper in Europe with full personalisation of the mobile front: what works, what didn’t, and the adjustments made.


    Driving Editorial Decisions With Data and Product Development

    From editorial-driven to data-driven. How an 84-year-old vernacular newspaper in Singapore revamped its website and transformed itself to cater to the needs of its digital audience through data analytics and product development.


    • Tamilavel
      News Editor and Digital Editor, Tamil Murasu, Singapore Press Holdings

    Data-Driven Journalism in Myanmar - the Challenges and Opportunities in a Developing Country

    Data visualisation designer and open data advocate Yan Naung Oak will present examples of impactful data stories he has worked on with Myanmar newsrooms and highlight the challenges faced, including getting access to data, lack of data literacy, and security concerns. 


    • Yan Naung Oak
      Senior Advisor, Phandeeyar Innovation Lab, Myanmar & open data advocate
  • Stream IDs:
    • 7080
    • 7081


    • Publish Asia Track

    • Newsroom Summit Track

    Networking Lunch

  • Stream IDs:
    • 7080
    • 7081


    • Publish Asia Track

    • Newsroom Summit Track

    Lunch session: How do Subscriptions Actually Work?

    Converting visitors into subscribers isn't always easy – yet in a modern media landscape it's become increasingly vital to success. Join us for a session on How Do Subscriptions Actually Work? to learn how to turn users into subscribers through insights from Piano's proprietary benchmark data and real-world case studies of leading content producers.


    Hosted by

  • Stream IDs:
    • 7080


    • Publish Asia Track

    Session 7A: Have You Heard The News? Voice-Assisted Devices & Podcasts

    Voice has been touted as the next big medium for news. While this spells good news for broadcasters, what must text-driven publishers do to build up their capabilities and produce appealing audio content for listeners? Early adopters share their tips and key learnings from their pilot projects so far.


    • Barbie Atienza
      Head of External Affairs, Manila Bulletin Publishing Corporation / President of United Print Media Group (UPMG) Philippines

    Taking Podcasting Beyond the Human Voice

    Ernest Luis, Head of Podcast Productions at Singapore Press Holdings describes how The Straits Times and The Business Times are offering podcasts in various formats and on different platforms, including mobile, and the strategy to get into more ear buds.


    • Ernest Luis
      Head of Podcast Productions and Content Strategist, English, Malay and Tamil Media Group, Singapore Press Holdings

    Applying Smart Tech to Smart Talk

    Holly Wainwright, Head of Content at Mamamia, creators of Australia’s first daily ‘smart’ podcast, on how marrying the art of connection with the science of cutting-edge tech is crucial to a sustainable audio strategy.


  • Stream IDs:
    • 7081


    • Newsroom Summit Track

    Session 7B: The Press Under Pressure: Safeguarding Truth & Trust In The Media

    In a world where trust in media is at all-time lows and even reputable media are vilified and discredited by those in power, the challenge to weed out misinformation/ disinformation, grow one’s credibility and regain lost audiences has never been greater. Hear editors in the region discuss how they tackle these challenges in their respective countries in this hour-long conversation moderated by veteran broadcaster, Teymoor Nabili.



  • Stream IDs:
    • 7080
    • 7081


    • Publish Asia Track

    • Newsroom Summit Track

    Closing Keynote: Beyond Advertising & Subscriptions: On Revenue Diversification Experiences and Roadmaps for Sustainable Growth

    As news organizations (re)embrace subscriptions and paywalls to supplement advertising, thus going back to our industry's dual-revenue origins, how can we move to a 'multiple revenue streams' strategy for sustainable media businesses and newsrooms?



  • Stream IDs:
    • 7080
    • 7081
    • 7194


    • Publish Asia Track

    • Newsroom Summit Track

    • Networking

    Singapore Press Holdings Newsroom Visit

    SPH News Centre, 1000 Toa Payoh North, Singapore 318994

    Get an insider's glimpse of the digital transformation underway at Singapore Press Holdings, one of the largest media companies in Southeast Asia. Learn how editorial decisions are informed by data and find out how print, digital and radio operations work together in the newly renovated newsrooms of The Straits Times, Lianhe Zaobao, SPH Radio, the integrated marketing department, and the brand new multimedia studio. Places are limited.

May 10

  • Stream IDs:
    • 7194


    • Networking

    Exclusive tour of the Singapore Botanic Gardens - Singapore's UNESCO World Heritage Site

    Established in 1859 by the Agri-Horticultural Society, the Singapore Botanic Gardens was designed by Lawrence Niven, whose work reflected the English Garden style that influenced the emergence of numerous English landscape gardens and public parks from the 18th century until this period. Today, this layout, as well as its historic 19th and 20th century buildings, remains almost entirely intact. Learn about the Gardens' rich history and its role as an internationally-recognised institution of tropical botany and horticulture with a collection of over 650,000 specimens.

    This special two-hour tour for conference participants and their guests includes a visit to the National Orchid Garden with more than 700 species and 3,000 hybrids. Its VIP Garden displays hybrids named after famous personalities such as Nelson Mandela, Princess Diana, Margaret Thatcher and many world leaders. Also included is a walk through Gardens' latest 10-hectare attraction called the Learning Forest, part of its Tyersall-Gallop extension (Tyersall Park was the site of a fictional mansion estate in Kevin Kwan's "Crazy Rich Asians" trilogy). Walk through lowland rainforest and restored freshwater wetland habitats, marvel at huge palms, epiphytes and climbers from an elevated 8-metre high boardwalk on the SPH Walk of Giants and peer down at the crowns of trees forming the forest's Canopy Web.

    In the event of bad weather, participants will visit the Botany Centre which houses the Singapore Botanic Gardens Heritage Museum, Singapore Herbarium and an orchid breeding laboratory.

Publish Asia 2019
