The 27th Annual Conference

World class speakers, workshops, best case studies from around the world, be a part of it!
Keynote address 1: Is the future of news media business sustainable for legacy media companies. What are the tech innovations and business transformation experiences at Tiso Blackstar Group.
Keynote address 2: Extending the life of the printed product, while gearing up for a digital-first newsroom and the transformation. SPH experience.
Keynote address 3: Publishing Business in India - A TOI perspective
Content, Communities, and Commerce, the 3Cs shape the new age advertising world. What to watch out for and how do we set sail.
WAN-IFRA’s recent World Printers Forum Report “Changing Print – Turning points in newspaper technology since 1970” documented and analysed the milestone developments in the newspaper technology. These findings reveal interesting facts, which necessitated the invention of ground breaking technology and lessons we could learn from this study to change the course of newspapers business?
How do we manage the challenge of advertising in print and enhance the pie.
Painful days of the past year caused by higher newsprint prices and uncertainty in availability has almost stabilised now. Nevertheless, the newspaper companies still worry about volatile prices. What is the present scenario, trends in the future and possible price indexes in the pulp & paper industry?
Efficiency and excellence: What does efficiency and excellence mean for a newspaper organisation. What are the options available to optimise the resources from the management point of view.
Power of print, the campaign in Europe encouraging innovation in print advertising. A look at the successful examples of European newspapers.
Improving the quality through process innovation. How does an in-house developed application helps to manage and improve their print quality and what are the key practices that helps to stay focused on print quality.
Mohanraj, Dy. General Manager, The Hindu, India
Krishna Karthik, Manager-IT prepress, The Hindu, India
ICQC 2020-2022 tools to achieve quality objectives, WAN-IRA General Print Quality concepts and significant updates on upcoming edition of Color quality club contest.
Global trends and case studies of printing efficiencies. How different environment/ cultures prepare themselves for making the production processes future proof.
What drives them. Conceptualising monetisation friendly product, aimed at youth audience. A case study.
‘Extend the life of your press' is the latest special report from WAN-IFRA based on Condition monitoring of printing presses project done at several newspapers printing plants. Learn from the findings of the project.
What it takes to innovate and the process behind it. What are some of the outstanding innovations from The Telegraph?
Reducing carbon foot Print by adopting green products, processes and services.
Revenue 360: In a challenging economic environment, what are the opportunities that exist beyond pure print advertising for newspapers publishers to capitalize on.”
intelligent Density System (IDS) and soft proofing to optimise cost and improve efficiency in printing.
'Women in News' is the initiative of WAN-IFRA that aims to increase women's leadership and voice in news. It hopes to address head on the issues of women in newsrooms, in order to initiate a dialogue that aims at better gender diversity and equality in newsrooms. The panel on 18 September will discuss:
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Achieve the operational excellence in newspaper production by closing the gaps and addressing the performance hiccups in the production unit.
How do we harness IT to improve the efficiency of our printing operations? Given the complex requirements in manufacturing units, Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) helps maintain the assets, improve overall efficiency and maintain the inventory effectively. A case study.
Maintenance of gears: Lessons in professional approach to maintaining them in printing machines.
Newsprint: Best practices to reduce waste, achieve better yield and efficiency.
Achieving better ink mileage and blanket run length. Best practices.
Challenges and opportunities for newspaper printing inks.
Saptangshu Chaudhury, Corporate Manager - Production, ABP Pvt Ltd, India
Anup Pal, AGM-Quality Assurance and Sreejith PM, BCCL, India
Michael Hirthammer, MD& VP, Sun Chemicals, Germany
Advertising in print is declining, and the digital advertising revenues are not accruing to news publishers as much as we like to. How do we accelerate new revenue streams - venture into new revenue verticals, set up cross-media sales teams, and the like. How to turn adversaries into profit. Planning for big buck business.
Rotating Equipment Performance (REP) analysis for printing/paper machines.
Integrated platform and 360 degree approach to advertisers needs. Junction K from Malayala Manorama.
Case study on Press maintenance and Folder maintenance. Precautionary measures to maintain the life of the folders. What strategy is adopted by Jagran to reduce the failures and breakdowns in folders and printing units to obtain maximum availability?
A case study from Prothom Alo on their more than 200 events every year and the experiences they create for readers and advertisers, resulting in advertisement revenue for the group.
Sayyied Kabir, Consultant, Prothom Alo, Bangaldesh
Elements of design thinking and user-centric approach. How the design-thinking ideas could be aligned with putting customers first in newspaper business.
Ara from Catalonia is a growing regional news media company in Spain. They transformed their business, by creating a and in print - the content, the audience, and commerce, how did it happen and and plan for growth'.
Round up of best examples from WAN-IFRA Print innovation awards 2018.
Using big data for driving advertising growth. How to do it.
Innovative approach in supply chain management by HT Media for business excellence.
How do advertisers change course and transform their business. How do they reach their audience and what is the place for legacy media in their communication plans in the new economy.'
is still a challenge and complicated one for every newspaper company. Throughout the world, companies have evolved with different models to achieve with a good business model for on-time delivery. Case study from a European newspaper.
How to be agile and future ready with a technology and data based approach to adsales.
The efficiency of newspaper delivery: Optimising resources, routes, logistics to minimize and working with vendor/distributors to reduce the overall time of distribution. An Indian case study.
Newspaper distribution, moderated Q&A
Mapping invisible networks in organisation and driving innovation and change. How to create competitive context and effectively use it to drive the change.
What metrics are driving the strategies of news publishers? What underlying trends are shaping the local news challenge.
Panel discussion: CEOs of leading Indian publishing companies discuss the challenges in print, how to extend its life, how each media group is transforming, where are the opportunities, etc.
Times of India printing plant at Manesar
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