Programme | Digital Media Asia 2019

Digital Media Asia 2019

29 Oct 2019 to 31 Oct 2019
Hong Kong
Hong Kong

Programme | Digital Media Asia 2019



October 29

  • 09:00

    [Masterclass] Digital Disruption and Transformation of Marketing: How to Save the Relevancy of Your Advertising Business

    In order to stay relevant in this fast-changing marketplace, media publishers need to understand how consumers have changed the ways they purchase products and services, and how this affects the ways in which marketers work and plan their advertising spend.

    Based on his research at Harvard Business School and the University of Oxford, Grzegorz “Greg” Piechota invites you on a journey to develop a strategy of responding to digital disruption. Not only for the media companies like yours, but for your clients too.

    For more information, please click here


October 30

  • 09:00

    Opening Remarks by Gary Liu, Chairman, WAN-IFRA APAC Committee

    Ballroom 1 & 2


    • CEO, South China Morning Post Publishers Ltd
  • 09:05

    [Session 1] Opening Plenary: The Next Generation Consumer

    Ballroom 1 & 2
    Silicon Valley media executive, artist, and serial entrepreneur, Jaeson Ma, is one of the leading financiers to companies, institutions, and individuals investing in Asian media and Hollywood entertainment. He gives his take on how young consumers are discovering, consuming and activating content, drawing on his vast experience in building and scaling new media and consumer companies.


    • CEO, South China Morning Post Publishers Ltd


    • Jaeson Ma
      Media executive, artist & serial entrepreneur

    Panel Discussion


    • Elllana Lee
      SVP CNN International, Managing Editor Asia Pacific & Global Head of Features Content
    • Norma Chu
      Founder & CEO of DayDayCook and President of Greater Bay Young Entrepreneurship Association
    • Jaeson Ma
      Media executive, artist & serial entrepreneur
  • 10:30

    Coffee Break

    Hosted by

  • 11:00

    [Session 2A] Reader Revenue Models - Part 1: Trends & Key Learnings

    Ballroom 1 & 2
    A look at the world-wide trends, different models and learnings on pricing and lifetime value of a customer.


    • Daxim Rey Lucas
      Inquirer Prime Content Editor and Writing Editor for the Business section, Philippine Daily Inquirer

    ARA newspaper: strategies for growing revenue in digital (and print too!)

    Small can be beautiful. In this session, ARA's Chief Innovation Officer Georgina Ferri Tordera describes how this growing regional news company in Spain transformed its business into one with a metered paywall, by paying special attention to content, audience, e-commerce and branded content, while maintaining healthy numbers in the print edition. Find out how this was done and the plans for growth.


    Why digital subscription strategies often fail

    Sharing findings from his research, Steffen Damborg will touch upon the 10 most common reasons why legacy companies across industries tend to struggle with the digital transformation of products, services, and business models. He will exemplify the challenges with examples from the news publishing industry.


  • 11:00

    [Session 2B] Video insights from the Facebook frontier

    Ballroom 5

    Three different newsrooms, three distinct approaches to social video. In this panel, Facebook News Partnerships’ Andrew Hunter will explore how newsrooms are innovating to engage with new audiences by experimenting with formats, talent and stories. The session will cover how publishers can:

    • Build video capability in their newsrooms
    • Use ad breaks to monetize
    • Innovate in content and formats 
    • Harness the power of Facebook Live 

    Hosted by


    • Andrew Hunter
      News Partnerships Lead, Australia & New Zealand, Facebook


  • 11:00

    [Expo] Supplier Speed Matching

    FIRST TIME at Digital Media Asia! This fast-paced meet-up brings together media executives and technology providers to find solutions and generate new ideas. If you're a publisher CTO, IT executive or supplier keen to take part in this session, contact today!
  • 12:00


  • 12:30

    Lunch Session: Uncovering the Bias in Brand Safety

    Ballroom 3

    Brand safety has become one of the most critical conversations in marketing today, due to various industry threats like "malgorithms”, fake news, extremism, and bot traffic. And while well-intentioned, some of the solutions intended to provide safe advertising environments are restricting content that actually promotes inclusion and diversity. The misuse of keyword blacklists by marketers contribute to bias that can impact storytelling and uphold inclusiveness through their content, while simultaneously fostering a brand safe environment. Tune into this session as leaders from Oracle Data Cloud investigate new solutions dedicated to solving this pressing issue within the industry. Together in this session we will explore a new frontier of safer marketing campaigns, in a discussion stimulated by challenges faced head on, in an effort to celebrate diversity in brand safe environments.

    Hosted by


    • Publisher Solutions Lead, SEA & Greater China Region, Oracle Data Cloud
    • Regional Director, SEA & Greater China Region, Oracle Data Cloud
  • 13:30

    [Session 3B] Modern Content Management Systems

    Ballroom 5
    Today’s CMSes allow you to not only create content but manage it and optimise the digital experience of your audience, through the use of analytics and dashboards. If you’re in the market for a new CMS, what are the considerations and how does one ensure that it serves the need of all users and stakeholders?


    • Dr Prathaban Raju
      Chief Commercial Officer, Malaysian National News Agency - BERNAMA

    Buying a Content Management System - What are the processes?

    Media organisations are competing with technology companies for engineering talents. Developing a home-grown customized content management system (CMS) may not be possible or preferred. Learn about the steps to source, evaluate and select a commercial off-the-shelf CMS for your newsroom.


    • Assistant Vice President, SPHTech, Singapore Press Holdings

    Securing your content management system (CMS) to safeguard editorial operations and business

    With the rapid increase in data breaches and security attacks, organisations are now being hit by these malicious activities frequently throughout the calendar year, affecting business continuity and damaging brand reputation and customer confidence.

    Besides looking at the latest technology trends and functions, one core requirement when evaluating a new CMS is to assess the platform security landscape in its entirety. Sin Chew Media Corporation's Chief Digital Officer Loke Chee Soon will highlight common security threats and share his view on what to consider when picking a new CMS.


    • Loke Chee Soon
      Chief Digital Officer, Sin Chew Media Corporation, Malaysia
  • 13:30

    [Session 3A] Diversifying your Digital Revenues

    Ballroom 1 & 2

    Media companies are looking beyond the two traditional revenue pillars of subscriptions and advertising and coming up with ideas for digital products and services that bring in new revenue. A session devoted to interesting examples from around the world.


    • Transformation & Learning Director, CommonWealth Magazine, Taiwan


    Business model innovation in news media

    In search of a sustainable business model, many media companies have realised that news content digitisation is not enough. They innovate in advertising, consumer revenue and beyond. Here’s a framework for your digital revenue growth strategy supported by case studies from across the world.


  • 14:30

    [Session 4B] Women in News: New strategies and new leadership for revenue generation

    Ballroom 5

    As media companies seek to identify and build new ways to grow their bottom line, new approaches, partnerships and ideas are more important than ever. Join top media executives as they discuss how they are powering change while helping to drive growth and revenues for their media companies.  This roundtable provides a platform to discuss gender balance issues in APAC and what can be done to address the identified issues.

    Supported by


    • Barbie Atienza
      Head of External Affairs, Manila Bulletin Publishing Corporation / President of United Print Media Group (UPMG) Philippines


    • Chief Commercial Officer & Head of Advertising, Malaysiakini
    • Chief Revenue & Innovation Officer, Diari ARA, Spain
    • Jacqui Park
      Senior Fellow, Centre for Media Transition, University of Technology, Sydney
    • Digital Editor, South China Morning Post
  • 14:30

    [Session 4A] Partnering for Success

    Ballroom 1 & 2


    Digital Media Partnerships: The Key to Sustainability

    Hear from Dow Jones Commercial Partnerships Vice President, Joe Martin for his take on the shifting news media business models and reader habits in Asia, insights drawn from partners already implementing evolved business models, and the essential building blocks for a successful digital membership business.


    • Joe Martin
      VP, Commercial Partnerships, APAC, Dow Jones

    The Food For Mzansi story: Building an online business through partnerships

    African media success story Food For Mzansi is built on a network of partnerships forged around the common belief in the role that agriculture can play in uniting a deeply divided country. The team behind this South African agricultural news and lifestyle brand shares the lessons they have learned in serving a niche market even while striving for a greater purpose as media publishers and social entrepreneurs. Food For Mzansi won the Best Digital News Start-up category at WAN-IFRA’s African Digital Media Awards 2019.


  • 15:30

    Coffee Break

    Hosted by

  • 16:00

    [Session 5A] Video Storytelling & Monetisation

    Ballroom 1 & 2
    Viewership of videos is skyrocketing but monetisation is the challenge. What are the opportunities for publishers and advertisers?


    News@Facebook: How social video storytelling is evolving

    Interactive, innovative and social… telling stories with video has evolved rapidly in the past year. Content and community are at the forefront of this new experience. Anjali Kapoor, Director, News Partnerships APAC will detail how:

    • product and programming are driving longer-form viewing at Facebook
    • publishers are reaching and monetizing new audiences with video; and
    • new formats and storytelling are emerging on Facebook Watch.


    Websites are just the start

    For 7plus Australia, moving past a website and mobile app strategy to include Connected Television (CTV) saw a significant change in users' engagement. Within a year, over 60 per cent of traffic now comes from CTV. Jeremy Brown will share how Seven are able to monetise a diverse range of strategies - building a video delivery platform flexible to new opportunities across smart speakers, social networks, live events, 360, casting and even a refrigerator!


    • Jeremy Brown
      Head of Video & Advertising Architecture, Seven West Media, Australia
  • 16:00

    [Session 5B] How Data Culture Transforms A Global News Organisation

    Ballroom 5
    Building a data culture is essential to the foundation of any organization. This requires training, education, and perhaps most importantly, partnerships across the company that leverage data to help drive decision making. As the South China Morning Post moves full speed ahead in its digital transformation, join us to learn how we built a data practice, accelerated operational efficiency, grew traffic and revenue, upskilled our colleagues, and engaged in more meaningful ways with our readers.


    • Korey Lee
      VP of Data, South China Morning Post

    Panel Discussion moderated by Korey Lee


  • 17:30

    Asian Digital Media Awards cocktail reception and gala dinner

    Ballroom 1 & 2

    All delegates are warmly invited to the Asian Digital Media Awards ceremony to celebrate the finest digital work produced in the region! Enjoy an elegant dinner and an evening of networking with peers, catch up with old friends and make new contacts.

    Cocktail Reception hosted by


    Gala Dinner hosted by


October 31

  • 09:00

    [Session 6] Opening Plenary: Creating a Sustainable News Media Business in the Digital Ecosystem

    Ballroom 1 & 2

    In this session, Richard Gingras will share his views on the evolution of journalistic approaches to meet the needs of today’s digital society, to reach today’s generation of news readers, and ultimately to make use of new technologies to strengthen quality journalism.


    • JP Ong
      MONEY FM 89.3, SPH Radio


    News Media Sustainability: Asian publishers' perspectives

    A fireside chat between two CEOs for an overview of the Northeast Asian and Southeast Asian news industry landscapes.


    • CEO, South China Morning Post Publishers Ltd
    • Sandy P Romualdez
      President & Chief Executive Officer, Philippine Daily Inquirer and Group Chief Executive Officer, Inquirer Group
  • 10:00

    Coffee Break

    Hosted by

  • 10:30

    [Session 7B] Google News Initiative APAC Innovation Challenge

    Ballroom 5

    In Asia-Pacific, journalists and publishers are increasingly grappling with questions over how quality journalism can thrive in the digital age. Google has been working hand in hand with publishers to understand those challenges, and in November 2018, announced the GNI Innovation Challenge to fund projects that inject new ideas into the news industry. In this session, Google will share more about the 23 projects from 14 countries in the Asia-Pacific region designed to increase revenue from readers, and preview what’s to come with the GNI Innovation Challenge.

    Supported by


  • 10:30

    [Session 7A] Digital Advertising that Works

    Ballroom 1 & 2

    Media companies offer premium audience and a brand-safe environment for digital ads. How can marketeers and media companies work together to leverage these opportunities?



    In the era of fake ad scams: what solutions and services can a media publisher offer to make digital ads really work?

    Between fake news, fake ads and clickbait, digital advertising is looking like the Wild West. Often, the responsibility is falling under publishers to improve the ad result and media experience.


    • Chief Commercial Officer & Head of Advertising, Malaysiakini

    From Storytelling to Story Selling

    How storytelling will become a powerful form of advertisement in the future with big data as an important role to make it sharp and insightful. There will be several case studies from Indonesia on how storytelling advertisements change Indonesian consumers' perspectives towards insightful ads


  • 11:30

    [Session 7B] News Media Innovation Report: Are we there yet?

    Ballroom 5
    Journalism is being reshaped in a vibrant interplay of digital colour that centres the audience. As the news media has transitioned through cycles of digital first, social media distribution and now to reader engagement, we ask: what makes it work? Jacqui Park presents insights from her over 70 interviews with news media innovators in Australia, New Zealand and Asia in her report to ask, in this journey: Are we there yet?



    • Jacqui Park
      Senior Fellow, Centre for Media Transition, University of Technology, Sydney
  • 12:00


  • 12:30

    Lunch Session : 2019 Global State of Reader Engagement

    Ballroom 5

    Anchoring the news industry's move toward reader revenue is an equally dynamic shift in reader behavior, which has implications for the the next generation of audience development and content strategy. Chartbeat's Head of Global Publisher Outreach, John Black, will present global engagement findings for content creators of all types as they evolve strategies around acquisition, user experience, and engagement. Chartbeat's analysis, spanning tens of thousands of sites worldwide and more than 50 billion monthly pageviews, offers the most comprehensive view of reader behavior.

    Hosted by


    • Head of Global Publisher Outreach, Chartbeat, USA
  • 13:30

    [Session 8B] Advances in Ad Technology

    Ballroom 5

    Ad technology is changing the way digital advertising is bought and sold. In this session, find out how to leverage on ad tech to maximize ROI from your target audience. Moving from DMPs to CDPs – get a real view of your customers, unlock the value of data through assistive data and move away from stereotypes. From header bidding to fighting fraud, the session brings you the latest developments.

    Hosted by


    • Jeremy Brown
      Head of Video & Advertising Architecture, Seven West Media, Australia


    • Regional Director, SEA & Greater China Region, Oracle Data Cloud

    Monetisation between transparency & effectiveness

    To optimise the supply chain and strengthen the position of publishers, agencies and technology partners, common standards that set trusted grounds for collaboration and accountability are needed within the ecosystem.

    In this session, Index Exchange's Executive Vice-President International, James Prudhomme, will take us through how programmatic advertising is now important for any marketer’s strategy and how solutions and systems can be developed for a better efficiency, effectiveness and new monetisation methods.


  • 13:30

    [Session 8A] Reader Revenue Models - Part 2: Content & Audience Data Driving Engagement & Retention

    Ballroom 1 & 2

    Speakers in this session have led radical changes to their reader revenue strategies in the last few years, put their audience behaviour under the microscope, analysed and translated that precious data into new content strategies, and ultimately, significant subscriber/member growth and revenue.


    • Transformation & Learning Director, CommonWealth Magazine, Taiwan

    March to a Million & Beyond

    Learn about the Financial Times' journey to a million paid-for readers and how its reader strategy has evolved over time, starting with a metered model in 2007, to a robust subscription business between B2B and B2C. This presentation will show how this growth was powered by engagement and audience insight, and will include some behavioural notes about APAC readership.


    • Nashua Gallagher
      Head of B2C Acquisition Marketing, Asia Pacific, Financial Times

    Customer experience data to win news markets

    Berlingske Media has put customer experience data at the very top of their priorities in product development and implemented it deeply in the newsroom. The merger of newsroom and customer data has helped drive the brands of one of the oldest publishers in the world from lowly market positions to the top of the Danish market on mobile in little more than a year. Christian Stavik will offer some basic learnings and main ingredients in the turnaround.


  • 14:30

    [Session 9B] AI and Machine Learning for News Media

    Ballroom 5

    A deep look into how news media enterprises can leverage the latest developments in artificial intelligence and power of machine learning.


    AI/ML Application in Fake News and its Value Proposition for a News Media Organisation

    There are many possible applications of AI/ML in the area of Fake News. Learn about Singapore Press Holding's collaboration journey with a startup Fake News Guard and the value proposition it brings to the organisation.


    • Jensen Boey
      Head of Programme Management Office and Value Engineering, SPHTech, Singapore Press Holdings

    Automate with AI: Text Classification, Plagiarism and Hoax Detection has developed several AI engines for Indonesian news. The text classification engine classifies and labels articles by sentiment, topics or quotation extraction. Another engine detects plagiarism. Working with the Ministry of Communication & Information, and hoax busting group, Mafindo, has also developed hoax detection which is now available on Telegram and Line.


  • 14:30

    [Session 9A] Native Advertising: A Deep Dive

    Ballroom 1 & 2

    Native advertising is a widely used term today in what has become an increasingly complex consumer market. In this session, the founding members of the South China Morning Post’s in-house content agency, Morning Studio, reflect on what they have learned about the landscape of the industry through their working experiences. They will consider the challenges facing this form of content marketing, explain how to balance authentic storytelling with effective advertising and also outline the latest trends in the space.

    Hosted by:


    • Branded Content Director, South China Morning Post
    • Johnny Ng
      Marketing Solutions Director, South China Morning Post

    Panel Discussion moderated by Michala Sabnani

    How are advertisers adopting different forms of content marketing and native advertising into their marketing strategies? What are some of the challenges they face? How is content powering their world? Morning Studio’s branded content director, Michala Sabnani, sits down with advertisers across different industries to get their perspectives.  


    • Kevin Huang
      Head of Birdie, Birdie Mobile Ltd
    • Mildred Wong
      Director of Field Marketing and Communications, Asia Pacific, Hyatt Hotels and Resorts
    • Treesa Amy Leung
      Marketing Manager, Hong Kong, Southern China and Taiwan, Qantas Airways Limited
  • 15:30

    Coffee Break

    Hosted by

  • 16:00

    [Session 10] How modern publishing businesses can monetize digital content

    Ballroom 1 & 2
    How does one identify and unlock value in modern publishing businesses? In this session, Manifesto will share the latest from its Membership Economics report – how to make money from membership and subscriptions – for media companies. Using examples from both in and outside of our industry to illustrate how to identify and unlock value in modern publishing business.



    • Winnie Sun
      APAC Lead, Manifesto Growth Architects

Digital Media Asia 2019
