Masterclass | Digital Media Asia 2019

Digital Media Asia 2019

29 Oct 2019 to 31 Oct 2019
Hong Kong
Hong Kong

Masterclass | Digital Media Asia 2019


Digital Disruption and Transformation of Marketing:
How to Save the Relevancy of Your Advertising Business

Tuesday 29 October 2019

With the emergence of digital technology, the nature of competition has fundamentally changed — not only to the media but also their advertising clients. Using innovative new business models, startups are stealing customers by breaking the links in how consumers discover, buy and use products and services. By decoupling the customer value chain, these startups, instead of taking on the Unilevers and Nikes, BMW’s and Sephoras of the world head on, peel away a piece of the consumer purchasing process. The media know it well, having been disrupted by Google and Facebook, Alibaba and Tencent, and others.

In order to stay relevant in this fast changing marketplace, media publishers need to understand how consumers have changed the ways they purchase products and services, and how this affects the ways in which marketers work and plan their advertising spend.

Based on his research at Harvard Business School and the University of Oxford, Grzegorz “Greg” Piechota invites you on a journey to develop a strategy of responding to digital disruption. Not only for the media companies like yours, but for your clients too.


Masterclass Programme
Session 1: New needs of the consumers
Digital disruption and transformation of consumer product and service industries.

Session 2: New needs of the marketers
Digital disruption and transformation of the advertising value chain.
Case study analysis: Changes in the role of advertising in the marketing mix and the marketing budgets.

Session 3: New capabilities of the publishers
The implications of big data, artificial intelligence and addressability on scale: the shift to people-based marketing.
Case study analysis of the publishers’ innovative marketing products: From need finding to transactions, and from market research to campaign management.

Session 4: Designing new products and services
Planning new value propositions for brands

* This masterclass will include a mix of lecture presentations, group hands-on exercises, case studies and discussion.


Trainer Bio

Grzegorz "Greg" Piechota, media researcher and consultant
Greg is an academic researcher, a media consultant and a writer. As a Researcher-In-Residence at INMA and an ex-fellow at Harvard and Oxford universities, he studies technology-enabled disruption patterns across industries, with a focus on business model innovation in news media. Mr Piechota is a former media executive with 20+ years of industry experience. He began his career at Poland's Gazeta Wyborcza in 1996 as a reporter in one of the smallest local offices rising to a news editor and a vice-president of Agora Foundation. The book, Unlocking the Customer Value Chain, which he wrote together with Professor Thales Teixeira of Harvard Business School was released in 2019 by Currency, a brand of Penguin Random House. Mr Piechota lives in Oxford, England.


Masterclasses Fee

For DMA Conference delegates
WAN-IFRA Members: SGD 360
Non-Members: SGD 540

For Non-DMA Conference delegates
WAN-IFRA Members: SGD 540
Non-Members: SGD 720

Digital Media Asia 2019
