Programme Leads | Newsroom & Business Transformation Asia 2020

Newsroom & Business Transformation Asia 2020

02 Jun 2020
Member Private Sessions

Programme Leads | Newsroom & Business Transformation Asia 2020

Programme Leads

Media researcher and consultant

Greg Piechota is an academic researcher, a media consultant and a writer. As a researcher and an ex-fellow at Harvard and Oxford universities, he studies technology-enabled disruption patterns across industries, with a focus on business model innovation in news media. Mr Piechota is a former media executive with 20+ years of industry experience. He began his career at Poland's Gazeta Wyborcza in 1996 as a reporter in one of the smallest local offices rising to a news editor and a vice-president of Agora Foundation. The book, Unlocking the Customer Value Chain, which he wrote together with Professor Thales Teixeira of Harvard Business School was released in 2019 by Currency, a brand of Penguin Random House. Mr Piechota lives in Oxford, England.

Media Consultant and Researcher

George Brock is a journalist, consultant and media researcher. He was the director of the journalism school at City, University of London, from 2009 to 2014 and later a visiting professor.

He began his reporting career at the Yorkshire Evening Press and The Observer, joining The Times in 1981. After starting at The Times as a feature writer, he became a features editor and, in 1984, op-ed page editor. He was subsequently foreign editor, Brussels bureau chief, European Editor, Managing Editor and Saturday Editor.

He advises the INJECT and DMINR journalism research projects and startups in news. He is on the board of the Bureau of Investigative Journalism and Gresham College. He was on the board of the World Editors Forum 2001-14 and WEF’s president 2004-08. He was a member of the executive board of the International Press Institute.

He broadcasts, lectures and is the author of Out of Print: Newspapers, Journalism and the Business of News in the Digital Age (2013). His study of the ‘right to be forgotten’ was published in 2016. He blogs at

Newsroom & Business Transformation Asia 2020
