Study Tour: Artificial Intelligence, Content Monetisation, and Customer Experience

Study Tour: Artificial Intelligence, Content Monetisation, and Customer Experience






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FOUR INTENSE DAYS IN HELSINKI AND ESPOO. WAN-IFRA is offering you a unique immersive experience in one the most innovative media market in Europe 

In partnership with FINNMEDIA, Finnish publishers, and technology providers from WAN-IFRA, we have selected for you the best business cases, invited leading industry leaders for individual and personalized meetings. You will meet Helsinki's media and technological forefront around a series of personalized interviews. These four days will open new horizons, allow you to identify new potentials, and extend your professional network. You will be full of innovation and you will cultivate new relationships that will make you a step ahead in a sustainable way.



After the fall of the Nokia empire, Finland trembled a time at the idea of becoming "the sick man of Europe". But the page is now turned. In 2017, gross domestic product grew at its fastest pace since 2010, and the dismantling of Nokia convinced the authorities that public support should primarily benefit local start-ups and growth pools. Finland, which enjoys one of the most advanced technological and academic fabric in Europe, is the "start-up nation" par excellence.

In this context, the focus is on the development of a close relationship between universities, researchers, start-ups and industrial sectors, particularly the media and creative industries sector. The Tekes public innovation support fund is at the initiative of a development plan for the 2016-2019 period that will lead to the creation of 110,000 jobs through the creation of "new and growing companies".

Among its numerous investment support programs, Tekes has set up "Digiboost", a plan to support the digitization of SME services so that they recruit the experts they lack. The plan also aims to facilitate market access for foreigners wishing to develop businesses in Finland or foreign skills needed by local businesses. The Young Innovative Company Program, another Tekes program, awards an average of 1.5 million euros to promising start-ups. While the youngest shoots are awarded 50,000 euros on average to develop their business plan and their customer base.

Finland is now ranked sixth in the Forbes ranking of the best countries to do business. France is in twenty-ninth place. With a R&D budget of close to 4% of GDP, the highest in Europe, Finland ranks 5th among the most innovative countries according to the 2016 WIPO Global Innovation Index in Geneva . The country occupies 1st place in the category human capital & research and 2nd place in institutions. Finland was also ranked the third most innovative country in the European Union in 2016 by the European Commission's European Innovation Scoreboard. The Global Dynamism Index 2015 of the Grant Thornton audit group ranks Finland third in the world's most dynamic economies.



This four-day immersion experience is a rare opportunity to encourage exchange within the group of participants. We ensure that our program leaves enough room for internal discussions and debates that add the right perspective to our personal interviews and site visits.

Being held in English, the tour is intended to a large international audience. Our wish is that you benefit from the dynamics of exchange and sharing within our group.



The visits to Helsinki are organized around high-level individual interviews with the best experts, business leaders selected for the exemplary nature of their business models, be they publishers, technology providers, or investors. The panel of speakers and the sites visited have been selected with great care thanks to our network of local correspondents, WAN-IFRA member news media organisations, and expert partners of the event. All interviews are prepared upstream with each participant. For even more customization, you have detailed files on each interview of the program. Debriefing sessions will allow you to take stock of the achievements of the day.



Finnish startups are swarming in a country that is one of the most "startup friendly" markets in Europe. According to data from the European directory Funderbeam, the country has 23 startups (less than eight years of existence) per 100,000 inhabitants.

Finnish start-ups attracted record investments in 2015, and in 2016, one of its biggest successes, Supercell, was bought by Chinese Internet firm Tencent for $ 8.6 billion. Driven by the success of Supercell, developer Clash of Clans, Rovio ("Angry Birds"), or Next Games, Finnish startups are seeing big. This ambition is the growing success of the very popular Slush festival, held annually in Helsinki. Slush now attracts more than 15,000 participants and 2,000 startups from around the world.



The technological shift in Finland is taking place in a context where the entrepreneurial culture is largely unheard of by all the players in the labor market and, first and foremost, the universities. The University of Aalto is an example.

Its brand new "A Grid Startup Center" alone symbolizes the success of the individual accountability policy of the Finnish model. The network created within Aalto University has become a highly competitive incubator and international accelerator with links in Silicon Valley and is now attracting technology investors around the world. 

Study Tour: Artificial Intelligence, Content Monetisation, and Customer Experience

Our Partners

Our programme is produced in partnership with FINNMEDIA, the Finnish Media Federation and its member associations 

Finnmedia is the Finnish Media Federation and a member of WAN-IFRA. Its member associations – the Finnish Periodical Publishers' Association, the Federation of the Printing Industry in Finland, The Finnish Newspapers Association and the Finnish Book Publishers Association – include a total of nearly 700 member companies, employ about 20,000 people, with a global turnover of 4.3 billion euros.