Conferencistas | Study Tour: Artificial Intelligence, Content Monetisation, and Customer Experience

Study Tour: Artificial Intelligence, Content Monetisation, and Customer Experience

Conferencistas | Study Tour: Artificial Intelligence, Content Monetisation, and Customer Experience


Entrepreneur, Publisher, Finland

Ilkka Lavas

Ilkka Lavas is a serial entrepreneur, speaker and digital marketing visionary. He is best known for his companies such as advertising network Improve Media, TableOnline booking service and legendary City Magazine Finland. Lavas started his career as an entrepreneur 20 years ago when he was only 17 years old. Since starting his first company he has grown his business empire and now he is CEO of group that employs over 100 people.
Ilkka Lavas, MBA, B.Sc. has been rewarded for leadership and entrepreneurship. His team was rewarded second fastest growing company in Deloitte Fast500-competition.Ilkka Lavas is passionate about growth companies and entrepreneurship. Challenges are just new possibilities and you can always learn from them. Ilkka Lavas is positive, diligent and a determined visionary, who's innovative process models have helped customers to grow and succeed year in, year out.

Senior Vice President Strategy Millton, Helsinki

Miltton is an ambitious, forward-­looking consulting group that produces, develops and improves the efficiency of leadership, communications, marketing and networks across society.  Miltton Labs, an integrated part of Miltton's service portfolio, is an innovative product development laboratory, developing digital, scalable tools that help great ideas to reach the right audiences. With a team of more coders than consultants, Miltton Labs is on a quest to change the world of marketing and communications by being born digital, born global and born design.

CEO Finnmedia, Helsinki

Holmberg, 51 ans, dirige l'Association des éditeurs de journaux finalandais depuis 2011. Il dirige la Fédération des Médias finlandais, Finnmedia (Medialiitto) depuis 2016. Il a également travaillé en tant que rédacteur en chef de Seudun Sanomat.

Executive Director, the Media Industry Research Foundation of Finland, Helsinki

An expert at Finnmedia and executive director at the Media Industry Research Foundation of Finland. She was a researcher and PhD candidate at Aalto University and visiting scholar at University of Berkeley, California during 2014-2017. Public defense of doctoral dissertation in February 2018

Chairman Finnmedia (Helsinki), CEO Keskisuomalainen Oyj (Jyväskylä)

Vesa-Pekka est le Président de la Fédération des Médias finnlandais et le PDG du groupe Keskisuomalainen Oyj, un des principaux groupes medias finlandais implanté essentiellement dans le Centre de la Finlande. Le groupe publie le plus vieux quotidien de Finlande et contrôle plus de 62 publications.

Analyste, YLE News, Helsinki

In 2015, YLE, the Finnish Public Service broadcaster launched Newsroom 3.0, an innovative approach to the way news are conceived and published which puts online and customization at the heart of its news offer. Riikka Lätti assiste l'équipe de développement de YLE en développant les outils de mesure et de tracking de l'audience multi canaux, gère la recherche client. En 2016, elle a mis en place l'outil de monitoring éditorial Yle Dashboard.

CEO and founder EzyInsights, Helsinki

Duane Atkins has 19 years experience in the IT industry. Until founding EzyInsights, over the past decade, Duane worked as an independent contractor in London and the Scandinavian region for blue-chip companies such as Nokia, Volvo, AstraZeneca, Reuters and Logica to name a few. He’s an expert in the Java and Unix technology stacks. His dream was to create a company that combines his passions and serves the community. EzyInsights builds software as a service tools for the publishing industry.

Head of Innovation at EzyInsights, Helsinki

Steve has spent the last twelve years using data to help understand, explain and predict people’s behaviour. As a Media Data Analyst at EzyInsights, he examines the effects of Facebook’s newsfeed algorithm on news publishers across the world. He works with publishers and broadcasters across the Nordics and Europe, guest lectures at the Swedish School of Social Science (Sockom) and gives various talks and interviews focused on Facebook’s influence on how we see the world. Originally from London, Steve is based in Helsinki, Finland.

Head of Development, News and Current Affairs at YLE, Helsinki

Mika Rahkonen is responsible for the development of new services, programs and strategy for Yle (Finnish Broadcasting Company) News and Current Affairs. Sometimes that means re-newing things that have sort of expired, but sometimes it really is trying to re-invent the news. Big themes recently have been personalisation 3.0, automated journalism and audience insights. Mika has also led the newsroom as a managing editor in Yle News, and before that he worked 10 years in the business news department.

CEO Arena Partners, Jyväskylä

Arena Partners Oy a été fondée en 2000 et possède des bureaux à Jyväskylä et à Joensuu. L'activité de la société consiste en des annonces classées et des solutions mobiles dans le secteur de l'immobilier, l'automobile en partenariat avec le groupe Alma Media (Frontpage.COM, et Autotalli.COM), le recrutement, ainsi que des systèmes opérationnels de soutien tels qu'un système de courtage immobilier, des applications de vente de voitures et des systèmes de recrutement.

Director, Digitalization Strategy and Programs at Business Finland

At Business Finland, Pekka Sivonen defines strategies for Digitalization Programs such as Artificial Intelligence, Platform Economy, 5G, Industrial Internet and Augmented Reality (AR/VR), and prepares a new program in the area of Smart Mobility covering all present and future forms of transportation.

Visiting Fellow, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, University of Oxford and LSE, London

Atte Jääskeläinen started at Yle as its first Editor-in-Chief having the task of integrating radio and tv newsrooms in 2007. He was promoted to Director of News & Sport later the same year. In Yle's major change program two totally separate news organisations started to work together as an integrated, digital-first, multi-platform news organisation innovating also for younger audiences and social media.

Yle News and Current Affairs was considered as the leading news organisation by 60 per cent of Finns in 2016. Its tv news was still the most important news source for 39 per cent of the population, while at the same time Yle online news services had reached the position of third most important news source in the country.

Yle's transformation process received international attention for being among the most ambitious in traditional media. The European Broadcasting Union regarded it as an avant-garde and an example for other members in their peer review, 2015 and the Reuters Institute study in 2016 found it to be a leading innovator in public service media. Atte Jääskeläinen was also responsible for Yle's regional operations and Sport, bringing the total number of personnel in the division close to one thousand. Before Yle he was CEO and Editor-in-chief of the Finnish News Agency, before that Business Editor and later Politics Editor of Helsingin Sanomat, the leading Finnish quality newspaper.

Atte Jääskeläinen's work at the Reuters Institute focuses on the consequences of digital disruption for business models for news, behavioral incentives for audiences, and the democratic role of media - all with a special emphasis on the challenges and opportunities that exist in small highly developed markets such as those found across much of Europe.

Atte Jääskeläinen holds a LL.M. with distinction in European law from University of Helsinki, and is trained on the bench at Helsinki City Court.

Executive Vice President, Invest in Finland, Helsinki

Antti Aumo is Head of Invest In Finland. 20 years of experience in international technology business in information technology, energy management and telecommunication industries, in various marketing and product management positions.

Executive Director, Startups, Business Finland, Helsinki

Jukka joined Tekes in 2012. He has held several CEO and director positions as well as being co-founder of his own company. Jukka holds both an MBA and an MSc in Mechanical Engineering from TKK. In 2015, Tekes (now Business Finland) funded about 700 startups. Its funding for all startups under six years has reached €140 million in total.

Senior Vice President, Helsingin Sanomat, Helsinki

Pettri joined Helsingin Sanomat in 2008 as VP Digital from Nokia where he was Director Video Services in Nokia Services Business Unit since 1989.

Managing Editor, Helsingin Sanomat, Helsinki

Esa est Managing Editor au Helsingin Sanomat. Précédcemement directeur du développement, il était en particulier en charge en charge de la gestion des données des services en ligne du plus grand quotidien scandinave. Esa est journaliste, codeur, et a fondé le Data Desk de Helsingin Sanomat en 2011.

CEO Co-fondatrice Utopia Analytics, Helsinki

Utopia AI Moderator, un outil de modération en temps réel entièrement automatisé, et un service SaaS évolutif basé sur l'intelligence artificielle et l'apprentissage automatique. Lancé à la mi-2016, l'outil a rapidement amélioré la qualité du contenu généré par les utilisateurs et a soulagé de nombreux fournisseurs de services d'une grande partie de leur travail de modération humaine. En Finlande, le plus grand marché en ligne (Schibsted Media Group) et la plus grande plate-forme de discussion (Aller Media) utilisent Utopia AI Moderator.

"Notre technologie fonctionne avec n'importe quelle langue et elle est déjà utilisée dans plusieurs pays. De plus, cette solution est très facile à mettre à l'échelle, sur des bases de contenu de large volume, là où les avantages de la modération automatisée sont les plus payants.


Executive Vice President, UPM, Helsinki

Pirkko Harrela est membre du Groupe Exécutif d'UPM depuis 20014. Elle y a commencé sa carrière en 1985 où elle a occupé de nombreuses responsabilités commerciales. 

Interim Executive I Blockchain Consultant I Work Engagement Expert I Circular Economy Enthusiast

Spécialités: General Management, Change Management, Service Business and Operations, Outsourcing, Near- / Offshoring, Business Development, M&A, People Leadership, Product/Service Management & Development, Portfolio Management, eCommerce, Contract Logistics (3PL), LEAN (Toyota Production System, TPS), Process Management and Quality (TQM).

Artificial Intelligence Partner at Fourkind

The world is changing too slowly and Jarno wants to change how AI is done, driving a more holistic approach to being data- and AI-driven. His "superpowers": understanding & hands-on development of data science and machine learning, combined with business-minded product ownership and modern IT architectures for marketing, personalization, analytics, big data, nlp, nlu, and customer-facing optimization systems.

Fourkind approaches its clients’ needs by concentrating on end-to-end value networks and finding new value from combinations of emergent capabilities, business design, engineering, service design and data science. By emergent capabilities, they mean things like machine learning, blockchain and NoUI customer experiences. They guide next generation growth leaps from start to finish, including turnkey service delivery.

Chief Executive Officer at Readpeak Oy

Readpeak Oy provides of a content-driven digital marketing platform designed to offer analytics optimization. The company's digital marketing platform offers campaign tools for digital advertising, enabling enterprises, organizations and associations to share information and enhance their brands online. The company was founded by Tomas Forsbäck and is headquartered in Helsinki, Finland.

CEO & Founder, Leiki

After getting a PhD in theoretical nuclear physics Petrus did a couple of years of postdoctoral research before founding Leiki and developing the core algorithms for Leiki Focus. In 2005 he was placed as a nominee for World Technology Award. Petrus enjoys meeting customers and discussing how to take their business forward. After work he likes running and music ranging from electronic to opera. Leiki provides market-leading solutions for Content Discovery and Data on Audiences and Content. Their customers are publishers, retailers, and advertisers who want to: Show their visitors relevant content across sites, automatically on each page, Understand user interests and increase advertising income with dynamic segments, Maximise traffic and revenues with intelligent content discovery and ad targeting.

Platform Strategy Expert, Fourkind, Aalto University, Helsinki

CEO Next Games, Helsinki

Teemu Huuhtanen is the CEO of Next Games, the Finnish mobile game developer and publisher behind the critically acclaimed The Walking Dead: No Man’s Land. Teemu is an experienced games industry leader with 20 years of experience in leading teams and companies. Teemu is a firm believer in open work culture and is determined to lead Next Games to become the #1 company that redefines how franchise entertainment transforms into highly engaging service-based games. In 2017, Teemu led Next Games through a successful initial public offering, the first games company IPO in Finland. Prior to Next Games he worked at Rovio, the creators of Angry Birds and Sulake, the makers of Habbo Hotel. Teemu is also a Board member at MAG Interactive, a highly successful swedish casual mobile game developer and Rabbit Films, an established TV production company.

Vice President, Corporate Affairs, at Nokia

Minna Aila (born in 1966) has well over ten years of experience in sustainability in different business sectors, including three listed global companies. Ms Aila is currently Vice President, Corporate Affairs, at Nokia. She is responsible for communications, corporate responsibility and government relations. Prior to Nokia, Ms Aila worked as Senior Vice President, Marketing, Communications and Corporate Responsibility, at Outotec. Before joining Outotec, Ms Aila was working as the Head of Communications at the Federation of Finnish Financial Services. In her position she was also responsible for the corporate responsibility activities of the Federation as well as developing joint CR activities of the member companies, including leading banks and insurance companies operating in Finland.

In 2003-09, Ms Aila was a Director at Elcoteq SE, responsible for global communications, investor relations, corporate responsibility and corporate relations. Prior to joining Elcoteq, Ms Aila was employed by the European Commission for ten years, serving various Directorate-Generals. As a Head of Section at the Commission’s Representation in Finland she was responsible for i.a. major information campaigns, such as the introduction of euro currency and EU enlargement.

Minna Aila holds a degree of Master of Laws from the University of Helsinki and has also taken PhD –courses in International marketing and business strategy at Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Industrial Management. She has served in the Board of FIBS Corporate Responsibility Network in 2013-16, and is currently a Board member at Finnish Children and Youth Foundation, Finland-China Trade Association, Finnish Chamber Orchestra and the National Defence Course Association.

Vice President at Solita; Digital Transformation Leader, Helsinki

Before joining Solita in January 2016, Lassi Kurkijärvi founded Tidal Move. Tidal Move helps corporate leaders & innovators and ambitious startup founders make the right move and catch the next wave. Working together with other boutique innovation companies such as MakerStreet and Academy for Corporate Intrapreneurship, Tidal Move has created new businesses and innovation processes for a broad spectrum of clients in The Netherlands, UK, Germany and Finland, including leading media companies, banks, pharmaceuticals, an insurance company, an airline, a charity and a car manufacturer.

During two years on the board Lassi shaped H-Town's entry to digital commerce (PelaajaShop and AnimeShop) and a new target segment (kids & parents with Sankari magazine, which has been the best selling newsagent product of H-Town).

At the SanomaLab, Lassi was responsible for putting innovation into everyone's job title at Sanoma. He led Sanoma Digital's SanomaLab, based in Amsterdam and Helsinki, tasked to create new business lines for Sanoma using intrapreneurship and lean innovation as its main tools. In addition to launching new internal ventures, the SanomaLab educated over a thousand Sanoma employees in new ways of business development through the Sanoma Accelerator programs Lassi established in his previous role, and shorter formats such as Trickster Days. As a member of Sanoma Digital's management team he also contributed to driving Sanoma's broader transformation.

Chief Digital Officer at Finnair, Helsinki

 Harra-Salonen has conducted a long career in digital transformation positions. Katri is now responsible for the Transformation and IT team at Finnair as part of the Executive Board, building the future travel experience and serving over 11 million passengers annually. She is also Board Member at Veho.  Her previous company was Umbrella Strategic Advisory Oy, where she consulted top management in both large corporations as start-ups in strategic questions around our digital age. Before that she worked at Fjord Sweden (CEO), where she established and led the company on this competitive market. Prior to Fjord she worked as a management team member at Satama Interactive Group and was responsible for the Nordic business (Director Nordics) stationed in Stockholm Sweden. She started her career in management consultancy at SIAR-Bossard/Gemini Consulting. 

EVP, Customer Experience and Communications, OP Financial Group

Carina Geber-Teir (née en 1972) est depuis 2009, Senior Vice President Corporate Communication et membre du directoire d'OP Banking. Elle est à ce titre responsable de l'identité et de la communication, à savoir la marque, le marketing, les communications externes et internes et la responsabilité sociale du groupe. Elle a été membre du conseil d'administration de la société finlandaise de radiodiffusion, membre de son comité de vérification et président de la Fédération des communications du Comité financier finlandais. Diplômée en sciences politiques de l'Université d'Helsinki en 1997, elle a commencé sa carrière au Ministère des affaires étrangères. De 1999 à 2001, elle a été porte-parole du ministère des Affaires sociales et de la Santé et vice-président de la société d'assurance Varma de 2002 à 2009.

Founder and Partner at Namia

Mika est le co-fondateur et partenaire de Namia, une agence digitale spécialisée dans la fourniture de services et de produits pour l'ère de la «machine augmentée». Concepteur de concepts expérimenté avec une expérience éprouvée dans l'industrie de l'internet, Mika est un spécialiste de l'expérience utilisateur, la conception d'interface utilisateur, le marketing et les ventes. Il est titulaire d'un Bachelor en design graphique de Lahden Muotoiluinstituutti de l'Institut de design et des beaux-arts de Lahti.

Mika is the co-founder and a partner at Namia, a digital agency specialized in delivering services and products for the "machine augmented" era. An experienced Concept Designer with a demonstrated history of working in the internet industry, Mika is particularly skilled in User Experience, User Interface Design and strong opinions about Marketing&Sales. He holds a Bachelor's degree focused in Graphic Design from Lahden muotoiluinstituutti, Lahti Institute of Design and Fine Arts.

Managing Partner at Fourkind

Avec Fourkind, Jonne aide les organisations à mieux gérer les données en renforçant les capacités, les équipes, les analyses et les produits grâce à une connaissance approfondie de l'ensemble du cycle de vie des activités axées sur les données, de la compréhension de l'entreprise à l'analyse avancée des données et au lancement de produits.


Spécialités: Business development, nouveaux business models, technologies émergentes, data science, big data, data-driven business, génie logiciel, wearable computing, traitement du signal, data mining, apprentissage machine, informatique haute performance, internet des objets, internet industriel, automatisation marketing.

At Fourkind, Jonne helps organizations better manage data by building capacity, teams, analytics and products with in-depth knowledge of the entire lifecycle of data-driven activities, understanding from the company to advanced data analysis and product launches.


specialties: Business development, new business models, emerging technologies, data science, big data, data-driven business, software engineering, wearable computing, signal processing, data mining, machine learning, high performance computing, internet of things, industrial internet, marketing automation

CEO and Co-founder Tubecon

Risto est le co-fondateur et PDG de Tubecon, le principal réseau d'événements YouTuber en Europe dédié aux médias et start-ups. Risto a travaillé comme stratège, dirigeant de télévision, producteur de télévision indépendant, investisseur en phase de démarrage et dans divers postes de consultants et de conseil stratégique.

Tubecon organises community-driven arena-sized creator events connecting the biggest online stars, their audiences and the sponsoring brands. With the current activities in Finland, Sweden and Spain, Tubecon is the biggest YouTuber convention organiser in the world. Tubecon is currently growing into multi-platform media property extending to several new markets in EMEA.

Risto Kuulasmaa works in the intersection of storytelling, digital media and television. Risto has produced award-winning television series such as The Dudesons and Docventures. After working as an television and online media executive at the Finnish Broadcasting company Yle, he is currently leading Tubecon, the biggest Youtuber convention event in Scandinavia.

Managing Director

Esa Rimpiläinen is the Managing Director of Esa Digital. Esa Digital is a brand of Mediatalo ESA, specialized in content production, both print and digital, and media production services. Their media family includes the subscription-based newspapers Etelä-Suomen Sanomat and Itä-Häme, the website, the radio station Radio Voima, and the local newspapers Uusi Lahti, Hollolan Sanomat, Päijät-Häme, Nastola-lehti and Orimattilan aluelehti. ESA Digital implements digital media environments with its customers and sells display advertising for its regional and national media customer. ESA Digital's most important media environments include Neste's traffic stations and Citycon's shopping malls.

CEO and Founder,

Sampsa Fabritius is a pragmatic utopist. As an entrepreneur he is motivated by seriously ambitious goals to build a better world. Industrial disruption can be nice, noble and good when it genuinely creates more opportunities than it destroys. Kieku is Sampsa’s first love as a disruptive but socially meaningful idea. Kieku is focusing on building an AI powered open feed for everyone to share their voice. It is a direct personal media for connecting publishers and listeners together.

For the past 10 years Sampsa’s focus has been on mastering the intersection of design, business, and technology. Previously, Sampsa has worked at Nokia in varying technology and leadership roles for 16 years.There he was able to learn and further develop user-centric concepting and prototyping.

The term “Podcast” probably brings a hint of nostalgia to many of us. It feels like it was ages ago when Apple released it’s first iPod — being realistic, if you think of “Podcasts” probably iTunes is what some years ago would have come to your mind. However, Podcasting as a source and medium for communication dates way before the iPod and ITunes came to the picture. Nowadays, technology has gone far and many of us have already scratched out our old school radios, Mp3 players, and instead we do it all in our mobile phones. Did you ever think of a mix between Podcasting + Artificial Intelligence and how would that work in practice? Then let us introduce you to Kieku and Sampsa Fabritius

CEO, Thirdpresence

Valtteri, CEO at Thirdpresence (a video advertising company founded in 2007), is a seasoned ad tech and technology leader with deep roots in the mobile applications industry. Prior to Thirdpresence Valtteri led a multinational growth organization of 200 people in the mobile marketing industry (Zed), managing an annual revenue of $150 million. Valtteri has a keen interest in building the digital video advertising market and has contributed to the IAB Digital Video Advertising Guide.

Thirdpresence provides AI-powered programmatic video advertising with industry-leading MOAT viewability rates in brand advertising. Thirdpresence creates the best in-app brand environment and user experience for video advertising. Match your branding objectives with a large-scale video audience and get results. The company has offices in Helsinki, New York, and London.

Senior Vice President - Newsprint and Retail Customers, UPM, Finland

Ms Ahola is the Senior Vice President, Newsprint and Retail Customers and WAN IFRA Printers’ Forum Board member. Anu Ahola joined UPM in 2007 being responsible for strategy creation and implementation processes and Paper Business Group's strategy development. Prior to joining UPM she worked for Nokia and Pöyry.  Anu Ahola has a Master's degree in Technology from Helsinki University of Technology, and MBA from Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration.


CEO at Alma Media, Helsinki

Kai Telanne, M.Sc. (Econ.), has been the Chief Executive Officer and President at Alma Media Oyj since April 1, 2005. Mr. Telanne serves as Chairman of the Group Executive Committee of Alma Media Oyj. Mr. Telanne served as the President of the publishing company Kustannus Oy Aamulehti from 2001 to 2005. He served as Managing Director at Kustannus Oy Aamulehti from 2001 to 2005.; Managing Director at Kustannus Oy Otsikko from 2000 to 2005; Deputy Managing Director at Kustannus Oy Aamulehti from 2000 to 2001; Marketing Director at Kustannus Oy Aamulehti from 1999 to 2000; Marketing Director at Suomen Paikallissanomat Oy from 1996 to 1999; Marketing Manager at Kustannus Oy Aamulehti from 1993 to 1996; Sales Manager at Kustannus Oy Aamulehti from 1991 to 1993; Research Manager at Kustannus Oy Aamulehti from 1990 to 1991; Product Manager of Nokian Paperi Oy from 1989 to 1990. He has been the Chairperson of Talentum Oyj since 2010 and served as its Deputy Chairperson until 2010. He serves as the Chairman of The Finnish News Agency (STT), and Federation of the Finnish Media Industry. He served as Chairman of Talentum Corporation. He has been an Independent Director at Altia Oyj since April 23, 2016. He has been an Independent Director of Teleste Corporation since April 01, 2008. He serves as a Board Member of The Central Chamber of Commerce of Finland. He serves as Advisory Board Member of Ministry of Transport and Communications, Communications Administration He served as Board member of Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company.

Vice President, Innovation and Internationalization at Data Refinery, Helsinki

As Vice President, Innovation and Internationalization at Data Refinery, her responsibility is to ensure the competitiveness of the platform by focusing on AI development, and international expansion to 3-5 new markets. Laura has three big passions: data driven digital business and product innovations, leading people and music. She is on her best when there is a need to create new innovations from existing assets, with limited resources. Especially if the assets are related to data. Data Refinery is a tech start-up and a data monetization platform, owned by Aller Media, and a leader in the Finnish data business. It is a spin off from Nordic publisher Aller Media (established 1873). The platform was originally developed and launched in 2016 for Aller Media Finland in order to commercialize consumer data. Its revenues growing rapidly, currently operating in Finland and the other Nordic countries, Data Refinery will enter the US market in September 2017.

Study Tour: Artificial Intelligence, Content Monetisation, and Customer Experience