Programa | World Media Leaders eSummit

World Media Leaders eSummit

15 Jun 2020 to 18 Jun 2020

10 Strategic Challenges Post-Covid-19

Programa | World Media Leaders eSummit


Bouncing back from COVID-19

Media businesses and newsrooms are making rapid adjustments in response to higher digital demand, lower ad revenue and enforced changes to the way they operate.

We’ve asked over 20 top CEOs, editors and publishers from all over the world to share their recovery strategies around the themes of digital revenue, newsroom change and policy.

These discussions will take place in 12 webinars over four days from 15-18 June.


Livestream timing and structure

2-3 webinars / interactive meetings per day. Note all times below are CET. So for example...

11am CET = 10am London, 2:30pm India, 5pm Singapore, 5am New York, 6am Rio de Janeiro

On-demand videos can be accessed after the event. The videos will only be available to members and participants of the eSummit.


June 15

  • 11:00

    Emergency funding and beyond. How do we pay for public service journalism?

    The SOS to keep journalism alive through the crisis has surfaced new funders, capital-raising schemes and ideas on who to sustain public service journalism. From non-profit models to government support, each solution comes with risks.. 

    Where do newsrooms turn when they can no longer afford to do the basics?


    • Editor-in-Chief, The Straits Times & SPH's English/Malay/Tamil Media Group, Singapore


  • 16:00

    How the FT is responding to the ‘New Normal’

    How has the new editor, and her newsroom, approached the biggest economic challenge of our time, one that has questioned not only the way the newsroom operates - but the editorial positioning that underpins all it does?

    FT Editor, Roula Khalaf in conversation with Jane Barrett, Global Editor for Media News Strategy, Reuters


  • 17:15

    CEO Town Hall: How the news business can emerge from this crisis

    Expert US industry commentator Ken Doctor leads this debate on the strategic challenges ahead as publishers move from survival mode into recovery towards the end of 2020, looking to build on record growth in reach and digital subscriptions. What are the differences in market impact between the US, Canada and France? And how are the leading brands weathering the crisis?


    • Media analyst & Newsonomics author, USA


    Session brought to you by PPI Media

June 16

  • 11:00

    Will COVID-19 reset journalism?

    There have long been calls for a reinvention of the way journalism is practised. Will a blueprint for journalism beyond 2020 emerge from the way leading newsrooms are approaching, investigating, analysing and telling the story of COVID-19? Top editors on the hope for journalism and where change is needed to reinforce journalism’s mission and tip the scales of trust.


    • CEO and Executive Editor, Rappler, Philippines
    • Founder and CEO, Constructive Institute, Denmark
    • News Director, NRK (Norwegian public service broadcaster), Norway
    • Professor of Journalism and Director of the Centre for Journalism, Cardiff University, UK
  • 14:00

    Newsroom Automation: How the Financial Times transformed their image workflow

    Join Andrew Watkins from the Financial Times and FotoWare to learn about efficient image workflows for the publishing industry! Andrew has years of experience integrating production and publishing systems at the Financial Times. Andrew will take us all the way through from how photography is collected, working with rights management and royalty optimization to usage in online and print CMSs. Get tips on how to automate processing based on the source of an image, in order to add rights and usage information and how this information is used in publishing. Join us for a session of 45 minutes including a live demonstration by Senior Editorial Technology Expert – Andrew Watkins.


    Session brought to you by FotoWare

  • 16:00

    Engaging & Retaining New Paying Audiences

    Who are these new digital subscribers who signed up during the Covis-19 crisis? How can we reach out to younger, more diverse audiences? The Wall Street Journal has a sophisticated subscription marketing operation - targeting an aspirational audience and fine-tuning the messaging. The Brazilian digital pure player Nexo Jornal is entirely subscription funded - reaching a younger audience that is willing to pay. They also won our LATAM Best news Website Award in 2018.

    With her previous experience as President of Dow Jones, publisher of the WSJ, as well as a co-founder of a subscription funded digital news startup, Tortoise, Katie Venneck-Smith is the perfect person to moderate this discussion!



  • 17:30

    Techniques to Build Trust and Enhance Revenue

    News sites saw traffic soar and advertising plummet when COVID-19 hit. How might we take advantage of the increased interest, combat the concurrent attacks on journalism, and transform newfound attention into loyalty and revenue? Hear from news organizations collaborating to implement Trust Indicators™ to build trust. How have they worked within newsrooms to build a culture comfortable with reporting errors and making corrections? Clearly separating news from opinion? Incorporating diverse voices in the news? What impact have they seen on loyalty, and in turn, subscriptions and other types of participation?



    • Co-Founder and Director of Business and Strategic Development, Nexo, Brazil
    • Deputy Director and Digital Editor-in-chief, Il Sole 24 Ore, Italy
    • Digital Output Editor, Sky News, UK

    Session brought to you by The Trust Project

June 17

  • 11:00

    2020 Digital News Report - global launch with Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism

    Key questions to be answered by this year’s annual report into the state of digital news:

    Did Covid-19 win back trust in news?

    Who is now paying for online news? How do you motivate the rest to do the same?

    How should the media cover populist politicians?

    Who do people blame for misinformation?

    How do people value local news around the world?


    • Co-Founder & CEO, Quintillion Media, India


    • Sr. Research Associate, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, UK
    • Director, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, UK
  • 14:00

    What happens to readership when coronavirus fatigue sets in?

    Join Chartbeat’s Josh Schwartz, Head of Product, Engineering, and Data Science, for a detailed analysis of the pandemic’s impact on global media across coverage, traffic, and referral sources to date. Josh will also be available to answer your questions during a live Q&A following the presentation.


    • Head of Engineering, Product and Data Science, Chartbeat, USA
    • Senior Director of Customer Education, Chartbeat, USA

    Session brought to you by Chartbeat

  • 16:00

    Local Publishing Revenue: New Approaches to Unique Challenges

    All of the local or regional publishers in this roundtable discussion are making major changes to their digital businesses. Henneo and ARA have been part of the GNI funded Table Stakes Europe project - following a performance-based change methodology that has proved its worth during the Covid-19 crisis. The Salt Lake Tribune was the first US publisher to register as a non-profit for tax purposes. The Cayman Islands might be small - but the Cayman Compass covers news in a country with a per capita GDP in the top 10 in the world. They tell the story of how they embraced digital while making the business more sustainable.
    As moderator and CEO of the Local Media Association in the US, Nancy Lane has a unique overview - as well as a hands-on role running their own transformation programmes like Accelerate Local.



    Session brought to you by Protecmedia

June 18

  • 11:00

    Efficiency & Ambition: Group Revenue Strategies from Schibsted & Nine

    Back in October 2017, Schibsted set up a media division that sat across the group’s titles in Sweden and Norway - and rapidly announced a goal to reach €100m in digital reader revenue by 2020. Now is a good time to check in with the leader of that division, Siv Tveitnes. From Aftonbladet to Aftenposten, her challenge is to encourage a portfolio of strong and successful brands to share technology and work together on new digital products.
    Chris Janz has a similar portfolio at Australian giant Nine, which includes the Sydney Morning Herald,, The Age and the Australian Financial Review. They have also put in place a common digital structure across the titles, with group heads for product, tech and commercial, while retaining individual editorial ownership.
    We talk about their common management challenges, including leadership in times of crisis, and explore some positive ideas for the future.



  • 14:00

    Optimising the Newsroom of the Future

    How will the enforced global work-from-home experiment affect the way we operate editorially in future? The team behind the Distributed Newsroom Playbook offer ideas for future workflows, tools and technology, team management, newsgathering, training and engagement.



    • Editor for publishing strategy and visual journalism, Dagens Næringsliv, Norway. WEF Board member.
    • Co-Founder and COO, fathm, UK
    • Head of Leadership Development, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, UK
    • Media Consultant, UK

    Session brought to you by Eidosmedia

  • 16:00

    Post pandemic role of Women in the media

    Women have been disproportionately impacted by COVID-19, at work and at home. Yet politically their leadership has been inspiring. What lessons can be drawn for future organisational leadership and Women in News?


World Media Leaders eSummit
