Downloads | Digital Media LATAM 2017
Digital Media LATAM 2017
Harris Agha - Experimenting to meet emerging realities
Ezequiel Arbusti - Newsroom management: Big projects for small and midsized newsrooms
Matias De la Barra - Harnessing the power of data
Adolfo Cano - Cultura Colectiva, a fresh spin of content for the modern lifestyle
Selymar Colón - Service Journalism on the Internet with mobile video
Ben Cotton - Managing 2,3 millon subscribers and going for more...
Marcos Christensen - The economic impact of Adfraud, Brandsafety and Viewability in the Digital Advertising Industry
Melanie Diezel: Content Marketing: Global Trends
Juan Eloy Martín y Jose Jorge Gómez - Newsrooms in the new digital economy
Julián Gallo - Creating an engaged digital audience
Dr Mario Garcia - Journalism in the era of visual story-telling
Jeff Jarvis - What's next in 2018...
Javier Kraviez - Clarin
Hernan Marsili - Performance as a key aspect of the growth of a medium
Ernesto Martelli - La Nación
Leonardo Mendes - Gazeta do Povo's bold move to a mobile-subscription model
Ismael Nafría - Lessons from the The New York Times for Latin American news media
Ismael Nafría - New profiles for a changing profession
Kate Orseth - Media and Facebook: Building value for the community
Armen Ovanessoff - AI can promote industry growth
Torry Pedersen - Schibsted: the art of constant disruption
Vincent Pyregne - WAN-IFRA's World Press Trends 2017 Report Presentation
Marco Tulio - Inspiring journalism innovation examples and how to bring them to Latin America
Max Raide - El Mostrador's Digital Model
Noemi Ramirez - The key takeaways from El País' digital transformation
Renata Rizzi - Nexo: a pure digital winner in Brazil
Marta Rocamora - The Future for Digital Publishers : The Rapid Rise of Progressive Web Apps #PerfMatters
Adnan Sarwar - The Economist: Boosting a traditional brand on digital
Juan Torres - How to innovate and create impact in local media: the case of Correio*
Claire Wardle - Fighting disinformation in electoral times
Chartbeat Session
Israel Morales - Artificial intelligence in the Newsroom