Speakers | Digital Media LATAM 2019

Speakers | Digital Media LATAM 2019


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Founder & Director of the Knight Center for Journalism, University of Texas, USA

Rosental Calmon Alves is a professor of journalism at the University of Texas at Austin, where he holds the Knight Chair in Journalism and the UNESCO Chair in Communication and is also the founder and director of the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas. Created in 2002, the center has benefited thousands of journalists around the world with training programs. In Latin America and the Caribbean, the center has helped journalists to create a new generation of organizations dedicated to elevating the professional and ethical standards of journalism in their countries. In 2016, he was awarded with the Maria Moors Cabot Prize.

Associate Consultant, WAN-IFRA, Mexico

Ezequiel Arbusti is a specialist in online audience development, digital content creation and planning for websites and Social Media for media and brands. He is a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Content Management System (CMS) consultant, with a focus on entertainment. He has helped various digital mediums, such as TKM and Terra, to grow their operations in Latin America. Arbusti holds a degree in Industrial Engineering, a Bachelor's degree in Economics and a Master's Degree in Corporate Finance. He currently works as a consultant and speaker on Digital Media topics.

Director, The Enemy, Belgium

Karim Ben Khelifa, 46, is an award-winning photojournalist who has freelanced regularly for Time, Vanity Fair, Le Monde, Stern, The New York Times Magazine and dozens of others.

Karim is widely known for his coverage of the Middle East conflicts and troubles, especially the Iraq and Afghan wars, where he covered the insurgent sides. He has worked in more than 80 countries and territories and has held exhibitions in four continents.

He is is a board member of the American Documentary Innovation at PBS in New York City and serve the advisory board at the Center for Advanced Virtuality at MIT.

Ben Khelifa was in 2012 the Carroll Binder Fellow at the Nieman Foundation for Journalism where he has given talks and lectures in different schools of Harvard University. In 2013/2014 he has been a fellow and Artist-in-Residence at the Open Documentary Lab at MIT. In the academic years of 2015/2017, he was a visiting Artist at the Center for Art, Science and Technology as well as a fellow at the Imagination, Computation and Expression Lab, both at MIT in Cambridge.

He is the creator of the award-winning Virtual Reality installation The Enemy which has premiered at the Institut du Monde Arabe in Paris, then went on to tour in Tel Aviv, at the MIT Museum in Boston in 2017 and in Montreal and Geneva in 2018.

Academic Coordinator of IDEAR - Interdisciplinary Innovation and Entrepreneurship Laboratory, PUCRS, Brazil

Ana Cecília Bisso Nunes is an assistant professor of entrepreneurial journalism and media innovation at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS) in Brazil, where she also plays a role as academic coordinator of the entrepreneurship lab Idear. For the past four years, she has been researching media labs as part of her PhD, a joint degree between PUCRS and University of Beira Interior (UBI). Her thesis counts with a partnership with the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) through the Global Alliance for Media Innovation (GAMI) and was partially funded by a Brazilian scholarship (CAPES/PDSE 2018-01). She has previous academic experiences in Portugal, the UK, Germany and Norway. In a commercial setting, she has experience as a media product manager for web and mobile products. She was distinguished two times in Brazilian educational awards for her work on interdisciplinary entrepreneurship in higher education.

Editorial Director, Mediapart, France

Journalist and co-founder of Mediapart.

Journalist in the weekly VSD, then in the newspaper Libération (1986-1994) where he was deputy director of the writing of the Politics section. Later he was a journalist at Le Monde (1995-2006) where he was deputy director of the Society section, correspondent in Moscow and editor in chief of the International section, successively. In 2007, he was deputy editor of the newsroom in the newspaper Marianne.

He is one of the founders of Mediapart in 2008 where he was editorial director for 10 years until 2018, when he became administrator of the Mediapart Publishing Society.

Deputy CEO Group Figaro – CCM Benchmark, France

Jean-Luc Breysse is the Deputy CEO of Groupe Figaro (including CCM Benchmark) in France. He joined the group in 2012 from the position of President of Mondadori Magazine France. Prior to that he was the Managing Director of EMAP France and the Finance Director for the financial newspaper Les Echos.

Social Media Manager, Clarín, Argentina

Fernanda Brovia has been working in newsrooms for over 10 years. She spent most part of her career at Argentina’s newspaper Clarín, where she was trained in a series of fields, such as print, online and social media. She now leads Clarín’s social media team, focused on creating content for new audiences and metric analysis. She has a degree in Audiovisual Communication, a Master's degree in Journalism from the Universidad San Andrés, in Argentina, and a degree in Digital Journalism from the Tecnológico de Monterrey Institute, Mexico.

Product Manager, Quartz, US

Luciana focuses on improving Quartz’s reader experience, which encompasses any products that Quartz users interact with once they land on the website and apps, including articles and special features. Prior to join Quartz, Luciana served as the Chief Product Owner at Estadão. As a 10-year newsroom veteran with a Degree in Information Systems and master’s in journalism, Luciana has successfully developed product strategies that align audience, technology, and business goals, as well as build trust within newsrooms.

Regional Director for Latin America, Media Development Investment Fund, Colombia

Maria Catalina Colmenares, Program Director for Latin America, grew up in a newspaper family in Cúcuta, Colombia where she learned about the importance of independent journalism in the midst of Colombia’s internal conflict, as well as the challenges that media companies face in their operations. After working in academia (Universidad de Los Andes) carrying out research on management and organizational learning, she worked for the Colombian government helping coordinate a World Bank project to overhaul the sanitary and phytosanitary systems. In 2005, she was appointed to the Colombian Consulate in New York, where she led the Legal Affairs Department. In 2012, she reconnected with her media roots at MDIF, where she works with independent media companies in Latin America to seek larger impact and higher returns, while navigating political, economic and technological challenges. Maria Catalina has a Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering from Los Andes University in Bogotá (Colombia) and a Master’s degree in Public Administration from Columbia University (New York). She is an executive board member of SembraMedia.

Editora de Conteúdos Digitais e Mídias Sociais, Estado de Minas, Brasil

Editora de Conteúdos Digitais e Mídias Sociais do jornal Estado de Minas, começou sua carreira em veículos de mídia em 1996, trabalhando brevemente para o diário Hoje em Dia e, em seguida, para O Tempo, onde permaneceu por nove anos, atuando em diversas editorias. Em 2001, quando atuava como chefe de reportagem, foi finalista dos prêmios Esso e Embratel de jornalismo com a reportagem O inferno da Aids - fruto de um mês de apuração na África Sub-Saariana. Em 2002, trabalhou na construção do projeto editorial e na implantação do jornal popular Super Notícia, o primeiro do estado. Mais tarde, em 2005, mudou-se para os Diários Associados, onde trabalhou também na construção do projeto e na implantação do jornal popular Aqui. Em 2010, assumiu a editoria de Economia do jornal Estado de Minas, comandando uma equipe amplamente premiada até 2015, quando já havia implantado há um ano o núcleo de redes sociais do jornal. Em julho de 2015, transferiu-se definitivamente para as operações digitais do Estado de Minas/Portal Uai, criando posteriormente a editoria de Conteúdos Digitais, que seria o embrião do que é hoje o Núcleo Multimídia e assumindo um turno na supervisão da home. Depois de compor o time multidisciplinar da empresa no Facebook Local News Accelerator, participa agora do redesenho do modelo de paywall e dos processos de produção e monitoramento de conteúdo da redação.

President of Henneo, President of WAN-IFRA

Fernando de Yarza is the President of Henneo, a news media group that includes 20 minutes and Heraldo de Aragon (Zaragoza, Spain). Fernando de Yarza is a member of the board and the executive committee of Vocento. He is Chairman of Taller de Editores, Spanish largest magazine publisher; President of WAN-IFRA and the Association of European Publishers News Media Europe (NME) and a Vice-President at the Spanish Asociation of News Publishers (AMI). 

Editor-in-Chief, LA NACION, Argentina

José del Rio has been specialized in business and economic journalism for 23 years. He also holds a degree in Business Administration from Argentine university UBA and in 2010 he completed a postgraduate course in advanced finance at the UCA. He is currently doing a PhD in Business Administration.

Today he is the Editor-in-Chief of Argentine daily newspaer La Nación.

For almost eleven years he was the journalistic director of El Cronista's magazine group and the newspaper's deputy director. 

He was editor of the newspaper El Cronista between 1999 and 2004, of magazine Negocios, Apertura, Chacra and collaborator of several foreign media.

He was columnist specialized in economy for 10 years in the program "No somos nadie", which airs from 6 to 9 on FM Metro 95.1 until July this year and currently leads "Un tiempo más" on the same radio. 

He was a columnist for El Cronista TV, a program that was awarded as the best journalistic program of 2010 by ATVC. He was also a radio producer of more than 12 economic and television cycles of the TV business news program on the Telefé cable signal.

Since the creation of the signal LN +, he leads the Business Community program and Mesa Chica.

Specialties: Creation and development of editorial products. Media Management and strategic planning. Business Development plans and Management.

Editor for Off-Platform Strategy, The New York Times, USA

Anna Dubenko is an editor for off platform strategy for The New York Times, based in New York. Previously, she was the editorial director at Digg, a news aggregator. Prior to Digg, Ms. Dubenko was working on a Ph.D. in English from Yale University. She also worked at The Huffington Post as a blog editor.

Marketing and Digital Development Director, A Gazeta, Brazil

Approximately 20 years of advertising experience working in the service and planning areas at DM9DDB and AlmapBBDO agencies and working with accounts such as Volkswagen, Pepsi, Alpargatas / Havaianas, Gol, Audi, Claro, J&J. Corporate Marketing Director at Infoglobo, working on building consumer knowledge systems and analytics, as well as the digital signature launch architecture. Director of Marketing and Digital Development at A Gazeta, responsible for digital product development and BI initiatives. Graduated in Business Administration from PUC RJ, MBA from COPPEAD UFRJ and MBA Arizona State University.

Managing Director of Consumer Revenues & Publishing, Guardian News & Media, UK

Richard has worked at Guardian News & Media for 21 years and in that time has overseen some groundbreaking marketing initiatives including the launch of the Guardian's Subscriber scheme, the "3 little pigs" commercial which aired in 2012 to great acclaim, Glastonbury sponsorship and a multitude of Digital product launches and newspaper redesigns.

In his recent role as Publishing Director Richard led the Guardian & Observer's transformation into tabloid shaped newspapers.

In 2018 he was promoted to Managing Director of Consumer Revenues & Publishing, leading on GNM's digital subscriptions, newspaper strategy, e-commerce, and live events.

Content Director, UOL, Brazil

Murilo Garavello, Director de Contenido en UOL

In 20 years in UOL, Murilo has led the creation and development of vertical brands like Universa and VivaBem, as well huge coverages of World Cup-2014 and Olympics-2016, which occured in Brazil, and many other projects. Murilo was editor of UOL's homepage, UOL Notícias and as a reporter, he covered Olympics and World Championships. He also worked as Partnerships Manager on Facebook before he returning, in 2018, to UOL in charge of all content production.

Director of Product, McClatchy, USA

Leanne is the Director of Product at McClatchy where she drives strategy for the products that support local journalism across web, mobile app, and third-party distribution channels for all of McClatchy's markets. Since stepping into this role, she has reshaped and repositioned the Product group within McClatchy as a central team that breaks down silos and is leading the company through its digital transformation. Before joining McClatchy, Leanne applied her product and engineering skills to companies in healthcare, software, and data industries, include Microsoft. Leanne’s background in software development and business strategy allows her to align developers and stakeholders to create valuable, innovative and successful products.

Head of Facebook News Partnerships, Facebook, Brazil

Claudia Gurfinkel is the Head of Facebook News Partnerships for Latin America. She is responsible for leading the work developed with media outlets and journalists across the region, supporting them to reach new audiences and grow their businesses in the platform. With almost 20 years of experience in editorial projects and digital content, Claudia has worked in companies such as BBC Brasil in London, Folha de S.Paulo, Microsoft and the news portal Terra.

CEO of Print Media, Grupo Globo, Brazil

Frederic holds a degree in Economics from UFRJ (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro), an MBA in Finance by IBMEC and a PGA from Insead.

He began his professional career at Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, where he worked for three years.

In 1997, he joined Grupo Globo, as a financial analyst for Infoglobo, the newspaper company of Grupo Globo. With the acquisition of the Diário Popular newspaper in 2001, he became CFO of the publication in April of that year.

In the following year, he joined Editora Globo – the magazine company of Grupo Globo, also as a CFO in order to conduct the company’s turnaround. In January 2008, he took over as company CEO and since then he has been working on the transformation of the digital business and on portfolio increase with new magazine and brand launches.

He was responsible for the creation of Edições Globo Condé Nast, a joint venture between Editora Globo and Condé Nast, in July 2010.

In May 2015, in addition to his role as CEO of Editora Globo, he was also appointed CEO of Infoglobo and in 2016, he became CEO of the Valor Econômico newspaper, thus, becoming Grupo Globo’s Managing Director for Print Media.

He was president of the Brazilian Association of Magazine Publishers (ANER) between 2012 and 2016 and is a Board Member of INMA (International News Media Association) and IVC (Brazilian Audit Bureau of Circulations).

Senior Vice President, CNN Digital Programming, USA

S. Mitra Kalita is the senior vice president for news, opinion and programming for CNN Digital. Kalita leads the national news desk and efforts to creatively share CNN's journalism and storytelling across an ever-exploding array of platforms.

Her portfolio also includes the Entertainment team, News & Alerting, and Mobile & Off-Platform teams. She arrived at CNN in 2016.

Kalita was previously managing editor for editorial strategy at the Los Angeles Times. During her time there, she helped latimes.com traffic soar to nearly 60 million unique multiplatform visitors monthly, innovated new forms of storytelling and increased audience engagement, including hiring a correspondent to cover "Black Twitter." She launched Education Matters, a vertical covering L.A. schools that connected the Times to new communities via events, new beats, translations and partnerships. She helped direct coverage of a mass shooting in San Bernardino (notably, a multimedia reconstruction of the police pursuit ending in the killers' deaths) that led the Times to win a Pulitzer Prize in breaking news.

She also served as the executive editor at large for Quartz, Atlantic Media's global economy site, and was its founding ideas editor, reimagining opinion and commentary for the internet. She also oversaw the launches of Quartz India and Quartz Africa, working closely with sales, product and marketing teams along the way.

Kalita worked previously at the Wall Street Journal, where she directed coverage of the Great Recession, launched a local news section for New York City and reported on the housing crisis as a senior writer for Page 1. She was a founding editor and columnist of Mint, a business paper in New Delhi, and has previously worked for the Washington Post, Newsday and the Associated Press. She has won many awards for her journalism and her series on the Indian economy is included in the "Best Business Writing."

Kalita is the author of two books related to migration and globalization, including the highly acclaimed "Suburban Sahibs," about how immigrants transformed the American suburb, and "My Two Indias," an economic memoir and study on globalization. She has studied seven languages (English, Assamese, Bengali, Hindi, Spanish, French, Mandarin Chinese) and can converse in at least five of them.

A former journalism professor at St. John's, UMass-Amherst, and Columbia University, she also previously served as president of the South Asian Journalists Association. She speaks frequently on diversity in media, digital innovation and managing change.

Journalist and Columnist, O Globo, Brazil

Miriam Leitão is a journalist specializing in economics, with a long career in some of Brazil's leading media outlets. She is a columnist for the newspaper O Globo, commentator for CBN Radio and TV Globo and host of Globonews. He was a reporter for the newspapers Gazeta Mercantil, O Estado de S.Paulo and Jornal do Brasil and the magazine Veja. She is also the author of fiction books. In 2005, she received the Maria Moors Cabot Award and, in 2007, the ANJ Press Freedom Award.

Senior Data Scientist, JOTA, Brazil

Daniel Marcelino is senior data scientist at JOTA in Brasilia. Specializing in quantitative methods, bayesian modeling and sampling techniques, he develops and writes with strong passion about data, public opinion, jurimetrics, and Congressional legislation and roll-call votes predictability. Pior to joining JOTA, he worked at the Curitiba City Hall, IPEA (The Institute for Applied Economic Research), and was visiting researcher at York University in Toronto. He holds a master degree in comparative studies from the University of Brasilia, and a doctorate in progress at the University of Montreal.

Head of Digital and Audience, Folha de S.Paulo, Brazil

Camila Marquês is Head of Digital and Audience at Folha de S.Paulo, responsible for the interface of newsroom with IT and Commercial. She has a degree in journalism with a postgraduate degree in economics at FGV.  At Folha since 2004, she coordinated the  fusion of digital and print writing, and was editor of the Technology section and TV Folha, among other positions.

Senior Audience Editor, The Washington Post, USA

Everdeen Mason is the resident troublemaker on the Washington Post audience team. As senior audience editor, she runs a team focused on conducting editorial experiments and developing new digital strategies. Before working on editorial experimentation, Everdeen developed the Post's search engine optimization strategy. Everdeen also moonlights as the paper's science fiction and fantasy book columnist. Before turning her mind to content strategy, Everdeen worked as a business reporter for Cox Media Group Ohio and the Wall Street Journal.

Executive Chairman and Member of the Administrative Council, Grupo Estado, Brazil

Graduated in Business Administration, and with a Master's degree from Columbia University, he currently holds the position of Executive President and Member of Grupo Estado's Board of Directors. Tribanco Board Member since 2004 and coordinator of the People, Management and Governance Committee. Member of the Board of Directors of Topic S / A and Sociedade Cultura Artística.

He is Vice-President of the National Association of Newspapers in Brazil (ANJ) and coordinator of his Press Freedom Committee.

Co-founder and CEO, Nexo Jornal, Brazil

Paula Miraglia is one of the co-founders and the CEO of Nexo Jornal, a Brazilian digital-only news startup based in São Paulo. Since its launch in November 2015, Nexo has won the ONA General Excellence in Online Journalism award (2017), the Malofiej bronze medal in for its infographics portfolio (2018), and the NH award for best digital publication (2016 and 2017). Paula holds a PhD degree in Social Anthropology from the University of São Paulo, where she also graduated in Social Sciences. Previously she has been the Director General of the International Centre for the Prevention of Crime – ICPC, based in Canada, and the Executive Director of the Brazilian office of ILANUD, United Nations Latin American Institute.  She has also work as a consultant to the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank.

General Editor, EL DEBATE, Mexico

Andrea is an expert in creating digital audiences and specific niches. She has designed the organizational, content and product strategies of different publishing brands and events.

Trained in mechanical engineering and industrial design, with an affinity for litterature and image, she became, in her role of General Editor, founding leader of all the content projects of EL DEBATE for the last 14 years. She is in charge of debate.com.mx, a portfolio of 12 digital brands, 15 editions of printed newspapers and also a large number of magazines and commercial supplements.

She actively searches and selects the talents of content and data, to form the multiprofessional team that promoted the regional newspaper of Sinaloa, EL DEBATE, and made it this year, one of the leading brands in content generation in Mexico, becoming a national benchmark for innovation and traffic with 35MM of monthly unique users.

She's a staunch defender of issues on freedom of expression and protection of journalists. 

Editorial & Digital Director, National Geographic España, Spain

Ismael is the Digital and Editorial Director of National Geographic España magazine, part of the Grupo RBA. He is the author of the book "The Reinvention of the New York Times" and editor of the weekly newsletter Tendenci@s on the latest digital media trends. Ismael Nafría is a journalist, writer, editor, consultant and speaker specialized in digital media. He was journalist in residence at The Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas at University of Texas at Austin for the 2016-2017 during which he wrote his book on the NYTimes, his fourth. He was the Digital Innovation and Content Director (2011-2016) at Grupo Godo and deputy editor at Prisacom, the Internet company of Grupo PRISA (2005-2008) . He has led several consultancy projects for media companies worldwide and is the author of three other books on journalism and digital media. He's also a jury member for many of WAN-IFRA's Digital Media Awards worldwide.

Head of Digital Product, Prisa Radio, Spain

Ana is Head of Digital Product at Prisa Radio, where she leads all digital product development in Spain and Latin America. She co-founded two start-ups: Cuonda and Tablet Army. Cuonda is a podcast platform for the Spanish speaking community, an initiative that has been awarded with GNI funding. One of Cuonda's productions, The Three Deaths of my father, received in 2018 an "Ondas" Award and on the same year it was regarded the Best podcast of the year by Apple. Ana has been also a Partner at Prodigioso Volcan, a consulting firm focused on communication strategies where she has led Digital Transformation projects for clients such as El País, Diario de Cuba or El Universal (Mexico). Ana obtained a BA at University of Navarra, and has been a Visiting Scholar for the Science Technolgy and Society Programme at Stanford University, and a Fellow at the Tow-Knight Center for Entrepreneurial Journalism (CUNY). She is also an Associate professor for Entrepreneurial journalism at the University of San Pablo CEU (Madrid) while leads the Spanish chapter of Hacks & Hackers in Madrid.

Digital Business Manager, TyC Sports, Argentina

Since 1999, Matías has dedicated his work in developing experience for the digital industry and new business of media. He believes in measure to improve, increase to grow.

CEO, Pulzo.com, Colombia

Hernando Paniagua is a Colombian journalist with 18 years of experience in the digital world and important performance in several of the most important media in Latin America: he was general editor of the online version of El Tiempo and director of digital portals in Caracol Television. He directed the multimedia table of the Spanish Agency EFE in America and was managing editor of Univision Deportes Digital. After being at the forefront of the editorial strategy in Pulzo, the largest digital native media company in Colombia, he now is its CEO since mid-2019.

Editorial Director, Reforma, Mexico

For 12 years he was a Sunday columnist for the newspaper Reforma, where he is now the Editorial Director.
Before his current position he worked at the Mexican Institute for Competitiveness (IMCO), as General Director where he participated in the strategy and supervision of more than 250 projects in different areas of public policy, from urban planning and future energies, to the budget transparency and public procurement systems. From the IMCO, he promoted the design and dissemination of the anti-corruption initiative known as Ley 3 de 3.

In 2011 he was invited by the Government of the President of the United States, Barack Obama to be part of the Board of Directors of the Alliance for Open Government.

Juan has a PhD in public policy from the London School of Economics, a Master's degree in Economics from Sophia University in Tokyo, Japan and a Bachelor's degree in Political Science from UNAM. While studying his Master's degree, he worked as a CNN correspondent in Spanish covering general elections in India, Japan and the Philippines.

As a political commentator he has worked in several radio and television programs.

Executive Vice-President of Product & Operations (TV, Print, Digital, Radio), RBS Group, Brazil

Andiara Petterle is an entrepreneur and executive of the digital market since 1998. Currently, she is senior vice-president of Product Development and Operations at Grupo RBS. Previously she was vice president Newspapers and Digital Media for the same group. Before joining RBS, Petterle was the Executive Director of Strategy and Business Development at e.Bricks, RBS’s investment company focused on the digital industry. At e.Bricks, she acted as an advisor to several technology, e-commerce and media companies. She founded Grupo Bolsa de Mulher, one of the largest women's digital media companies in Latin America, and was CEO of Predicta and other digital companies in the country. Petterle has a bachelor and a master’s degree in Social Communications from PUC-RJ, was an invited researcher at Brown University, and has participated in business training programs at Harvard Business School and Stanford University Graduate School of Business.

Director of Instagram, National Geographic, USA

Josh Raab is Director of Instagram at National Geographic. He oversees editorial as well as sponsored projects across @natgeo, @natgeotravel, @natgeoadventure, and @natgeoyourshot. The Nat Geo account became the first non-celebrity account to pass the 100 million follower mark. He was formerly a Senior Multimedia Editor at TIME Leading visual coverage for national and technology stories, he was also a regular contributor to their photo site Lightbox. With a focus on emerging technology from VR to Instagram, he developed an obsession with drones - leading to an issue of the magazine focused solely on the drone space with a cover that recreated TIME’s red border using almost 1000 colored drones. For the past few years, he has also been an adjunct professor at the International Center of Photography. Josh started out as a photographer covering the aftermath of the Boston Marathon bombings and Hurricane Sandy, then transitioned into editing by founding Jay Peg’s Photo Pub., an online and print publication for emerging photographers.

Podcast Operation Manager, Slate, USA

Asha is a business strategy and operations specialist living in Brooklyn and originally from Miami, Florida. In her current role as the Operations Manager for Slate Podcasts, she oversees editorial operations for a network of 25+ shows. Prior to joining Slate, she’s held financial and operational roles at various consumer-focused and B2B media companies, most recently working on advertising revenue planning and strategy at Pandora Radio. She also serves on the Board of Directors for Radio Free Brooklyn, a non-profit streaming radio station. She has a B.A. in economics from NYU with a specialization in Media, Culture, and Communications.

Executive Director of Aspen Digital, The Aspen Institute, USA

Vivian Schiller joined the Aspen Institute in January 2020 as Executive Director of Aspen Digital, which empowers policymakers, civic organizations, companies, and the public to be responsible stewards of technology and media in the service of an informed, just, and equitable world.

A longtime executive at the intersection of journalism, media and technology, Schiller has held executive roles at some of the most respected media organizations in the world. Those include, Global Chair of News at Twitter where she led the company’s strategy for news and partnership with journalism organizations and the news publishing ecosystem. Schiller previously served as Senior VP & Chief Digital Officer for NBC News where she had strategic and operational oversight of the networks‘ presence on the web, mobile, devices, and social media.

Prior to NBC, Schiller served as President and CEO of NPR, leading all of NPR's worldwide media operations. She was Senior Vice President and General Manager of NYTimes.com and Senior Vice President and General Manager of the Discovery Times Channel, a joint venture of The New York Times and Discovery Communications. Earlier in her career, Schiller was the head of CNN Productions, where she led CNN's long-form programming efforts. Documentaries and series produced under her auspices earned multiple honors, including three Peabody Awards, four Alfred I. DuPont-Columbia University Awards, and dozens of Emmys. 

New Channels Director, Infobae, Argentina

Angel Sotera serves as director of new Infobae channels. Currently, his role in the company is linked to the generation of new forms of content dissemination. Previously, he was responsible for the company's social media team. Previously, he worked at Todo Noticias as a driver of the signal news and as a technology columnist, where he has been working for several years, earning a postgraduate degree in digital journalism and a degree in social media and digital communication, as well as several certifications related to new technologies. technologies. Angel previously served as editor at Clarín.com and then TN.com.ar, where he was in charge of the incipient news signal profiles on Facebook and Twitter.

Growth Director, WhereBy.Us, USA

Alexandra Smith is the Director of Growth for the digital media startup WhereBy.Us, where she leads audience development strategy for the company’s five local newsletter brands. In the past year, she was invited to join the Poynter Leadership Academy for Women in Digital Media and completed a Knight Visiting Nieman Fellowship at Harvard University. Alexandra lives in Colorado.

Associate Director of Editorial R&D, Quartz, USA

Ankur Thakkar is the associate director of editorial R&D at Quartz, focusing on user engagement. He is a practicing artist and has produced storytelling experiments in partnership with Twitter, Tumblr, and Medium. Prior to Quartz, he served as Vine’s last head of editorial and Chicago’s
first digital director.

Head of Engineering, Product and Data Science, Chartbeat, USA

Josh Schwartz is Head of Engineering, Product and Data Science at Chartbeat, where he develops infrastructure and algorithms for our next generation of products. In a prior life, he researched machine learning, optimization, and computer vision at MIT, Cornell, and the University of Chicago. In another prior life, he was a moderately successful coffee entrepreneur and a slightly less successful bicycle racer.

Head of Brazil Global Partnerships, Google, Brazil

Luiz Henrique Matos is head of Google Global Partnerships in Brazil, responsible for media group relationships and a member of the Google News Initiative global working group. He has a degree in Communication from Mackenzie University in São Paulo and a postgraduate degree from Insper. He has been working for 20 years in digital media business, working at UOL / Folha, Abril Publishing House and America Online. He mentors start-ups at Google Campus and Liga Ventures.

Global Strategy Lead, Google News Initiative, USA

Arun is a Google News Initiative Global Strategy & Operations Lead. Over the past couple of years, he's overseen the GNI's portfolio in Latin America and led many of the reader revenue labs across the world. He is a global co-lead of the recently launched Digital Growth Program and primary author of the GNI Reader Revenue Playbook. Before working on the Google News Initiative, Arun spent time as a member of the Google News Lab and on the Google Chief Marketing Officer's strategy team.

Journalist, commentator, consultant

Marcelo Rech is a journalist, president of the Brazilian Newspaper Association (ANJ), columnist, commentator and consultant.

He was Editorial and Institutional Vice President of Grupo RBS, a multimedia group with operations in southern Brazil. As a reporter, he worked in investigative reports and in war coverages, such as the wars in the Gulf and the Balkans and conflicts in Africa and Latin America.

For about 15 years he was managing editor of RBS newspapers and later director of journalism at RBS Group.

Marcelo was president of the World Editors Forum (WEF) between 2015 and 2017. He is currently a member of the executive committee of the World Association of News Publishers (WAN-Ifra) and of different boards and councils. Graduated in journalism, he attended the Executive Development Program at Fundação Dom Cabral and has specialization courses at the Media Management Center, linked to Kellogg, and media strategy at Harvard Business School.

Media Account Manager for Brazil, Reuters, Brazil

With more than 15 years of experience in multimedia content, Julieta has worked as marketing manager and new business for iStock Photo, Getty Images and Editora Abril as an advertising strategy development consultant. Currently, she is a Senior Account Manager for Reuters News Agency and responsible for business in Brazil and Chile. Julieta holds a degree in Marketing and Advertising with a Master in Digital Strategies.

Latin America Chief Editor, Thomson Reuters, Brazil

Dan started his career with Reuters in 1998, reporting on the birth of Hugo Chavez’s “Bolivarian Revolution” in Venezuela. Since then, he has had postings in Spain, Greece, Italy, France and twice in West Africa. He has been in charge of Reuters editorial operations in Latin America since May 2017, overseeing a series of stories from Venezuela, last year he won the Overseas Press Club of America's Robert Spiers Benjamin Award for coverage of Latin America. Before that, Dan ran Reuters reporting operations in Latin America’s largest economy, Brazil, during a turbulent period that saw Rio de Janeiro host the region’s first Olympic Games in the midst of a presidential impeachment.

CEO, La Vanguardia MX, México

Armando Castilla runs Vanguardia, one of Mexico's most dynamic regional family owned newspaper companies, since 2000. His skills are focused in business development, advertising, entrepreneurship, management, strategic planning, digital marketing strategy, and leadership. He's a member of WAN-IFRA"s Latin American Committee.

Head of Advertising, Revista Proceso, Mexico

Marketing professional with 20 years of experience in customer service and sales. My skills allow me to have approaches with clients who are in the evaluation process and take them step by step to purchase.

Senior Strategic Partnership Manager, Marfeel, Spain

Senior Strategic Partnership Manager for LATAM at Marfeel. They are revolutionizing mobile web and ad tech monetization for publishers all over the world, reaching over half a billion global readers with Marfeel technology.

Digital Media LATAM 2019