Programa | Digital Media LATAM 2019

Programa | Digital Media LATAM 2019


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November 11

  • Stream IDs:
    • 8054


    • Programa general


    Group Check-in Area

    Collect your badge at the registration desk. We kindly ask you to wear it visibly at all times.

  • Stream IDs:
    • 8054


    • Programa general

    Welcome words and introduction

    Grand Ballroom

    Fernando de Yarza, President of WAN-IFRA, will start the conference by welcoming the attendees of the seventh edition of Digital Media LATAM.


  • Stream IDs:
    • 8054


    • Programa general

    Jornal O Globo’s transformation

    Grand Ballroom

    Through a new newsroom, new workflows, a strategic regrouping of brands and a commitment to paid content, Jornal O Globo - the largest newspaper in Brazil - has carried out a profound transformation towards the digital era, which Frederic Kachar will explain in detail.


  • Stream IDs:
    • 8054


    • Programa general

    Le Figaro: a strong commitment to paid content and diversification

    Grand Ballroom

    Jean-Luc Breysse will share how the French newspaper has focused on growing its digital subscriptions to more than 100,000 since it launched its paywall in 2015. Le Figaro has opted for the freemium strategy, but has always been experimenting: in recent months, they went from having two different sites - one for the general public and one for their subscribers - to a single site, in which certain content is exclusive for subscribers. Likewise, they have opted to diversify their digital income. Being the fourth internet group in France in terms of unique users per month, they have been able to offer a series of services that provided good results: e-marketing, online ticket sales, weather forecasts and, above all, an agency service for tailored trips that have provided excellent results.


  • Stream IDs:
    • 8054


    • Programa general

    Panel discussion: O Globo and Le Figaro

    Grand Ballroom

    A conversation moderated by Andiara Petterle between Fred Kachar and Jean-Luc Breysse about the main challenges faced by media managers whilst carrying out the strategic transformation of the companies they lead.


    • Executive Vice-President of Product & Operations (TV, Print, Digital, Radio), RBS Group, Brazil


  • Stream IDs:
    • 8055


    • Sesión de Networking - Eventos Sociales

    Coffee Break

    Grand Ballroom Foyer
  • Stream IDs:
    • 8054


    • Programa general

    Rede Gazeta: from print to digital while keeping up their relevance and influence with readers

    Grand Ballroom

    This session will address the reasons and implementation of the transformation of Rede Gazeta, the main informative media of the state of Espírito Santo, based in Vitoria. This year, its print version went from being distributed daily to only on weekends, betting heavily on a digital news offering with a value focused for its local audience. In this session, Rede Gazeta will expose the reasons that led to this radical change, its implementation and its first results.



  • Stream IDs:
    • 8054


    • Programa general

    Quartz: creating a long lasting bond with its most loyal readers

    Grand Ballroom

    A fundamental element in any content strategy is to offer quality and differentiated content for members or subscribers. However, Ankur Thakkar, from the Editorial R&D team at Quartz, will share why it is equally important to create a deep relationship with readers by bringing product thinking to the newsroom and through experiences, services, and spaces for interactivity and participation that reinforce the tie between the organization and its most loyal readers.


    • Executive Director of Aspen Digital, The Aspen Institute, USA


  • Stream IDs:
    • 8056


    • Eventos Asociados - Sesiones Patrocinadas

    Global and regional trends on the engagement of digital audiences

    Grand Ballroom

    This session will present a recent research on the main trends on audiences and digital traffic in media worldwide. News consumers behavior has changed drastically so this analysis will focus on commitment and loyalty by platform latest trends, experiences and devices, being of great strategic value for media publishers.


    • Head of Engineering, Product and Data Science, Chartbeat, USA

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  • Stream IDs:
    • 8056


    • Eventos Asociados - Sesiones Patrocinadas

    Sponsored Lunch

    Rio Ballroom

    STRAUS Media is a group of 17 New York community weeklies in cities such as Manhattan, Southeast New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, whose goal was to create a centralized workflow to share content and create attractive and innovative journalistic products for cross platform audience. STRAUS Media will share its experience of success from the implementation of Media Cloud, a solution of PROTECMEDIA designed to optimize editorial strategy in an agile and scalable way. This change has allowed them to save money, time and effort, work remotely and exchange content on social networks and from one edition to another in a powerful and intuitive interface.


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  • Stream IDs:
    • 8055


    • Sesión de Networking - Eventos Sociales

    Networking Lunch

    Grand Ballroom Garden Terrace
  • Stream IDs:
    • 8056


    • Eventos Asociados - Sesiones Patrocinadas

    Google News Initiative and the Latin American news industry

    Grand Ballroom
    Join this session to learn about the Google News Initiative’s work in Latin America this year, lessons that have been learned so far, and additional ways Google would like to work with the news industry to support digital transformation and long-term financial sustainability. The winners of the Google News Initiative’s first Innovation Challenge in Latin America will be announced during this session.


  • Stream IDs:
    • 8054


    • Programa general

    The challenges of deploying a reader revenue strategy in Latin America

    Grand Ballroom

    Several news media companies in Latin America have deployed a subscription model in the hope of building their reader revenue models. Some companies are starting to see encouraging results. Three participants of the GNI LATAM Subscription Lab, launched jointly by Google News Initiative (GNI), WAN-IFRA and Mather Economics, will share how this initiative has helped them strengthen their subscription strategies.


    • Editorial & Digital Director, National Geographic España, Spain


  • Stream IDs:
    • 8054


    • Programa general

    Mediapart: hard-hitting journalism as a value offer

    Grand Ballroom

    Launched in 2008 in France, Mediapart is today an essential player in the French media and political landscape. Since its foundation by former Le Monde journalists, François Bonnet and Edwy Plenel, along with three other co-founders, the digital portal structured its business model based solely on subscriptions, both individual and collective, as well as on an editorial proposal focused on investigative journalism of impact, politics, culture and economy. Its model has achieved 170 thousand individual subscribers, representing 95% of its annual turnover. The site has a paywall closed to non-members, does not have any type of advertising and has achieved an economic gain for eight consecutive years. It also has a staff of 87 employees, of which 47 are journalists. François will talk about the keys to the success of this outlet and explore what lessons Latin American media can rescue in the search for subscription and membership models that make their digital operations viable.



  • Stream IDs:
    • 8054


    • Programa general

    Growth, loyalty and local memberships: WhereBy.Us and its community membership model

    Grand Ballroom
    Alexandra leads growth efforts for WhereBy.Us’ five local news brands, and in this session will share best practices for growing newsletter subscribers who then become engaged readers and paying members.


    • CEO and Publisher, RED/ACCIÓN, Argentina


  • Stream IDs:
    • 8055


    • Sesión de Networking - Eventos Sociales

    Coffee Break

    Grand Ballroom Foyer
  • Stream IDs:
    • 8054
    • 8056


    • Programa general

    • Eventos Asociados - Sesiones Patrocinadas

    2019 Press Freedom Award by ANJ

    Grand Ballroom

    ANJ's Press Freedom Award was conceived by the National Association of Newspapers (ANJ, Brazil) to honor the people or institutions that have excelled, in the last twelve months, in the promotion or defense of press freedom, or whose performance during this period demonstrates the importance of press freedom for society and democracies. The announcement of the 2019 ANJ Press Freedom Award will be awarded within the framework of ANJ's 40th Anniversary.



  • Stream IDs:
    • 8055
    • 8056


    • Sesión de Networking - Eventos Sociales

    • Eventos Asociados - Sesiones Patrocinadas

    Welcome Cocktail

    Lounge Tano
    After the ceremony join us for a special cocktail where you can network with conference speakers and industry peers from across Latin America at one of the Hotel's most sophisticated spaces with a vibrant atmosphere and a charming view of Marapendi Lagoon.

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November 12

  • Stream IDs:
    • 8054


    • Programa general

    Behind the scenes on The Guardian's success

    Grand Ballroom

    In May earlier this year, the British newspaper The Guardian announced that, for the first time since 1998, it had obtained an operational benefit. 56% of its revenues come from its digital operations, it counts with more than 190,000 digital subscriptions, in addition to specific contributions from its readers, and they managed to grow their income to 3% in the last year. Richard Furness has been working in the company for 21 years and now directs the newspaper's digital subs strategy, its e-commerce and its events. He will tell us the long evolution that led a traditional newspaper model to become one focused on the reader's income, based on four axes of change through a powerful message focused on his journalistic mission.


    • Executive Vice-President of Product & Operations (TV, Print, Digital, Radio), RBS Group, Brazil


    • Managing Director of Consumer Revenues & Publishing, Guardian News & Media, UK
  • Stream IDs:
    • 8054


    • Programa general

    Journalism, technology and empathy: the case of The Enemy

    Grand Ballroom

    Using the latest virtual reality and augmented reality technology, Karim will share the behind the scenes of his award-winning installation "The Enemy," through which he has managed to immerse his audience in the heart of the most complex armed conflicts on the planet. An example of how these technologies enhance the impact that journalism can have on audiences.



  • Stream IDs:
    • 8055


    • Sesión de Networking - Eventos Sociales

    Coffee Break

    Grand Ballroom Foyer
  • Stream IDs:
    • 8054


    • Programa general

    How to build an audience of millions that feels like an audience of one

    Grand Ballroom

    Mitra has led the expansion of CNN’s digital audience through the deployment of innovative digital story-telling, creative distribution strategies and by focusing on the story while making sure it is distributed as quickly and widely possible. Mitra will tell us about the different teams she has for each platforms, the internal cultural changes and workflows that have been implemented, the use of alerts and push notifications, second screen strategies and several other initiatives she has led during these last three years.


    • Executive Director of Aspen Digital, The Aspen Institute, USA


    • Senior Vice President, CNN Digital Programming, USA
  • Stream IDs:
    • 8054


    • Programa general

    National Geographic: Finding the social strategy that works for you

    Grand Ballroom
    In February 2019, National Geographic became the first brand to reach over 100 million followers on Instagram. What’s behind this achievement? Organic audience growth and a very specific business strategy, that has resulted in a 80% social advertising revenue increase between 2017 and 2018. In this section, Josh will share how this strategy was designed and implemented and will provide advice on how to grow audience and income through social media platforms.



    • Executive Director of Aspen Digital, The Aspen Institute, USA


    • Director of Instagram, National Geographic, USA
  • Stream IDs:
    • 8054


    • Programa general

    Empowering publishers to thrive in the digital era

    Grand Ballroom

    Publishers in Latin America are actively looking for new audiences and ways to monetize. In this session, Facebook will share the experience of the Accelerator, a program through which it is supporting publishers to transform their business model and expand its audiences through experimentation and innovation.


  • Stream IDs:
    • 8055


    • Sesión de Networking - Eventos Sociales

    Networking Lunch

    Grand Ballroom Terrace
  • Stream IDs:
    • 8056


    • Eventos Asociados - Sesiones Patrocinadas

    Sponsored lunch: How can media organizations engage Gen Z with truthful and trusted coverage?

    Rio Ballroom

    With Generation Z making up 32% of the 7.7bn global population in 2019, learn how to reach young LATAM audiences with limitless content options but limited time. Gen Z’s quest for truth means they support brands who speak to their identity and core values. Gain insights on how your media outlet can ensure coverage is transparent, truthful and honest against a backdrop of fake news and misinformation.

    Register here


    • Media Account Manager for Brazil, Reuters, Brazil
    • Latin America Chief Editor, Thomson Reuters, Brazil

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  • Stream IDs:
    • 8056


    • Eventos Asociados - Sesiones Patrocinadas

    Evolving your strategy for publishing’s mobile first era

    Grand Ballroom

    Having a ‘mobile strategy’ suggests that mobile is one of many important distribution channels, as opposed to the new reality... it is becoming publishing’s most important channel. However, there are many challenges to overcome to get it right, including content execution, traffic acquisition, user engagement, monetization, and technological restrictions. This panel brings together three publishers to share their past, present, and future in publishing, as well as their recommendations to evolve in an increasingly ‘mobile’ landscape.


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  • Stream IDs:
    • 8408


    • Workshop Sessions

    Media Labs and Innovation Processes

    Lagoa 2 & 3
    Session will disseminate best practice/current state of play around media labs and innovation processes within a newsroom environment. It will combine both research presentation with peer-to-peer learning, to allow participants to better understand innovation structures and approaches through both hearing research outputs, and through interacting with one-another. Initial presentation based on Ana Cecilia Bisso Nunes, John Mills, GAMI and friends' work on media labs, structures and processes conducted over the last four years will provide key insights and background to how newsroom structures are evolving on a global scale. This will accompany a chapter published as part of the Trends in Newsroom report in the fall. It will also update on current research that is attempting to better understand innovation processes, initially from a funders’ perspectives. The workshop will allow participants to recount their own experiences, share learning within one-another and work with the research team to plot best innovation processes for them. Final output would be to identify key approaches, metrics and pitfalls. Background: this workshop is also geared towards collecting data for a new project funded by the European Media Management Association. Innovating journalism structures and processes will run for 12 months and aims to understand key innovation processes across Latin America and Europe.


    • Academic Coordinator of IDEAR - Interdisciplinary Innovation and Entrepreneurship Laboratory, PUCRS, Brazil
  • Stream IDs:
    • 8054


    • Programa general

    How to bet on scale and strengthen a journalistic brand

    Grand Ballroom

    Four media outlets in four very different markets share a common point: they clearly bet on growing their digital audiences as a monetization strategy. In this session they will share how they have managed to be among today's leading news portals in terms of audience in their respective markets with the use of cutting-edge technology, effective strategies for content distribution, agile teams, the launch of new verticals, creativity and monetization through advertising and branded content; they will share the challenges they have faced in that process as well.



  • Stream IDs:
    • 8054


    • Programa general

    How platforms fit Into The New York Times's audience strategy

    Grand Ballroom

    All media must have an effective strategy for distributing content on platforms in order to bring their journalism to the greatest number of readers and connect with new audiences. That is the work of Anna Dubenko, Editor for Off-Platform Strategy, who everyday rethinks how the journalism produced by The New York Times can go as far as possible through different platforms and in the best format according to each audience.


    • Executive Director of Aspen Digital, The Aspen Institute, USA


    • Editor for Off-Platform Strategy, The New York Times, USA
  • Stream IDs:
    • 8055


    • Sesión de Networking - Eventos Sociales

    Coffe Break

    Grand Ballroom Foyer
  • Stream IDs:
    • 8054


    • Programa general

    2019 LATAM Digital Media Awards Ceremony

    Grand Ballroom

     The 5th edition of the LATAM Digital Media Awards will be inaugurated by Rosental Alves, member of the evaluation jury and Founder and Executive Director of the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas.

    Rosental will share some thoughts on the importance and challenges around promoting innovation in the journalism industry, before the official announcement of the Awards' winners.

    It has been an exceptional year in which Latin American news media have rethought, reshaped and rejoiced on digital journalism, both in pure players and legacy media, after showing how innovation and creativity remain at the core of exceptional journalism.

    This is why the 2019 LATAM Digital Media Awards recognize news media companies and press entities that have adopted the best innovation and journalistic quality strategies as part of their product offerings. In this link you'll find this year's 37 finalist projects!



    • Founder & Director of the Knight Center for Journalism, University of Texas, USA
  • Stream IDs:
    • 8055
    • 8056


    • Sesión de Networking - Eventos Sociales

    • Eventos Asociados - Sesiones Patrocinadas

    Celebration Cocktail

    Río Ballroom & Terrace

    Join us to celebrate the winners of WAN-IFRA's LATAM Digital Media Awards and GNI's LATAM Innovation Challenge over a relaxing cocktail. Enjoy snacks, drinks, music, and the amazing views of the hotel's Garden Terrace while networking with Latin America's most innovative media minds.

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November 13

  • Stream IDs:
    • 8056


    • Eventos Asociados - Sesiones Patrocinadas

    Sponsored Breakfast: Optimize your video strategy

    Rio Ballroom
    A billion news consumers watch video every day, but want more. All the data shows the future of news telling will be video led. Video feels like it is hard, and many publishers have tried it and had costly failures, but there are simple ways to automate and optimize and win at scale. For publishers, scaling now opens a new future of monetization, engagement and customer satisfaction. Oovvuu's machine learning partners publishers and broadcasters in a common mission to put a relevant video in every article in the world... and take back billions of dollars in lost advertising revenue.


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  • Stream IDs:
    • 8054


    • Programa general

    Audio in the digital age: harnessing its potential, knowing its limits

    Grand Ballroom

    Podcasts are consolidating as a audio platform through which it is possible to experiment with innovative story-telling, build loyal and look for new audiences and monetization strategies. American digital native Slate has 25 podcasts today, which he estimates this year will reach 200 million downloads. Asha Saluja will tell us what are the editorial strategies are behind the journalistic and commercial success of this podcast offer. On the other hand, Ana Ormaechea will tell us about the current increase in audio consumption, through conversational audio (speakers), direct audio and podcasts (PRISA Radio has more than 800 podcasts produced in different Spanish speaking countries). She’ll explain how audio has become not only a format but a real interface in which media outlets and brands must learn how to effectively distribute their content.


    • Founder & Director of the Knight Center for Journalism, University of Texas, USA


  • Stream IDs:
    • 8009


    • Sesión de Networking - Eventos Sociales

    Coffee Break

    Grand Ballroom Foyer
  • Stream IDs:
    • 8054


    • Programa general

    The product manager “gold rush”

    Grand Ballroom

    Product roles are increasingly becoming a must-have for media outlets eager to align business goals, editorial outputs and tech resources to the demands of an ever-changing and highly complex digital ecosystem. This session will examine the hunt to find the perfect profile, retain and empower them within news media companies in order to boost their entire operation.


    • Executive Vice-President of Product & Operations (TV, Print, Digital, Radio), RBS Group, Brazil


  • Stream IDs:
    • 8054


    • Programa general

    The Washington Post's editorial experimentation process

    Grand Ballroom

    Everdeen Mason leads a team that aims to develop editorial experiments and new digital strategies. She will tell us how the creative and innovative processes are carried out behind the projects that have led The Washington Post to be one of the most awarded and innovative media in the world.


    • Founder & Director of the Knight Center for Journalism, University of Texas, USA


  • Stream IDs:
    • 8054


    • Programa general

    Innovative digital narratives, better journalism and new audiences

    Grand Ballroom

    Two very different media companies with a common goal: to offer quality content using the tools that the digital era offers in a creative and innovative way. This session will provide practical, relevant and inspiring examples for all Latin American media that seek to improve the quality of their journalistic content offer and to experiment with new digital tools.


    Journalytics at JOTA

    Best Digital News Start-Up winner at WAN-IFRA's 2018 LATAM Digital Media Awards and 2019 World Digital Media Awards, JOTA is a site specialized in the coverage of Brazilian governmental institutions. Its niche audience of 6,000 subscribers and 2,000 users in its JOTA PRO option, which provides strategic and tactical information for decision makers, is constantly growing. Its broad portfolio of informational products for individual users and corporate clients are one of the keys to its success. During DML19, Daniel Marcelino will share how they are managing to provide predictability to their audience and their premium customers by combining journalism and data science. In particular, he will explain the concept of Journalytics, through which they study data, analytics, emotions and journalistic exercise to develop a series of tools such as a legislative predictability index, an "aprovometer," a platform to predict taxes and a survey aggregator.


    How does LA NACIÓN, a legacy media company, promote innovation in the newroom?


  • Stream IDs:
    • 8054


    • Programa general

    End of conference

Digital Media LATAM 2019