Programme | Digital Media Asia 2016

Digital Media Asia 2016

Programme | Digital Media Asia 2016


Three days of inspiring presentations, practical workshops, and innovative sessions. Don't miss any updates, join the conversation #DMASG16 !

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November 08

  • 09:00

    New frontiers in digital journalism

    An inspiring overview of today's leading digital editorial trends with detailed case studies from Asia and the rest of the world. Based on his experience at BBC, The Guardian and Gannet, workshop leader Kevin Anderson will also give concrete insights for implementing these storytelling formats in your own newsroom:

    • Data journalism and visualisation
    • Digital storytelling, the rise of long-form
    • The next stage of social. How to use Asia's messaging platforms to reach new audiences
    • How news organisations are reaching mobile audiences 
    • New forms of video - social and VR
    • Is your next reporter a bot? 


  • 13:00

    Masterclass: Generating New Digital Revenue with Deseret Media

    This exclusive masterclass, leaded by Deseret Media's Chief Executive Officer, will take you through innovative ways of developing new mobile businesses. It will showcase several case studies based on the experience of the media company which disrupted the US local news publishing landscape in recent years.

    Learn more about Deseret Media through this interview with Chris Lee.

    Workshop key topics:

    • Innovation in Local Media: Digital and Mobile Disruptions
    • Dual Transformation in a Disrupted Industry - two paths, not one
    • Elements of a Mobile-First Digital Organization
    • Digital Content Ideas and Metrics


    • President, Deseret Digital Media, USA
  • 18:30

    Google News Lab, VR and innovating business strategy

    Special session followed by networking drinks at Google's APAC HQ (Transport from Orchard Hotel will be provided)

    The workshop will cover Google News Lab tools for newsrooms, innovating storytelling through VR and 360 video and approaches to business growth through better understanding of the audience and advertising.

    About Google News Lab:

    Google News Lab is a global project aimed at supporting quality journalism through education, training and innovative digital and mobile tools. Since its launch earlier in 2015, the Google News Lab has partnered with news organisations to map the world’s response to the Nepalese earthquake, unearthed which fashion trends people really care about in the US, detected hints of a Conservative Party victory in the Britain’s election, and tracked the ups and downs of the US’s wild primary season


November 09

  • 09:00

    Session 1: Top digital priorities & leading trends

    Check you’re on track for 2017. Media executives from forward-thinking companies present their digital strategies and tell you where they plan to focus their efforts in the coming months. Benchmark your own efforts with peers of the industry. 

    World leading digital trends

    A brief overview of the leading 2016-2017 digital trends for news publishers as observed by Wan-Ifra around the world.

    The mobile ready publisher

    As media audiences rapidly shift their consumption from print and desktop computers to mobile devices, media publishers must create revenue streams that are "mobile ready." Chris Lee, President of Deseret Digital Media (DDM) in the US, will discuss the business models of mobile publishing, the primacy of data, the rise of social platforms, and the future of digital advertising in his keynote presentation. 

    With more than one billion monthly ad impressions and a social following of over 100 million, DDM is a multi-platform publisher in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Bahasa Indonesia with headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah. Over 60% of revenues from DDM currently are "mobile ready" sources, meaning these revenue streams are not dependent on platform, working as well on a mobile device as they do on a desktop computer.  

    Ditching print to thrive online

    La Presse, Canada's French language newspaper of record, launched its USD 40 million tablet app back in 2013. In January this year, they stopped printing the newspaper from Monday to Friday, only retaining the popular Saturday edition in print. But the yields they get for their ad inventory on the app on week days are actually equal or higher than what they used to get in print... How did they convince their readers/users and advertisers to embrace so fully their new digital edition?



    • Chief Operating Officer, WAN-IFRA, Germany
    • President, Deseret Digital Media, USA
    • VP, Digital Business Development, La Presse+ Platform
  • 11:00

    Session 2: Optimising content monetisation

    Sponsored by

    The news publishing industry has shifted in 2015 from an advertising driven business model to a circulation driven business model. Many publishers in Asian and around the world however find it hard to charge the reader for their online content. What are the trends and success stories 5 years down the line from the NYT's paywall launch?

    Fine tuning paywall settings and targeted offerings

    The Wall Street Journal is one of these global media brands able to offer unique quality content that readers are willing to pay for. It however also needs a consequent reach in order to grow its digital advertising revenues... In the past months, the WSJ has been live testing the impact of different paywall models on its audience... It has also built a portfolio of verticals which offers different products ans services adjusted to the readers' different level of engagement in order to unlock the maximum revenues from their audience.

    The Premium model

    Axel Springer's flagship title, BILD, is Germany's largest and most popular newspaper with a circulation of nearly 2 million copies sold daily and a print readership of around 10 million readers per day. Until 2013 it was free on nearly all digital platforms. BILD however decided to start charging for its online content, opting for a freemium model instead of a metered paywall. What is the strategy underlying this model? What are the results so far?

    Implementing a paywall based on the reader's session

    Launched by Jean-Paul Sartre after World War II, Libération is a top national Daily in France. While it has been free on digital platforms for many years, the media company is now trying to convert faithful online readers into digital subscribers using a unique paywall system based on reader's attention (length and depth of engagement) instead of the number of articles read. Different reader's behavior can trigger different subscription offers...

    Panel discussion: Should Asian news publishers charge for their online content now?




  • 13:00

    Lunch Meeting : How Video Can Make or Break the Customer Experience

    Hosted by

    Ad-blockers, video performance and new forms of interactivity are just some of the challenges and opportunities impacting the publishing industry as video shapes news content. Join Brightcove for "Navigating Around Ad-Blockers and Engaging with Audiences". Phil Costa, VP of Product Management will outline why ​the ​user​'s experience matter and strategies for overcoming ad-blockers. RSVP to Wilson Leong at to secure your seat.


  • 14:00

    Session 3: Increasing reach and engagement across platforms

    Beyond paywalls and subscription schemes,  premium publishers are leveraging attention data in the newsroom to develop audience growth strategies and create meaningful goals at the author and publication levels. How can publishers capitalize on those wins to increase audience reach and reader loyalty over time? What additional challenges represent social media platforms and the rise of distributed content ?

    Distributed content: lessons from Europe   

    Wan-Ifra's Head of Global Advisory, Ben Shaw, has met many European publishers in recent months and discussed their distributed content strategy. He will share some of the key findings resulting from these conversations and illustrate them with concrete examples. Xavier Grangier will also share directly with DMA's audience Liberation's own experience as an early adopter of FB's Instant Articles... 

    Growing audiences for paid-for news

    What kind of social media content strategy fits a media with a hard paywall? This is the challenge that The Times and Sunday Times faces in London. Obviously, platforms such as Apple News (which allows subscriptions) will be preferred while content will be distributed on other networks with the clear focus to bring readers back toward the pay-for site... Free weekly articles are also offered to registered users while e-newsletters play an important role to create a bond with readers...

    Integrating audience development and marketing

    The Financial Times' audience engagement team includes social media editors, a data analyst, an SEO expert, an engagement strategist and a community manager to lead the FT strategy around comments and onsite engagement... It also includes a marketing manager, who coordinates with the other commercial parts of the FT organization to grow the impact of its promotional efforts... This session's will give an overview of the FT's overall audience engagement strategy and specific insights on the marketing manager role for growing subscriptions.

    Distributed content: lessons from Europe   

    A case study from Liberation, a leading French national daily.



    • Director, Global Advisory - WAN-IFRA, Germany
    • Deputy Head of Digital, The Times & Sunday Times, UK
    • Senior Marketing Manager, Audience Development and Global Partnerships, The Financial Times
    • Head of Digital/CTO, Libération, France
  • 16:00

    Session 4: Best practices in Asian news media

    The news industry and Google: Partnering for impact. 

    Dushyant Khare, Head of Global Partnerships for South East Asia and India will address the key trends we are seeing for news organizations in the region and outline the ways in which Google is responding to work with news partners. 

    Reaching out to millennials with online video

    R.AGE, the youth news and lifestyle platform of The Star Media Group in Malaysia, has clinched the top award at the 2016 WAN-IFRA World Young Reader Prize for its innovative use of video, compelling journalistic storytelling and audience involvement. In this presentation, R.AGE's editor Ian Yee will explain how his team gained international recognition work their work while operating on a shoe string budget.


    • Director, Global Advisory - WAN-IFRA, Germany


    • Head - Global Partnerships - Southeast Asia & India, Google, Singapore
    • News Editor - Executive Producer R.AGE, Star Media Group
  • 16:30

    Session 5: Asian Digital Media Awards

    The winners of the 7th Asian Digital Media Awards will be presented by Google and Wan-Ifra. Learn from the best in the industry through inspiring short videos and presentations by Award nominees:

    • Best in Reader Engagement / Online Video: video by Apple Daily
    • Best Ad Campaign: video by Astro Awani
    • Best in Online video: video by MediaCorp
    • Best in News Mobile Product: video by the Philippines Daily Inquirer
    • Best News Website / Best tablet app: video by Singapore Press Holdings


  • 17:30

    Asian Digital Media Awards reception

    Mingle with the Awards winners, conference speakers and delegates at this informal gathering. The ADMA cocktail is a festive opportunity to relax and network with peers.

November 10

  • 08:00

    Breakfast session: Digital transformation in the newsroom

    Hosted by

    Michael Beach, Head of Digital Content at Seven West Media (WA), publishers of The West Australian newspaper, will share his experience of bringing print, digital and TV together in an integrated newsroom. By implementing the CCI NewsGate system, they redefined their workflow - enabling digital growth and reduced print-production cost.



    • Head of Digital Content, Seven West Media, Australia
  • 09:00

    Session 6: The end of display advertising 1.0

    Sponsored by

    Digital advertising is moving away from traditional display. The trends point to mobile-ready, fast-loading and off-platform ads. Digital ad revenue depends on deep insights into customer data, tracking users across multiple devices. How are publishers taking steps to improve the user experience? What are the latest solutions that AdTech start-ups and innovative publishers are using for boosting digital advertising revenues?  And what steps can you take to prevent ad blocking and offer ad formats that will not scare away readers and users?


    The Rise of Strategic Digital Content Partnerships

    Whilst traditional digital display remains important, the growth of
    mobile first, digital content partnerships are critically leading the
    way for relationships between publishers and marketers. Deep insights
    in to customer behaviour and media consumption, tracking across
    multiple platforms, how do publishers plan to improve its offering to
    customers to ensure they can communicate effectively its messaging,
    growing awareness and changing perception.


    Ad networks: in search of scale

    In the competitive digital advertising ecosystem, news publishers often face a problem of scale and reach for efficiently monetising their online inventories. On many markets, media companies join forces and create Ad Networks to address this challenge. This is a path that Kompas is following in Indonesia. Kompas Cyber Media Director, Andy Budiman, will explain in this session the reasons behind this choice, the benefits it has provided so far as well as the difficulties they met on the way...


    • Business Development Director for Australia, India & SEA, Criteo


    • Head of Digital, The Wall Street Journal, Asia – Pacific
    • SVP & Global Head : Brand & Field Marketing, Tech Mahindra, India
    • Chief Executive Officer, KG Media
  • 11:00

    Session 7: VR, live video and new content formats

    The Economist gets more views for its videos than for its text articles on Facebook! As video consumption grows at vertiginous rates, news publishers are racing to produce more video content. Meanwhile, Twitter (with periscope), Facebook and YouTube are offering new tools and channels for creating and distributing live, 360 videos… VR is another trend to watch, with the New York Times and the Wapo intensifying their efforts in producing long form documentaries in full VR… Will these new formats transform the digital news business?

    Riding the VR trend

    Emulating the New York Times and other global media brands, South Korea's leading daily, the Chosun Ilbo, has stepped up its efforts in recent months for creating compelling VR content for its users which is available on a dedicated VR Chosun app. The newspaper also created its own Chosun VR Cardboard viewer and distributed it to its readers...

    Powering up an integrated online video platform 

    Sin Chew's digital arm in Malaysia, MCIL Multimedia, has launched Pocketimes, an online video platform which offers original video content produced by the newspaper as well as third parties content, such as drama series from China. MCIL's Chief Content Officer will explain in this session how the platform was created, what is their content creation and acquisition strategy and monetisation attempts through ads or digital products placement...

    Progressive product strategy

    There are many fast moving parts to a media product--from its user experience to its editorial tools, its monetization levers to its distribution capabilities. In this session, Nicole Wilke will speak of what she has done in mixed traditional/digital media settings like Wired, as well as what she is doing now at a purely digital brand like TechCrunch, to balance these needs and craft forward thinking products that win for the audience and for the business.


    • Director, Global Advisory - WAN-IFRA, Germany


  • 13:00

    Lunch Meeting: The Future of Advertising - How Emotions Trigger Monetization

    Hosted by

    In today's cluttered digital landscape, with consumers turning to ad blockers in their masses, it is more important than ever that both publishers and advertisers take steps to repair the disconnect with consumers, and improve the user experience.
    At Unruly, we have spent the past 10 years working closely with both premium publishers and advertisers to study the emotional impact of content on consumers. Join us as we share our findings with you. We'll explore how to future proof your content strategy, understand emotional targeting and monetise your site with native, user friendly ad formats.


    • Publisher Lead, Asia Pacific, Unruly Singapore
  • 14:00

    Session 8: The next generation of newsroom tools, workflows and processes

    Storytelling today is not only about good journalistic tools anymore. Distributing news on multi platforms, including newsletters, chat apps and social media networks requires sophisticated digital tools. Monitoring and optimising digital content’s impact on the audience also requires a whole new set of tech tools and new roles in the newsroom.

    Targeted video content for millennials

    Stakk Factory is a new digital-only venture launched in HK and helmed by Apple Daily's former Director of Digital Strategy. In this presentation Christina Lo will explain how Stakk creates viral targeted video content for millennials. All 50 staff of this young start-up take part in content creation which is fully planned and executed without a traditional content management system, via the use of Google forms and other free tools...

    Expanding the integrated newsroom

    Singapore Press Holdings' flagship publication, the Straits Times has increased its efforts in the past two years for truly integrate its print and digital editorial operations with a digital-first focus. This presentation will explain what did not work for them and what have been the successes they are now trying to replicate in the media group's other titles. 

    Empowering the newsroom's creativity

    The Times & Sunday Times' New Products team focusses on enhancing and improving storytelling across platforms through the use of data journalism, gamification and other special projects powered by new in-house or third party tools.

    Panel discussion: How will the newsroom of the future look like?      



    • CEO, Stakk Factory, Hong Kong
    • Editor-in-Chief, The Straits Times & SPH's English/Malay/Tamil Media Group, Singapore
    • Deputy Head of Digital, The Times & Sunday Times, UK
    • Head of Digital Content, Seven West Media, Australia
  • 16:00

    Session 9: New Strategies for digital transformation

    From innovative digital advertising strategies to ambitious investments in new business units, from video monetisation to mobile revenue, we'll showcase those media companies succeeding in the quest of new revenue streams.

    A journey through digital transformation.

    Media companies are undergoing a fundamental restructuring to engage audiences consistently with their habits and wants, re-invent the way they sell and engage with marketers and adopt new channels and platforms to transform into digital players. Using Singapore's multimedia broadcasting group MediaCorp as a case study, this session will navigate through the journey of a digital transformation.

    Closing keynote: Dual Transformation

    In his latest book, innovation and growth consultant Scott Anthony proposes a practical and sustainable approach to one of the greatest challenges facing leaders today: transforming your business in the face of imminent disruption. He elaborates on lessons learnt from Adobe, Johnson & Johnson, Singtel, and Xerox, and a case study from co-author Clark Gilbert’s first-hand experience transforming his own media and publishing company.



Digital Media Asia 2016
