Downloads | Digital Media LATAM 2019
Digital Media LATAM 2019
Jornal O Globo’s transformation
Rede Gazeta: from print to digital while keeping up their relevance and influence with readers
Quartz: creating a long lasting bond with its most loyal readers
Chartbeat: Global and regional trends on the engagement of digital audiences
Google News Initiative and the Latin American news industry
Mediapart: hard-hitting journalism as a value offer
Growth, loyalty and local memberships: WhereBy.Us and its community membership model
Behind the scenes on The Guardian's success
Journalism, technology and empathy: the case of The Enemy
Behind the scenes on The Guardian's success
National Geographic: Finding the social strategy that works for you
Facebook: Empowering publishers to thrive in the digital era
Marfeel: Evolving your strategy for publishing’s mobile first era
How to bet on scale and strengthen a journalistic brand (El Debate)
How to bet on scale and strengthen a journalistic brand (
How to bet on scale and strengthen a journalistic brand (UOL)
How platforms fit Into The New York Times's audience strategy
Audio in the digital age: harnessing its potential, knowing its limits (PRISA Radio)
Audio in the digital age: harnessing its potential, knowing its limits (Slate)
The product manager “gold rush”
The Washington Post's editorial experimentation process
Innovative digital narratives, better journalism and new audiences: Journalytics at JOTA
Innovative digital narratives: How does LA NACIÓN, a legacy media company, promote innovation in the newsroom?
How to bet on scale and strengthen a journalistic brand (UOL)