Programme | Local Digital Subscription Summit

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Local Digital Subscription Summit

Programme | Local Digital Subscription Summit



Workshop Leader Sofia Olsson Olsén


November 13

  • 19:00

    Networking Drinks @ Apfelweinwirtschaft Proletariat

    Dreieichstr.45, 60594 Frankfurt

    Tel.: (069) 623963

November 14

  • 09:30

    Welcome from FAZ and local insights


  • 09:45

    Agenda / Big picture / Measurement


  • 10:00

    A digital first newsroom driving paid content

    Olsson Olsén has a unique background as a journalist who became publisher of local Swedish newspapers, head of Plus content and later Publisher at Aftonbladet. In this workshop she shares her experience and leads a discussion on the biggest challenge for local news titles: How to both drive digital subscriptions and produce an attractive printed paper. 




  • 10:15

    Status collecting - biggest challenges

    What are your current challenges selling local content online? A short brainstorm. 

  • 10:30

    Selling journalism online – Part 1 - The offer for readers

    The differences between big and small newsrooms regarding organization and resources when it comes to understanding the user behavior, collecting and using data.

  • 11:10


  • 11:30

    Selling journalism online – Part 2 - Internal challenges

    Starting at the top, how does the management team work with, and communicate, the strategy, business goals and KPIs to the newsroom? 

    And, the most important thing: how to work with two strategies at the same time. A still profitable and qualitative printed newspaper and a progressive online business.

  • 12:10

    A year into premium paid content: what’s working, what’s missing in La Voix du Nord’s strategy?

    Two years ago, the regional newspaper La Voix du Nord (headquartered in Lille, France and part of Rossel Group) launched a major project to prepare a new editorial and business strategy. Their first offer is a website called VDN which is is free, ad-supported, and targeting occasional readers. VDN is a continuous flow of information - short snippets of essential news. The second offer is based on subscription and is called La Voix du Nord. This is a Premium offer, reserved for subscribers, which gives access to all the depth of information from the North - Pas-de-Calais region. Instead of offering the traditional newspaper sections, the web site offers News playlists, like the playlists on Spotify. Those lists are designed to highlight content that would previously have been hidden in the depths of the site, three or four clicks from the home page.

    La Voix du Nord has a print circulation of about 204 000 copies per day (mainly home delivery) and 12,000 digital subscribers. Its audience for the digital version is about 400,000 unique visitors per day – population, for the area it covers, is about 4 million.


  • 12:40


  • 13:40

    Focus on The Product

    How to delight readers with a small dev budget?

    Engagement from speed and localisation

    The Android app of Nordbayern News is rated 4.2 stars on the Play Store. It runs super fast and achieves a high level of daily engagement with simple to configure push notifications. Crucial to their success: re-imagining the online reader experience without trying to replicate anything from print. (talk will be in German!)


    Product UX at the heart of Local Growth

    The popular Bielefeld city app has grown into a successful franchise model in over 30 other local communities. They do the basics right - offering a local users essential events and local venue information. Along the way, they formed valuable partnerships with local business and even developed a playbook for people looking to set up a similar service from scratch. In 2019 they're keen to work more with local news publishers. 


  • 14:25

    Making a successful local data strategy


    • Part 1 – Complete Data Integration
      • Cost effective data platforms - quality and speed
      • Case: Stampen Media
    • Part 2 – Increase digital subscriptions with data driven development
      • Increasing digital subscriptions for local news 
        • Who is our reader? 
        • How to get local readers to pay?
        • How to engage local readers?
        • Activities
    • E-paper bundling 
    • AI for local newspapers 


  • 15:10

    Wrap-up / Next Steps & Follow-up Event

    Open discussion, reflections, questions

  • 16:00


Local Digital Subscription Summit
