World Editors Forum - Women in News Summit

World Editors Forum - Women in News Summit
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What works for the bigger players such as The New York Times and The Guardian isn’t always applicable to small and mid-size companies. This workshop will feature inspiring case studies from local newspapers that are truly transforming their business.
A look at some of the best case studies coming out of the U.S. and Canada.
Driving culture change and digital revenue growth for McClatchy's newspapers.
Some of the best examples of digital marketing and SMB strategy from North America.
An update on the transformation strategy which initially focused on reader revenue, a new marketing approach and operational integration of newspapers, radio and television. Is it working? What are the current challenges for digital subscriptions, print strategy, new advertising models and the integration of newspaper and radio operations?
Sometimes all you need to be creative is a bit more time. And, that’s exactly what journalists could use more of to discover and examine information sources, using their creative capabilities to their full potential. Get the hands-on tools and techniques to think about your stories more creatively in less time. Very useful for those moments when you don’t have a lot of time or colleagues to brainstorm with. You will go home with new strategies for associating beyond your first instinct. And some new tools that help you keep yourself as creative as you want to be.
Limited amount of seats. Please sign-up for the workshop here!
The momentum for positive change has swung dramatically since our inaugural event in Durban in 2017. And it all began with good, persistent journalism. An opportunity to go deep into issues of gender in media: Leaders making a difference; covering gender and the #metoo movement.
Outstanding individuals throughout our industry make extraordinary personal sacrifices in the name of press freedom, ensuring we get reliable professional news every minute of every day. We award the 2018 Golden Pen of Freedom to one such person. The ceremony is also a moment to mark WAN-IFRA’s formation 70 years ago.
After the opening ceremony, to properly welcome our delegates in a very typical Portuguese way, we will recreate a popular party – Santos Populares.
This reception will take place in Fiartil, right across the street of Estoril’s Convention Center, at an open-air venue, full of trees and small stands. Instead of going to a formal cocktail, delegates will experience the environment of a traditional festivity – with drinks and food stands – as well a glimpse of our regions and our media.
And because storytelling is the art of journalism we too want to share with you the best we have – Come and get to know the History of Portugal and the stories of our people through the eyes of our local newspapers. We promise you it will be an experience you won’t forget!
Hear insights and learnings from the sharp end of publishing. Global Managing Director of Dow Jones and The Wall Street Journal (WSJ), Jonathan Wright has helped to steer Dow Jones to a landmark 3 million global subscribers, but how did the business get there and what insights can other publishers take from that strategy?
Jonathan will also discuss the importance of quality content, strategic regional partnerships, paywall strategies, membership models and the development of increasingly diverse advertising revenue streams. These are challenging times for the media industry more broadly with data and technology advances driving structural changes in the sector. Join us for an insightful breakfast briefing that is designed to provide you with ideas and inspiration about driving growth in the face of challenging global headwinds.
Pre-registration required. Please sign up here!
Leading a 21st Century news organisation requires a fresh approach to people, structure and how you do things. Our keynote speakers are all making an impact but point to the change needed to revitalise media.
Join us at the Exhibition Stage for brief (5 minute) sessions on today's most relevant topics brought to you by our supporters and exhibitors.
11:10 - 11:15
Jonathan Hoffmann
COO, Project Syndicate
11:25 - 11:30
Tom Grinsted
Product Manager Play Apps, Google
What works best to get people to pay for content? It's getting more complex as diverse revenue strategies evolve. Trends from general interest publishers who are extending their brand and tapping their most loyal readers and users for additional revenue. In the mix: subscriptions; newsletters; metered and fremium models and niche verticals.
To make better news products and create more functional new organisations we need to rethink how we do things - and it starts in the newsroom. What roles, structures and management style do you need to think about how to thrive in an increasingly visual and audio-driven news ecosystem?
Recent print trends include important newspaper redesigns (e.g The Guardian) and discussion on the impact of print advertising. Meanwhile there is “new” belief in the value of adapting news for kids and helping them understand what’s good journalism.
Marketers and their media and creative agencies are reconsidering print as a crucial part of their media mix. Major advertisers have recently voiced their concerns over the structural weaknesses of digital media.
Beyond the hype, Blockchain offers a mini-revolution for areas of the media industry. Its decentralised nature, the high level of authentication and the real-time interaction with each component of the value chain, open a wide range of applications: from paid content solutions to direct author monetisation (bypassing distributors) to allocation of ad/marketing budgets according to lead generation performances.
Jarrod Dicker left The Washington Post this year to manage the development of, a platform designed for this new decentralised media economy. He will explain the opportunities he sees and discusses the threats.
Join us again for this unmissable lunch where you can connect with peers from Spain, Portugal and Latin America; share experiences and create fruitful alliances.
Participants will chose discussion tables from four relevant industry topics. Each discussion table will be led by a WAN-IFRA representative.
Register now and choose your discussion table!
Join us at the Exhibition Stage for brief (5 minute) sessions on today's most relevant topics brought to you by our supporters and exhibitors.
13:20 - 13:25
Dominic Young
CEO, Agate
13:35 - 13:40
Allison Blanda
Director of Relationship Management, WordPress VIP
13:50 - 13:55
Mona Hidayet
Executive Director, Clients & Products, AdvantageCS
14:05 - 14:10
Rudy Zeinoun
CTO, WhiteBeard
14:20 - 14:25
Millan I. Berzosa
Strategic Partner Manager, Iberia, Facebook
The new frontier in the fight for sustainability is local news. What steps are local and regional news organisations taking to better meet the needs of digital audiences AND earn money? What goals, roles and tactics are they employing in the process to reassess their future?
As we confront a crisis of trust, how do we reach people who don't believe in journalism? What is the gap between what we are producing and what people want to read?
What does next-level journalism with impact look like?
Often newsroom frustration and collaboration spark ideas for exciting startups and tools. Then what sets them apart? In part-one of this session, a showcase of some new products. In part-two, a deep dive into newsletters - which have evolved into a sophisticated engagement tool that can set apart new startups, like Axios.
A year ago in Durban, Facebook was top of mind for publishers. Since then there have been many fake news items, changes to the news feed algorithm and lingering disappointment about revenue. Brazil’s biggest paper, Folha de S Paulo in Brazil, is no longer providing news to their Facebook page. With new product offerings on the horizon, what strategy should you adopt?
Join us at the Exhibition Stage for brief (5 minute) sessions on today's most relevant topics brought to you by our supporters and exhibitors.
16:05 - 16:10
Juan Varela
Americas Syndication & LatAm, Financial Times
16:20 - 16:25
Michael Greenspon
General Manager, News Services and Print Innovation, The New York Times
China’s Alibaba Group Holdings brought in Gary Liu as CEO of the 113-year-old South China Morning Post in 2017 to spearhead its transformation. It wants SCMP to "lead the global conversation about China." Liu’s background is news aggregator Digg, Spotify Labs and other pure digital players.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a perfect antidote to platform chaos and can give media back control in audience relationships. Amid lingering unhappiness over algorithms, AI can bring order and intelligence to your audience relationship. It can also help with some business issues (e.g. Increase efficiency in some work processes).
Let us enchant you at the Gala Dinner! Enjoy a multi-course dinner and a fantastic programme in one of Estoril’s most emblematic places – the Casino do Estoril, inspiration for Ian Fleming’s first James Bond book, Casino Royale. Connect with colleagues from around the world and spend a great evening together. Please note badges are required for entry.
CrowdTangle is helping publishers redefine their digital strategy and cut costs. In this session, CrowdTangle Co-Founder and CEO Brandon Silverman will discuss how to bring innovation into the newsroom with Andreas Rickmann, Head of New Platforms at the German Media Brand BILD. This workshop will go in depth on how publishers are using CrowdTangle to track news in real-time, gain insights on their social accounts, and shape their overall digital strategy. You’ll learn how partners have implemented CrowdTangle to increase ROI across their companies and how you can, too.
CrowdTangle is the leading social analytic and discovery tool, used by thousands of publishers to monitor social media & reach more people across multiple social media platforms. In 2016 CrowdTangle was acquired by Facebook and offered to publishers for free as part of the Facebook Journalism Project.
Brands and media companies have their own business priorities. However they are united in the digital world by the same challenges. Looking for solutions may require them to work closer together in future, bypassing traditional intermediaries.
Media companies building their data strategy are facing challenging times, not only due to evolving regulations - though this is a key aspect this year. Betts will share how the Financial Times Group has successfully managed to align itself with common goals, data ownership and platform relationships.
Newsrooms have found individual and collaborative ways to fight misinformation and distrust. Is it helping a renaissance of trust in journalism? Editors driving initiatives share what’s working and give takeaways for you to implement.
What are some of the trends and real data driving publishers’ strategies worldwide? WAN-IFRA's annual World Press Trends survey and presentation unveil the key developments and figures shaping the industry, providing context and analysis of where we are and where we are headed. And this year, with the infusion of the World News Publishers Outlook survey and data, which asks publishers where they plan to invest in the future, WPT offers an even deeper prescriptive forecast for next year and beyond.
Amidst terrible economic conditions, Brazilian news publishers have proved remarkably resilient. Legacy news brands are the most popular in the digital environment and this has given them the courage to make bold changes. The session will feature case studies from two major Brazilian publishers.
Join us at the Exhibition Stage for brief (5 minute) sessions on today's most relevant topics brought to you by our supporters and exhibitors.
11:05 - 11:10
Mohan Doshi
Chief Technology Officer, Ninestars
11:20 - 11:25
Martin Vedej
CEO, AntiAdblock
Following an established tradition, Innovation Media Consulting will release, for the 20th time, the annual report it compiles for WAN-IFRA.The consulting firm gives its own analysis of the key industry trends.
Chief executives from very different parts of the world united in the goal to transform their media businesses. They will share the strategy for Prisa Noticias from Spain and Mediahuis, which is headquartered in Belgium.
Every five days a journalist is killed, but we rarely hear or read the stories about those journalists. Who reports on why they were killed? On what story they were covering?
Can we learn from the best storytellers to create awareness about the risks journalists take on a daily basis and ultimately spark change? WITH FREE PRESS UNLIMITED
Join us at the Exhibition Stage for brief (5 minute) sessions on today's most relevant topics brought to you by our supporters and exhibitors.
13:15 - 13:20
Aaron Kaliner
Chief Revenue Officer, Chartbeat
13:30 - 13:35
Patrick von Rüden
Chief Revenue Officer and Co-founder at Savings United
Press freedom is in major flux, being pulled forward in some respects, but going backwards in more. First hand accounts from editors on the frontline. Accounts from editors on the frontline and WAN-IFRA regional media freedom committees.
Best practices, projects and lessons learned from innovation labs around the world. Interactive session for all you need to know about media labs: from setting one up in your newsroom to working with start-ups/students/media companies and getting the rest of the organisation involved in the Lab’s work.
The journalism of interruptions and everywhereness: How does one write, edit and design for an audience that gives us between 6 and 8 seconds before it dives into information. Storytelling is more vibrant and full of possibilities than ever before, and we have several platforms in which to present news and information. This session will concentrate mainly on the smallest screen---the smartphone. It will also deal with the simplest of stories, as in a push notification, all the way to how breaking news flows and how editors must learn to accommodate the individual characteristics of each platform, including the role of print. This will be a fest, indeed, and the participants will leave with solid tips to make storytelling unique in their publications.
Whether it is collaborative reporting projects, a joint effort to crack the membership puzzle, joined-up work on advertising or a collective effort to address trust in media, there is new power in alliances. A report back from a few that are making a difference to boost digital business.
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