Programa | World Printers Forum Conference 2019

World Printers Forum Conference 2019

07 Oct 2019
Berlin office of F.A.Z., Mittelstraße 2–4
, 10117 Berlin

Programa | World Printers Forum Conference 2019



October 07

  • 11:00

    The power of print



    The hangover breakfast after the digital intoxication

    In their digital euphoria, marketers often forget that clicks, likes and visits pick from the tree of brand trust but do not strengthen its roots. We are multisensory beings – our analog brain captures sensory information faster, believes it more readily, and remembers it longer. That’s why three-quarters of all multisensory brands are powerbrands. From a psychological perspective, Sebastian Haupt shows why understanding sensory perception is essential for successful brand management and what a central role print plays in building brand power.

     Präsentation in deutscher Sprache


    • Managing Partner, Multisense Institute for Sensory Marketing, Berlin


    Digital-to-print revenue models

    The Future of Media: How digital-to-print revenue models continue to shape the industry

    Far from being pushed aside by the digital revolution, for innovative and smart publishers, print has found an increasingly valuable role to play in the wider publishing eco-system. For many, the print-digital mix is delivering enhanced audience experience and revenues to boot. Presenting the findings of a UPM and FIPP whitepaper on the value of print, as well as digital/print innovations, Jon will share examples from around the world. The presentation is sponsored by UPM.

     Presentation in English language



    Newsprint market news

    In 2018, the global newsprint market ran into short supply and prices soared. From Köln to Kolkata, many newspaper publishers panicked, fighting to buy paper. Less than a year later, prices are falling and newsprint producers are fighting to sell paper. Gary Thomson examines what happened to produce the first undersupplied newsprint market in the current era of falling global demand. And also why it turned around so quickly, to put publishers back in the driving seat. And then the big question – what can we expect next?

     Presentation in English language


  • 12:30

    Lunch break

  • 13:30

    Preparing for the future



    Newspapers’ Price hikes and digital circulation in the U.S.A.

    While circulation is one of the most important indicators of newspaper demand, such data are often reported out of context by the U.S. media, leading to misinterpretations of reader preference and misinformed strategy. This presentation will reveal the price of 25 major U.S. newspapers since the 2008 recession and the corresponding changes in readership. Additionally, she will release these newspapers’ digital circulation data and explain why newspapers must change course before it is too late.

    Iris Chyi is the author of the WAN-IFRA Report “Print-Online Performance Gap” (2017).

     Presentation in English language


    • Associate Professor, School of Journalism at the US University of Texas at Austin


    Successful with innovation and perseverance

    Successful in the Swiss printing market with innovation and perseverance. The Swiss printing market is shrinking and is under additional pressure from foreign suppliers. CH Media is investing substantially in this market and is growing every year. With innovations, close customer ties and great stamina.

     Präsentation in deutscher Sprache



    Press and mailroom investments

    Presentatioin of the decision process for the investment of 30 Mio. euros in printing and mailroom technology of the Styria Print Group.

     Presentation in English language


    • Managing Director, Styria Print Group and Styria Media Design



    The e-commerce platform for the production and distribution of newspapers with a circulation of 1 copy or more

    The business with printed newspapers is in a deep crisis with no foreseeable end. The question is whether newspapers will still be printed on paper in the long term. The perspective of marketing editorial content or advertising more effectively in a purely digital way seems promising and is therefore in the center of the strategies of numerous newspaper publishers. With the e-commerce platforms and (from 9/2019), Funke Druck GmbH is investigating the question of whether there can be a market for newspaper printing 4.0 after digital transformation of print. With growth through innovative product and service offerings as well as in new business segments.

     Presentation in English language


    • Managing DIrector, Funke Druck GmbH, the printing division of Funke Mediengruppe
  • 15:30

    Coffee break

  • 16:00

    Innovating the business



    The future of maintenance

    The future of maintenance is already here. A lecture from the first steps in research & development about today’s professional use of modern 3D printing technologies for spare parts supply in the offset printing plants of Axel Springer Print Management GmbH.

     Presentation in English language


    • Head of Process Management & IT, AS Printing Plants


    How can a newspaper compete in the digital era?

    The relaunch of Fuldaer Zeitung

    To redesign a newspaper in the past, that usually implemented a change of format, typography or colour. Those are minor aspects today. If a printed paper (or its e-paper edition) wants to compete today, it has to change its storytelling and reporting. In most cases the news left the paper and went digital. So whats left? A newspaper today needs to focus on it's original strengths: background stories, inside reporting, analysis of topics and local informations. This is what a relaunch should cover today: to deliver great stories to your community, to present facts and informations in a way, only print can do. And this is what's been done at the Fuldaer Zeitung. Not a simple rebrush, but a fundamental change in presenting the news.

     Presentation in English language



    Innovation products for publishers

    What target group can we currently not offer our advertising customers? What solutions are lacking to win new advertising customers? Which products would we recommend 100% to our personal environment? What kind of product with what content do we want? And can we do something completely different? These questions were in focus for a long time and only a brainstorming session later was the idea of #KARRIEREGEIL and Endorphin born. Meanwhile both second issues are already printed, the triple is in the starting blocks. About the courage to return to the source.

     Präsentation in deutscher Sprache 



    Cost control through material tests

    Süddeutscher Verlag Zeitungsdruck in Munich has many years of experience in testing important materials for newspaper printing, such as ink and paper. The portfolio of measurement methods is currently being further expanded. Not only the own publishing house profits from this know-how, other newspaper printers can also make use of the services for material tests via the International Print Competence Center (IPCC) without having to invest in measuring equipment and specialized knowledge.

     Presentation in English language


  • 18:00

    End of the conference

World Printers Forum Conference 2019
