Awards | Digital Media LATAM 2016
Digital Media LATAM 2016
Meet the 2016 winners and finalists!
Best News Website, La Nación, ArgentinaLATAM regional and country websites, AS, Colombia, La Voz del Interior, Argentina - WINNER
Best Lifestyle & Entertainment Website, Radio Mitre, Argentina - WINNER
Fashion TV Style Website, ARTEAR, Argentina
"Musa Argentina", La Voz del Interior, Argentina
Best Use of Online Video
"A Vida Que eu Vejo", Zero Hora - RBS Group, Brazil
"Huesos en lo hornos", La Voz del Interior, Argentina
"Las voces del 12F", NTN24, Colombia - WINNER
Best Data Visualisation Project
Century Birthday, Nación Group, Costa Rica
"Elecciones en la Argentina: la lupa en los comicios", La Nación, Argentina - WINNER
Pictoline, Mexico - WINNER
Best Mobile Service
Clarín Balotaje in Telegram, Clarín AGEA, Argentina - WINNER
LATAM regional and country mobile websites, AS, Colombia
SMS Services, UNOTV, Mexico
Best New Product
Municipal Efficiency, Grupo Folha, Brazil
"Muy liebre", La Nación, Argentina - WINNER
"O Silêncio das Inocentes", Rede Bahia, Brazil
Best Audience Engagement
"Chequeos en vivo", Chequeado, Argentina
Pictoline, Mexico - WINNER
"Soy noticia", Vanguardia, Mexico
The LATAM Digital Media Awards 2016, jointly presented by WAN-IFRA and Google this year, is the most prestigious competition in the industry for publishers to benchmark their digital offerings. The competition draws innovative publishers from all over the world who submit their engaging digital media campaigns and content to see where they stack up against their peers.
is the global technology leader focused on improving the ways people connect with information. Google’s innovations in web search and advertising have made its website a top Internet property and its brand one of the most recognized in the world. Google is proud to be supporting this year’s WAN-IFRA media awards in LATAM recognizing innovations in storytelling and business strategies adopted by news publishers in the era of transformation of the media landscape through digital and mobile.
based in Paris, France, and Frankfurt, Germany, with subsidiaries in Singapore, India and Latin America, is the global organisation of the world’s newspapers and news publishers. It represents more than 18,000 publications, 15,000 online sites and over 3,000 companies in more than 120 countries.
Meet the Jury
All you need to know about our jury!
Carmen Riera 
Director SDI Consuting & COO,, Venezuela
Carmen is Managing Partner at SDI Consuting in Caracas, a firm specialised in transformation and Media creation. She is also COO at and consultant in Visual Journalism. She has worked as Head of the Visual Journalism and Graphics Department of the integrated newsroom at Cadena Capriles Media Group in Caracas. In there, she was responsible for the areas of infographics, Video and Archives of the group's three brands. She's a graduate in Social Communication, from the Central University of Venezuela and a Specialist in Project management, development and planning at the University of Monteávila. She is the creator of Venezuela's Information Design Seminar in 2007 and coordinated all its editions. She has participated as a speaker in numerous events such as "The Best of Visual Journalism" ÑH2012, III, the 5th Protecmedia Congress for Newspapers in LATAM , Digital Media LATAM 2014, or "The newsroom 2015: Trends for the Multimedia Business (SIP)". Aditionally she has been a member of the Jury for the SND Awards.
Caio Túlio Costa 
Partner, Caeté Communication, Brazil
Caio Túlio Costa was one of the founders of UOL, Latin America's largest internet portal, and is an Internet pioneer in Brazil, expert in digital media, journalist, teacher of journalism and Ph.D. in Communication by the University of São Paulo, Brazil.
Professor at Escola de Propaganda e Marketing in São Paulo, Costa was Visiting Research Fellow at Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism in New York.
At Columbia University, Costa conducted a research to map the possible business models for the communications industry in the digital age. Costa wrote a report about the research: “A Business Model for Digital Journalism: How Newspapers should Embrace Technology, Social and Value Added Services”.
Costa is also partner of Caeté Communication and integrates the boards of Fundação Padre Anchieta (TV Cultura), Transparency Brazil, Revista Pesquisa FAPESP and Revista de Jornalismo ESPM.
He worked for 21 years at the newspaper Folha de S. Paulo where he was editor, managing editor, foreign correspondent in Paris (France) and creator of Revista da Folha (a newspaper magazine). He was also appointed to be the first ombudsman of the Brazilian press.
Within the same communication group, Costa was one of the founders in 1996 of Universe Online (UOL), the foremost portal and Internet Service Provider in Latin America, of which he was Chief Operating Officer for seven years.
In 2006 he assumed the presidency of Internet Group, Internet arm of Brasil Telecom, a big Brazilian telco, consolidating the portals and internet service providers’ iG, iBest and BrTurbo. In 2009 he consulted for Oi (another large Brazilian telco) about digital convergent media platforms.
Ismael Nafría 
Journalist in Residence at Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas at University of Texas at Austin, USA
Ismael Nafría is an independent journalist, writer, editor, consultant and speaker specialized in digital media. He is journalist in residence at The Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas at University of Texas at Austin (2016-17) and is writing his fourth book (about The New York Times). He has been the Digital Innovation Director (2011-2016), the Editor of VangData (the data journalism section at, and the Online Content Editor at Grupo Godó (2008-2011). He was deputy editor at Prisacom, the Internet company of Grupo PRISA (2005-2008) and editor of (2007 to 2008) He is the author of three books: "Internet es útil" (Plataforma Editorial, 2008), "Web 2.0. El usuario, el nuevo rey de Internet" (Gestión 2000, 2007) and "Sr. Director. Les millors cartes dels lectors de La Vanguardia" (Ara Llibres, 2004). Adjunct Professor of Online Journalism Projects at UIC.
He was the author of the weekly Internet column “La Crónica” (“The Net Chronicles”) at La from 1999 to 2005. Additionaly, he collaborates with the INNOVATION International Media Consulting Group as a media consultant. He has been a specialist commentator on the Internet for the radio station Catalunya Informació. HE has been Editor-in-chief at La Vanguardia Digital. He has also been a writer for the Europa Press news agency and a writer and speaker for Radio Barcelona. Winner of a Fulbright Foundation scholarship, he holds a degree in Journalism (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) and two postgraduate diplomas, in Economics and Business Management for Professionals and Advanced Studies in Publishing. He has participated as a senior fellow at "The Business of Online Journalism" seminar organized by The Western Knight Center in Los Angeles (April 2004).
Gustavo Muñoz
Digital Disruptor, Mexico
Gustavo has an in-depth expertise in Engineering and IT Management, strategic business-planning and development, process and product improvement, R&D, and operations. He is an experienced professional on startup environments with a track record on leading Grupo Expansión (Mexico) for multi-unit operations. His specialties are: Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Management of highly geographically distributed teams, Software Business Models including Open Source, Server architecture, Ajax, API designer, Concurrent Computing, Distributed Computing.
Guido Coulasso Moore 
Director & Founder,, Argentina
Digital Creative Director, Consultant and Producer, with broad experience in creating digital editorial products aiming at creating large audiences in LATAM. Guido was one of the founders of Grupo Clarín Digital Unit in Argentina back in 1994. He actively participated to the development of, its vertical and classifieds online portals. Since 2004, he works in the region for media companies and brands such as Fox Sports Latam, Clarín, TN y Canal 13 de Argentina, El Comercio de Perú, El Debate de México, El Universo de Ecuador, Canal 13 de Chile, Intel, Philip Morris y Coca Cola.
Rodrigo Fino 
President & Founder, GM Latinoamérica, Argentina
Rodrigo leads García Media® Latinoamérica's projects in LATAM. He conceptualises and implements the guidelines of each new design and re-design. He developped the 97 projets currently the company currently runs from its Buenos Aires offices. Before joining, García Media® and founding its LATAM office, he worked in advertising and marketing. He founded his first design and advertising studio at the age of 20.
Key dates to remember
Here are the key dates for participating of 2016 competition.
9 August 2016: Registration opens
6 September 2016: Registration closes
6 September - 9 September 2016: Jury evaluation
16 September 2016: Finalists are notified
17 November 2017: Winners are officially announced at the Digital Media LATAM conference in Buenos Aires*