Digital Media North America 2019

Digital Media North America 2019


Sponsored sessions

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General Programme

The color code in this field is #0423aa


The color code in this field is #f538f6


June 24

  • Stream IDs:
    • 7496


    • General Programme


    Lobby - Ground floor

    Pick up your registration badge early in the morning. 

  • Stream IDs:
    • 7496


    • General Programme

    Introductory session: Why have product roles become crucial in news media companies?

    Global Classroom - SUNY Global Center

    There is a growing understanding amongst industry experts that product roles are vital to the future of news media companies and a  gold rush towards Chief Product Officers, Product VP’s, Product Managers, etc., is taking place. These positions enable media companies to grasp and quickly adapt to change. In this introductory session, participants will understand why and how media companies have been adopting product strategies and mindsets, as well as the challenges around this trend.


    • Director of Innovation & Leadership, Craig Newmark J-School/CUNY, USA
  • Stream IDs:
    • 7496


    • General Programme

    Session 2: Fireside Chat on Product strategy and revenue objectives

    Global Classroom - SUNY Global Center

    Product roles are rare, expensive, hard to find and difficult to retain. Some publishers and CEOs are often reluctant to hiring or truly empowering such roles. In this session, we’ll show to what extent investing in product roles has a direct impact on a company’s revenue strategies, and what is needed to achieve that.


    • Director of Innovation & Leadership, Craig Newmark J-School/CUNY, USA


    • Chief Product Officer, Bloomberg Media Group, USA
  • Stream IDs:
    • 7496


    • General Programme

    Session 3: Breaking newsroom walls. Aligning company goals. Responding to the audience’s needs.

    Global Classroom - SUNY Global Center

    A product role not only enables a smoother connection between the newsroom, the business and the tech side of a news company. It is also key in connecting the newsroom to the ever-changing needs of the company’s digital audience, while keeping business goals in mind and understanding any technological complexity a given project might have.


    Why Newsrooms find "Product" Hard

    10:15-10:45 - A presentation by Nick Petrie on the how product can help a company transition from centuries of similar workflows and processes, into a company that needs to constantly adapt to the changing needs of its digital audiences in extremely competitive business and technological ecosystems, followed by a Q&A with Emily Ingram.


    • Deputy Head of Digital, The Times & Sunday Times, UK

    Fireside Chat with The Atlantic

    10:45-11:15 - Join The Atlantic's Andrew Phelps for a look at how the publication is laying the groundwork to elevate its product and subscriber experience across platforms and expand its digital consumer business.


  • Stream IDs:
    • 7497


    • Networking

    Networking Break

    Lobby Global Classroom - SUNY Global Center
  • Stream IDs:
    • 7496


    • General Programme

    Session 4: Elements of success: user-experience and design

    Global Classroom - SUNY Global Center

    User experience and design have become a must have in today’s digital era. Companies of the likes of Amazon, Google, Facebook, Spotify, Netflix, AirBNB and Uber provide the smoothest and friendliest user journeys. News media companies cannot afford to stay behind and risk losing their audiences’ invaluable attention. News companies with a product strategy and mindset are a step ahead when it comes to creating the most adapted tech solutions and provide top-level user journeys.


    • VP, Product Optimization, Dow Jones, USA


  • Stream IDs:
    • 7495
    • 7496


    • Sponsored sessions

    • General Programme

    Session 5: Talk less, Experiment more

    Global Classroom - SUNY Global Center

    Much too often, when creating a new product, media companies spend too much time and effort discussing, instead of testing. But one of they keys to creating successful products is embracing a culture of constant experimentation. Experimenting can be costly, but surely less costly than taking a wrong decision and creating an unsuccessful product. In this session, we’ll explore how it is possible to create a product, in this case, a successful video strategy, through smart experimentation techniques and technology.


    • Executive Managing Director, Styria Content Creation, Austria

    Sponsored by:

  • Stream IDs:
    • 7497


    • Networking

    Networking Lunch

    Café & Terrace (3rd floor) - SUNY Global Center
  • Stream IDs:
    • 7496


    • General Programme

    Session 6: Defining priorities and changing cultures in local media companies

    Global Classroom - SUNY Global Center

    Product roles have become paramount to news publishers. Great product teams can uplift an entire media organization. But building an elite product team is challenging, particularly for local publishers. 

    How can local media companies hire strong product talent despite resource challenges and stiff competition for these assets? Once teams are assembled, how can product leaders activate these essential functions to spark transformation companywide? How can they drive a customer-first mindset that pervades all aspects of the organization, creating products and experiences that users love (and will pay for)? In this session, digital leaders at large North American media companies share their vision for building strong product cultures. 


    • Chief Strategy Officer, Local Media Association, USA


  • Stream IDs:
    • 7495
    • 7496


    • Sponsored sessions

    • General Programme

    An Introduction to GNI's Innovation Challenge in North America

    Global Classroom - SUNY Global Center
    The Google News Initiative is a global effort to work with the news industry to help journalism thrive in the digital age. Come learn about their new Innovation Challenge in North America focused on funding creative projects that aim to generate revenue and/or increase audience engagement for local journalism.


  • Stream IDs:
    • 7496


    • General Programme

    Session 7: Fireside Chat: The intricacies of product roles

    Global Classroom - SUNY Global Center

    How to find the right profile and make the best of it? How to attract and retain such profiles? Should they have a media background or not? What are the tensions between product and other areas (editorial, tech, business) and how to diffuse them? How to empower a product leader? 



  • Stream IDs:
    • 7497


    • Networking

    Networking Break

    Lobby Global Classroom - SUNY Global Center
  • Stream IDs:
    • 7496


    • General Programme

    Session 8: Fireside Chat: Towards a new era of internal collaboration

    Global Classroom - SUNY Global Center

    A conversation with Renée Kaplan on the importance of internally adopting a cross-departmental collaborative approach between editorial, business and tech, in order to better respond to the audience’s ever-changing needs, to achieve revenue objectives and to produce relevant content in an increasingly competitive and complex digital ecosystem.


    • Director of Innovation & Leadership, Craig Newmark J-School/CUNY, USA


    • Head of Audience and New Content Strategies, The Financial Times, UK
  • Stream IDs:
    • 7496


    • General Programme

    Session 9: Portfolio: What makes a product (un)successful?

    Global Classroom - SUNY Global Center

    This session will provide tips on how to create a successful product and showcase some of the most interesting news products recently launched: how are they conceived, developed and finally deployed? What are the keys to their success or failure?  


    • Deputy Off-Platform Editor, The New York Times, USA


    • Greg Doufas
      Chief Technology and Digital Officer, The Globe and Mail, Canada
    • Director of Newsroom Product, The Washington Post, USA
  • Stream IDs:
    • 7497


    • Networking

    North American Digital Media Awards Winners Announcement & Drinks

    Global Classroom

    It has been an incredible year for news to rethink, reshape and rejoice on extraordinary digital journalism. Pure players and traditional media outlets have shown us how innovation and remarkable storytelling are still fuelling the engines of great journalism. 

    Join us for the announcement of the 2019 North American Digital Media Awards winners followed by casual drinks to network with conference speakers and participants and hear more from the winners' and finalists' projects!

    Competing this year are:

    Best News Website or Mobile Service

    A Future Based on Investigative Journalism, The Globe and Mail, Canada

    PGNewsSlide, Block Communications, Inc., USA, The Washington Post, USA  - WINNER


    Best Digital Marketing Campaign for News Brands

    Democracy Dies in Darkness, The Washington Post, USA

    Good Things Campaign, The Wall Street Journal, USA

    The Truth is Worth It, The New York Times, USA - WINNER 


    Best Data Visualization

    Orchestra Gender Disparity, Quartz, USA

    Self-driving cars: Who to save, who to sacrifice?, Radio-Canada, Canada

    The four days in 1968 that reshaped D.C., The Washington Post, USA - WINNER


    Best Digital Project to Engage Youger and/or Millennial Audiences

    The leaders' dialogue, Le Devoir, Canada

    Made in PGH, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, USA

    Playing Games with Politicians, The Washington Post, USA - WINNER


    Best Use of Online Video

    Explainer Videos, Le Devoir, Canada

    The Future of Gaming (in collaboration with Retro Report), Quartz, USA - WINNER


    Best Paid Content Strategy

    From IBM Watson to Health Tech: Our journey to creating a new, cross-channel vertical, STAT, USA - WINNER

    The Truth is Worth It, The New York Times, USA