Speakers | Digital Media Europe 2019
Digital Media Europe 2019
Confirmed speakers for 2019
Director of Innovation & Leadership, Craig Newmark J-School/CUNY, USA

Executive Vice-President of Product & Operations (TV, Print, Digital, Radio), RBS Group, Brazil

Andiara Petterle is an entrepreneur and executive of the digital market since 1998. Currently, she is senior vice-president of Product Development and Operations at Grupo RBS. Previously she was vice president Newspapers and Digital Media for the same group. Before joining RBS, Petterle was the Executive Director of Strategy and Business Development at e.Bricks, RBS’s investment company focused on the digital industry. At e.Bricks, she acted as an advisor to several technology, e-commerce and media companies. She founded Grupo Bolsa de Mulher, one of the largest women's digital media companies in Latin America, and was CEO of Predicta and other digital companies in the country. Petterle has a bachelor and a master’s degree in Social Communications from PUC-RJ, was an invited researcher at Brown University, and has participated in business training programs at Harvard Business School and Stanford University Graduate School of Business.
Head of Creative Sales, Schibsted Brand Studio, Sweden

As head of Creative Sales, Lotta Tjulin Thörnqvist is leading and coaching Creative Specialists and ensuring Schibsted’s Creative portfolio stays the best on the Swedish market, educating the internal sales organisation, advertisers and agencies in strategies for content- and creative marketing.
Lotta has been working for Schibsted since 2006, starting off as an Key Account Manager at Aftonbladet – Sweden's largest newspaper – and has since worked as a Sales Manager, Creative Business Developer and for the last four years focused on sponsoring, branded content and native advertising.
Product Owner Web and Apps, MittMedia, Sweden

Katarina Ellemark is Mittmedia Product Owner Web and Apps and at the centre of the media group’s digital subscription execution, including driving the recent home page personalisation project. Her background is in journalism, including stints as web editor at Svenska Dagbladet and as development director at Talentum Media.
Creative Specialist Content Marketing, Schibsted Brand Studio, Sweden

Alexander is a recognized expert in Native Advertising at Schibsted, with the advertisers and media agencies. He continuously works on business development, creating sustainable deliverables and measurable results for Schibsteds customers Native-campaigns.
Head of Commercial, VGTV AS, Norway

Elnaz is a member of the leadership team of VGTV AS, the biggest Norwegian commercial Online Video site, where she is responsible for revenue, and leading business development and commercial strategy. She also leads Schibsteds Video products in Norway, VG Snapchat Discover and VG Podcast. Prior to that, she was Commercial Product Manager of VG.no, the largest Norwegian internet site and its niche sites. Elnaz started out her career as Nordic Brand Manager at Unilever and continued to Schibsted Media Group since 2012.
Executive Vice President, Amedia AS, Norway

Product Manager, Neue Westfälische Mediagroup, Germany

Alexander Drößler is the product manager for Lokalportal within Neue Westfälische Mediagroup, a regional newspaper in Germany. Lokalportal is a participatory platform that provides access to local life. Its mission is to strengthen neighborhoods by giving them access to reliable local information and a place for valuable exchange about it. Drößler is in charge of strategic development, operational implementation, marketing and public relations of Lokalportal within Neue Westfälische. Previously he has worked as a digital editor with nw.de, the main news website of Neue Westfälische. He holds a master's degree in Journalism from Hamburg University. As a Fulbright Grantee, he has spent the 2013-14 academic year at the University of Missouri-Columbia School of Journalism focusing on participatory journalism and new business models.
Founder & CEO, Lokalportal, Germany

Sebastian Penthin is founder & CEO of Lokalportal, a Start-Up from Hamburg, Germany. Lokalportal is a participatory platform that provides access to local life, which is run together with local publishers. Our mission is to strengthen neighborhood and local lives in general by giving everybody access to reliable local information and a place for valuable exchange about it. Before founding Lokalportal Sebastian worked with eBay as an internal entrepreneur. Sebastian holds a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and in Biology from Kiel University.
Digital editor, Decât o Revistă (DoR), Romania

Deputy Editor-in-Chief, APA, Austria

Werner Müllner began studying Journalism & Communications Science at University of Vienna in 1978. He had his first taste of working at APA in 1979 during a holiday work placement, after which he spent several years freelancing for the arts & culture department and later on the current affairs desk. After taking a role as Press Spokesman for the Traffic Safety Agency, he returned to APA at the end of the 80s. In 1998 he was given the role of Manager Current Affairs. He held this position until 2005 when he became News Manager and since 2008, Deputy Editor-in-Chief.
In addition to his position as Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Müllner is Director of the APAcademy Newsroom and Coordinator for internal APA Quality Projects.
He also acts as the interface between the newsroom and IT at APA. For some time he has been a trainer for the APA-Campus (Writing Workshop), as well as for the KfJ College Salzburg und the Tyrolean Journalism Academy, among others. As project manager for the Austrian Video Platform (AVP), he leads its development as an independent platform for sharing video content between media companies in Austria.
Executive Managing Director, Styria Content Creation, Austria

In addition to his role at styria content creation gmbh, Alexis is a Behavioural Designer / Partner at FehrAdvice and Partners in Vienna. He was previously managing director of Styria Digital One, Austria’s number one digital publisher regarding reach with a portfolio of 35 general interest, lifestyle and niche portals with premium content.
The author of books and articles on online advertising started his career as a business and finance journalist. He then soon realized the potential of video and co-founded an online TV platform in 2000. Alexis later became part of the editorial board of the Austrian business paper “WirtschaftsBlatt” and reorganized the digital content activities of Styria Media Group, one of Austria’s top media companies.
His passion is journalism and he loves the new possibilities digital news and advertising offer.
Managing Director, Russmedia and Editor-in-Chief, Vorarlberger Nachrichten, Austria

Gerold is heading the digital transition of Austrian-based publishing company, Russmedia’ since 2011. With an emphasis on local news and a mobile service strategy he has led the regional news portal VOL.AT (Vorarlberg Online) into the Top 5 Austrian news websites, while Vorarlberg is Austria’s second smallest province.
Gerold is editor-in-chief of VN, the largest newspaper of Austria’s westernmost province Vorarlberg. From 1996 to 2003, Gerold worked in Munich, Germany as tech journalist, tv producer and editor in chief for the business-radio of F.A.Z., SAT.1 Bavaria/tv.münchen and crossmedia production company AME. He has successfully completed the Media Executive Leadership Program at Northwestern University/Kellogg Business School, Evanston, IL. Gerold is board member of the International News Media Association INMA and the Global Editors Network.
Head of Content Strategy, Styria Digital One / Styria Content Creation, Austria

Nicola Dietrich is head of content strategy at styria digital one, Austria’s number one digital publisher regarding reach with a portfolio of around 30 general interest, lifestyle and niche portals with premium content, and of Styria Content Creation, a many times awarded Austrian magazine publisher and content marketing agency. Together with her team she’s constantly working on enlarging the companies’ product portfolio und develops digital solutions for customers in the fields of content marketing and native advertising. The designated digital expert has been in the media industry for more than 15 years. Before becoming head of content strategy she lead the sales development team at styria digital one and previously worked at e.g. kleinezeitung.at, austria.com/plus, oe24.at and before that at T-Mobile and ÖAMTC.
Adam Foley, Director of Sales and Strategy, Guardian Labs

Adam is the head of sales and strategy for the Guardian Labs and leads the team responsible for identifying strategic opportunities for the Guardian, turning them into ideas and pitching them to clients. He joined the Guardian in 2015 from Starcom MediaVest where he was the Managing Partner for Strategy, leading across a diverse portfolio of clients - including BT, EMI, Heineken and Spotify - where he received industry recognition for his work including awards from both Media Week and Campaign. Since joining the Guardian Labs, he has overseen a double digit growth in revenue from acclaimed work for Google, Lloyds, NatWest, Air BnB and SEAT as well as the Sales Team of the Year award at Media Week 2018.
Head of Premium, Expressen, Sweden

Head of News Division, Le Figaro Group, France

Deputy Head of Digital, The Times & Sunday Times, UK

Chief Operating Officer, The Ozone Project, UK

Danny’s mission is to help publishers’ create incremental value in their digital advertising businesses by understanding the challenges they face, and by delivering the capability that they need. Before becoming COO at the start of 2020, Danny led the commercial, product and analytics functions of Ozone’s Publisher Platform.
Prior to joining The Ozone Project, Danny was Programmatic Director at Guardian News & Media where he was responsible for global leadership of advertising technology and data strategy as well as UK & ROW programmatic revenue.
CEO, NRC Media, Netherlands

Rien van Beemen is CEO of NRC Media, a leading Dutch quality newspaper. NRC has migrated in a few years from a classic newspaper business to a mainly digital player. 80% of readers have a digital component included in their subscription. NRC has now been able to grow its number of subscribers for four years in a row. Before entering the media world, Rien had extensive experience in two other disruptive industries: travel and online entertainment.
Founder Granary Square, non-executive director, UK

Tanya Cordrey is a member of Palamon Capital Partners advisory board, a non-executive Director at Clarks and the founder of consulting company Granary Square. From 2014 to 2017 she was a non-executive Director at Schibsted and a member of the group audit committee. From 2011 to 2015, Tanya was Chief Digital Officer at Guardian News & Media, heading up the organisation’s 150-strong product, engineering and data and analytics teams. She has worked in both large and small digital organisations since the late 1990s. She served as Product Director at eBay UK & Ireland, where she was a member of the management board and was responsible for website and mobile innovation during a period when eBay achieved record levels of customer acquisition and activity. Tanya was part of the European senior team at eToys and established BabyCenter.com in the UK. Before joining GNM, she was the UK GM for UK start-up Zopa.com. Tanya holds an MBA with distinction from the London Business School.
Commercial Director, Media Capital Multimedia, Portugal

Mário Matos is a member of the Nonio project Steering Committee. Nonio is a tech platform created by the largest communication groups in Portugal, to offer users personalised content with more security and quality. To access the 70 most important Portuguese sites on the platform, users only need to register once.
Mário is the Commercial Director of Grupo Media Capital, one of the leading media groups in Portugal. In the television segment, It owns TVI – the leading Portuguese free-to-air TV broadcasting channel, the news channel TVI24, TVI Ficção (local drama), TVI África (for Angola and Mozambique), TVI Reality (reality shows) and TVI Internacional; the second largest radio group in Portugal, including the audience leader in Portugal Rádio Comercial, M80, Cidade, SmoothFM, VodafoneFM; and Media Capital Digital, a multimedia company whose principal brand, IOL, is the second largest national internet gateway.
Partner Manager Sales, BurdaForward GmbH

President, Mather Economics, USA

Project Manager, NLProfiel, Netherlands

Managing Director, United for News, UK

Managing Director, styria digital one, Austria

Vice President VÖZ, CEO Kurier Medienhaus, Austria