Programa | Indian Media Leaders eSUMMIT 2021

Programa | Indian Media Leaders eSUMMIT 2021


World class speakers, workshops, best case studies from around the world, be a part of it!

Its  a eSUMMIT thought leaders and leading industry figures share their insights, predictions, and their recommendations for leading through this pandemic. We look at where growth opportunities exist and how they might be leveraged. 


Junio 28

  • 15:00

    Welcome and Opening remarks.


    • Director, WAN-IFRA South Asia & Director, The Printers Mysore Ltd., India.
  • 15:10

    World Press Trends and Outlook 2021.

    A look inside WAN-IFRA’s annual report of how publishers faced 2020 and where the industry is headed in 2021 and beyond.



    • Director of Insights & Editor-in-Chief, WAN-IFRA, Germany
  • 15:45

    Keynote and panel: Future proofing news media business.

    As the news media continues to face the challenges created by pandemic on one hand and the digital disruption on the other, how do industry leaders manage their business and future proof their business.

    Top news executives from around the world join the Indian colleagues to discuss the topic.



  • 16:45

    Digital transformation, the strategies required to put audience needs first.



    • Digital transformation, content strategy and innovation consultant, WEF Board Member, UK
  • 17:30

    End of day 1

Junio 29

  • 14:15

    Deep dive: Subscription learnings from around the world



    • Data & innovation Strategy, Google News Initiative, APAC

    Session hosted by

  • 15:00

    Keynote: Audience first newsroom.

    Newsrooms have transitioned from print first, to digital first and mobile first to audience first. Learn about the strategies to reframe the relationship with audience by commissioning content directly linked to user needs.



  • 15:30

    Transforming news and newsroom culture in digital era.

    The biggest challenge in newsroom transformation is making people adopt to the change and often culture becomes a hindrance to the process. We will hear from a leading Asian newsroom about how they successfully managed the change and leveraged their newsroom capabilities to serve the global audience.



  • 16:00

    Panel: Impact of pandemic on women in news – how did they manage it.

    Four women leaders discuss the impact of pandemic and the road to senior leadership roles for women in news.


    • Co-Founder & CEO, Quintillion Media, India


  • 17:00

    BBC 50:50 Project.

    BBC’s biggest collective action on increasing women’s representation in content. This voluntary initiative has brought together people within BBC and other newsrooms in support of the change. This presentation will delve into the inspiring effort towards increasing women representation in news.



    • Creative Diversity Lead and Journalist, BBC, London, UK
  • 17:30

    End of day 2

Junio 30

  • 14:15

    How to thrive in the post-cookie world by harnessing your own data

    With the upcoming third-party cookie depreciation, publishers are forced to reimagine their audience growth and reader revenue models. Building a direct and trustworthy relationship with your audience to acquire first party data has become the key to success.
    Join us online to hear from Jagran New Media’s CEO, Bharat Gupta, and learn about the winning strategies and tactics this leading media company has put in place to create a more resilient future for their organisation.



    Session hosted by

  • 15:00

    Keynote: Innovation in media.

    Managing media and technology. Role tech companies play to enable the process and support quality journalism.


    • Chief operating officer, Digital, The Printers Mysore Ltd, India


  • 15:30

    Strategic challenges facing news media business and ideas for post pandemic future.



    • Executive President, Dainik Bhaskar Group of Publications, India
  • 16:00

    Product thinking in newspaper

    How a product mindset helps in putting the audience first and shapes organisation’s digital innovation. The success mantra from VG, Norway.



  • 16:30

    The future of digital advertising – preparing for a cookieless future and innovations at work.

    Shutting down segments of third-party data since the beginning of the year, and using first party data, creating several segments of target audience has helped NYTimes to offer superior product and build better relationship with their audience. A sneak peek into the innovations at work at NYT.



  • 17:00

    End of conference

Indian Media Leaders eSUMMIT 2021
