Programme | Study Tour: Artificial Intelligence, Content Monetisation, and Customer Experience

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Study Tour: Artificial Intelligence, Content Monetisation, and Customer Experience

Programme | Study Tour: Artificial Intelligence, Content Monetisation, and Customer Experience




May 14

  • 21:30

    Reception and presentation of the program

    Hotel Fabian, Fabianinkatu 7, 00130 Helsinki

    Reception of the group, presentation of the participants, and introduction to the program of the week.


May 15

  • 09:00

    Finnish media market, consumer and technological trends

    Miltton, Kaisaniemenkatu 6 A FI-00100 Helsinki,

    Introduction to the national and regional public and private media market, information consumption levels, market specificities, mapping innovation in Finland, its actors, and its specificities. Market trends, dynamics and evolution of the advertising market, state of the art of content consumption.


  • 11:00

    Mobile monetization - Best business cases

    Miltton, Kaisaniemenkatu 6 A FI-00100 Helsinki

    The “customer” perspective on platforms. How are corporations, agencies and advertisers changing their strategy and adapting to the recent changes in the social platform rules? Have they changed the way they communicate, how do they allocate their marketing/ad expenses ? What are the consequences for legacy news media players? How does the communications arena look like now and especially in the future? This session will be supported with strategic analysis and operational business case examples from local and national advertisers.


  • 12:30

    Luncheon debate with the President of Finnmedia, the Finnish Media Federation

    Restaurant Plaza, Mikonkatu 23, Helsinki

    With Vesa-Pekka Kangaskorpi, CEO of Keskisuomalainen Oyj and President of Finnmedia. Keskisuomalainen is a Finnish language newspaper published in Jyväskylä. It serves the center of Finland. The Keskisuomalainen group has 53 media outlets for a weekly audience of around 2.3 million readers.


  • 15:00

    Targeting content and mobile advertising: the algorithm revolution

    Yle-keskus Helsinki Mediatalo Uutiskatu 5 00240 Helsinki

    Monitoring and real-time targeting of audiences on mobile and social networks. The teachings of the Ezyinsights platform at Yle, the Finnish public Broadcast company.


  • 15:45

    Hyper-personalized mobile services

    Yle-keskus Helsinki Mediatalo Uutiskatu 5 00240 Helsinki

    Yle's News Watch App uses the latest semantic technologies to deliver custom feeds. Yle uses a technology developed by Leiki SmartProfile


    • Head of Yle News Lab; Yle News, Sports & Current Affairs at Finnish Broadcasting Company
  • 16:45

    Mobile context-based advertising

    Yle-keskus Helsinki Mediatalo Uutiskatu 5 00240 Helsinki

    Latest innovations in the field of contextualized targeted advertising. Feedback from Arena Partners, and Esa Digital’s business cases.

    Arena Partners Oy offers consulting and e-business services development. Arena develops applications in real estate, entertainment, concerts, sports, automotive and provides solutions to leading Scandinavian media companies.

    ESA Digital Oy designs, writes and produces audiovisual content in digital environments. The digital marketing agency Esa Digital counts among its main customers K-citymarket, Neste Oil, Citycon, Veikkaus, Fazer Makeiset, Cloetta Finland, Isku, Kespro, Tarvikeyhtymä, Sinebrychoff and K-rauta.


  • 20:00

    Dinner - reception Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Helsinki Allas Sea Pool restaurant, Katajanokanlaituri 2 a, Helsinki

May 16

  • 09:00

    Alma Media's transformation to an All Digital Strategy, Priorities, Results, and Outlook

    Alma House, Alvar Aallon katu 3 C, 00101 Helsinki

    Alma Media controls nearly a third of the digital advertising revenues of the Finnish media market, just behind Sanoma. In the third quarter of 2017, the group's revenues grew by more than 6% to 86 million euros (270 million in the first three quarters), with operating income up 53%. Digital activities represent 44% of its turnover. It also realizes nearly 40% of its turnover abroad (Baltic countries, Germany,..). The group is a major player in the Finnish market and has recently benefited from the performance of its marketplaces. In 2017, Alma News & Life has further strengthened its programmatic buying and mobile advertising footprint, such as mobile optimized Rich Media implementations.

    The group's management will present its strategy, its recent development axes and will come back to the experiments carried out in the automatic generation of content, and the expected benefits of its viewability project aimed at preserving the value of the group's digital CPM on the programmatic market.


    • SVP Communications and Brand at Alma Media Corporation
    • Senior Vice President, Head of Alma Markets at Alma Media
    • Editor-in-chief, Magazines Tekniikka&Talous, Metallitekniikka and Tekniikan Historia at Alma Media
    • Senior Vice President, Alma Consumer at Alma Media
  • 09:45

    Co-creation and intelligent management of communities in Uusi Suomi

    Alma House, Alvar Aallon katu 3 C, 00101 Helsinki

    Uusi Suomi, is a generalist online newspaper (politics, national news, culture) of the group Alma Media created in 2007. Its service of blogs Puheenvuoro is distinguished by a particularly powerful management of Internet communities based on the co-creation of contents.


  • 10:30

    Tour of Alma Media House

    Alma House, Alvar Aallon katu 3 C, 00101 Helsinki

    Iltalehti is one of the leading national news media and reaches about 2 million Finns a week. Kauppalehti, with a cumulative print and digital audience of 666,000 readers, is the leading Finnish business daily.

  • 11:30

    Sanoma Media: the digital transformation of Helsingin Sanomat, the secrets of Ilta-Sanomat's mobile success

    Sanoma House, Töölönlahdenkatu 2, Helsinki

    The creation of a data team within the digital editorial staff of the large daily Helsingin Sanomat is relatively new, but it already delivers outstanding results. In 2017, Helsingin Sanomat's total circulation is on the rise again,  thanks to acquisitions of new digital subscribers.

    The data intelligence team has a particular positioning, as it serves both the revenue development, and the newsroom with data-driven editorial content. In September 2016, Helsingin Sanomat implemented a hybrid payment model by adding premium content to the existing pre-existing metered model. The editorial and marketing teams are now working together on the production and promotion of three to five quality articles per day: these are the "diamond stories". Petteri Putkiranta, senior vice president of Helsingin Sanomat, will provide an update on the monetization projects of the group's content and explain how the project fits into a broader and ambitious strategy.

    Ilta-Sanomat, Finland's largest news media, is one of the few players in the industry to take advantage of its online video service. Since 2015, its digital revenues are growing faster than print revenues. Ilta-Sanomat is also the first consumer publisher on mobile

    Topics covered: Online subscriber acquisition and retention - Helsingin Sanomat's data team results (customer acquisition, content production, reader engagement) - Automatic content generation at Helsingin Sanomat, Ilta's Sanomat mobile success story. Use of AI in Helsingin Sanomat newsroom: lessons learned from hackathons, moderation and content recommendation.


  • 13:30

    Lunch at Sanoma Media with Risto Kuulasmaa, Founder of Tubecon

    Sanoma House, Töölönlahdenkatu 2, Helsinki

    Risto Kuulasmaa is the founder of Tubecon, the first YouTuber event network in Europe. Audiovisual producer, startup entrpreneurt, Risto will give us his point of view on the innovations not to be missed in digital video.


  • 15:00

    Targeted advertising, diversification and partnerships

    City Digital, Kuortaneenkatu 1, Helsinki

    City Digital is one of the fastest-growing digitization accelerators in Europe. Add value through user data, and events. White label solutions for table reservations, targeted advertising, data usage, event creation.


  • 15:45

    Artificial intelligence, text mining, and machine learning serving improved reliable content moderation

    City Digital, Kuortaneenkatu 1, Helsinki

    Hate speech and trolling are one of the major problems of the digital sphere. In machine learning and artificial intelligence, Utopia Analytics is a newcomer but already one of Finland's most prominent start-ups. Their online curation model allows publishers to effectively manage the abuse of online forums, improve the quality of mediation and increase the overall quality of the discussion forums.


  • 17:00

    UPM: The "biofore" company

    UPM, Alvar Aallon katu 1, Helsinki

    Does newsprint have a future? How UPM, a world-leading papermill sees a future for print media, anticipates major consumer trends en plans its future. We will learn more about innovation management at UPM and the transformation of the company into a "biofore company". A must for a visit to Finland where the forest industry employs nearly 42,000 people, and generates a turnover of nearly 20 billion euros.

    UPM - UPM is one of world’s leading forest industry companies with six business areas: UPM Biorefining, UPM Energy, UPM Raflatac, UPM Specialty Papers, UPM Paper Europe/North Americal and UPM Plywood. UPM provides sustainable and safe solutions to the growing global consumption. Products are made of renewable and recyclable materials. The group employs around 19,300 people worldwide and its annual sales is EUR 10 billion. UPM shares are listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki. UPM - The Biofore Company –

    About UPM Paper ENA - UPM Paper Europe and North America is the world's leading producer of graphic papers, offering an extensive product range for advertising and publishing as well as home and office uses. The high performing papers and service concepts of UPM add value to our customers' businesses, while actively fulfilling demanding environmental and social responsibility criteria. With headquarters in Germany, UPM Paper ENA employs approximately 8,000 people. More about UPM Paper ENA and its products at


    • Executive Vice President, UPM, Helsinki
    • Senior Vice President - Newsprint and Retail Customers, UPM, Finland
  • 19:30

    Dinner - Reception hosted by UPM

May 17

  • 09:00

    Welcome address and introduction to Aalto University


    • Vice President, Research and innovation at Aalto University
  • 09:10

    Blockchains and the distributed trust. Why this might be the next big disruption for news?

    Aalto University Grid Startup Center Otaniemi Campus Otakaari 5, Espoo

    The early days of the private blockchains announce a major revolution in everything related to financial transactions, but also, and more worryingly (or promising) to intermediation and all operations guaranteed today by a trusted third party. Media professionals should be among the first to be informed about the risks and opportunities associated with blockchains: fake news, copyright management, distribution and marketing of content, commercial transactions ... But the subject is complex and the confusion prevails. Our session in Aalto is an opportunity to exchange with some of the best international experts in the field.

    • Mats Nylund, Arcada University of Applied Sciences (TBD)


    • Interim Executive I Blockchain Consultant I Work Engagement Expert I Circular Economy Enthusiast
    • Programme Director, MA in Media Management, Arcada University of Applied Sciences, Finland
    • Artificial Intelligence Partner at Fourkind
    • Executive Director, the Media Industry Research Foundation of Finland, Helsinki
  • 09:45

    Latest developments in artificial intelligence, machine learning, datamining

    Aalto University Grid Startup Center Otaniemi Campus Otakaari 5, Espoo

    We will spend the third day on the campus of Aalto University, for a technological immersion in its brand new "A Grid Startup Center". 25,000 m2 devoted to technology transfer and the incubation and acceleration of startups in one of the most dynamic universities in Europe.


    artificial intelligence applied to news media: what's up?

    The first session of the day will be devoted to an introduction to the latest advances in artificial intelligence applied to media curation, content recommendation, automation of editorial flows, and commercial optimization (acquisition, retention of subscribers ).

    • Jarno Kartela, AI Partner, Fourkind (TBC)
    • Aalto University (TBC)


    • Executive Director, the Media Industry Research Foundation of Finland, Helsinki
    • Researcher at Aalto University
    • Associate Professor, Speech and Language Processing at Aalto University
  • 11:00

    Startups Sauna

    Aalto University Grid Startup Center Otaniemi Campus Otakaari 5, Espoo

    We are inviting a selection among the most promising Finnish startups in the field of artificial intelligence, mobile content, customer relationship management, subscriber acquisition, curation of content, optimization of social platforms, mobile advertising, online video, the Internet of Things.



  • 13:00

    Lunch - Platform Strategies

    Aalto University Campus

    Luncheon and discussion with Kimmo Karhu, Digital Strategy Researcher, Aalto University.


    • Platform Strategy Expert, Fourkind, Aalto University, Helsinki
  • 14:00

    Online games: Lessons learned about new narrative forms, new transactional forms, and young audiences

    Aalto University Grid Startup Center Otaniemi Campus Otakaari 5, Espoo

    Growing by nearly 45% per year over the period 2004-2015, the Finnish gaming industry is growing faster than the global market and accounts for more than 7% of the revenue generated internationally. The know-how of Finnish professionals is therefore appreciable. We will dedicate this session to better understand what brings the issues and challenges of the media closer to those of the online gaming sector: monetization models, behaviors and consumer uses of young audiences, online marketing.

    Next Games is a champion of the Finnish online gaming industry and the first developer and publisher of publicly traded mobile games in Finland, specializing in games based on entertainment franchises, such as movies, TV series or TV shows. books. The critically-acclaimed developers of The Walking Dead: No Man's Land are redefining how franchised entertainment is transformed into highly attractive, service-based mobile games.


  • 16:00

    Transformation of the business model - the risks and opportunities of IoT and connected devices

    Nokia Experience Center Karaportti 8, Espoo

    Nokia, on the verge of bankruptcy following the collapse of its mobile branch, is reborn as a network company with a strong focus on the promises of the Internet of Things, new technologies, health technology and connected devices. The Nokia Experience Center is a convenient environment where you can discover and explore the potential of their latest innovations.


    • Vice President, Corporate Affairs, at Nokia
  • 19:00

    Dinner - Reception Business Finland

    Cabinet Lyktan, HSS PAVILJONG Liuskasaari, Helsinki

    Finland has the largest number of digital start-ups per capita in the world. Business Finland, the public agency for international development, innovation financing, and the development of Finnish trade. Business Finland employs 600 experts in 40 offices worldwide and in 20 regional offices in Finland. Business Finland is part of the Team Finland network.


    • Director, Digitalization Strategy and Programs at Business Finland
    • Executive Vice President, Invest in Finland, Helsinki
    • Executive Director, Startups, Business Finland, Helsinki

May 18

  • 09:00

    Innovation Management - Design Thinking - Leadership

    Alvar Aallon katu 5, Helsinki

    Innovation management, decision-making process in complex environments, design thinking. Solita, a change management consulting firm, digital platform development, e-commerce, will unveil the projects led by Yle and Sanoma Media.


    • Vice President at Solita; Digital Transformation Leader, Helsinki
  • 10:45

    How Aller Media Finland unlocked the value of data-for-profit with its Data Refinery

    Alvar Aallon katu 5, Helsinki

    Data Refinery is a tech start-up and a data monetization platform, owned by Aller Media, and a leader in the Finnish data business. Data Refinery has a unique capability to combine different data sources, such as online behavior based interest profiles with traditional CRM data. Data Refinery makes it possible for any company to improve their product development, customer services, sales and marketing with data. It also enables easy monetization of any owner of customer and/or online behavioral data. Data Refinery’s revenues are growing rapidly. The company currently operates in Finland and in other Nordic countries, aiming at the US market as well.


    • VP, Technology and Service, Head of International Business Development, Data Refinery
  • 12:30

    "Inflight Ancillaries" and new embedded distribution platforms

    Finnair, Tietotie 9, Vantaa

    It is estimated that ancillary revenues generated by airline companies will account for more than US$ 82 billion in 2017. This represents a 260% increase since the emergence of these new business models in 2010. Thanks to its revenues the airline sector manages to develop its customer traffic, its margins while offering increasingly competitive rates. The airline's revenue diversification model is an example for the media, but also an opportunity: experts believe that revenue from the commercialization of in-flight bandwidth will explode in the next 5 years.

    Finnair is a good example to watch. The company has launched its new Nordic Sky air portal to provide new services to travelers and boost ancillary sales. As it is soon the case for the connected car, we can imagine that the air will quickly become a privileged ground for the distribution of the contents of the traditional media?


  • 15:00

    Online retailers become media and media become shoppable

    OP Financial Group, Teollisuuskatu 1, 00101 Helsinki

    In many ways, the digital transformation of traditional media is closer to that of financial institutions and the world of retail banking: optimizing the customer experience, the arrival of 100% online banks in the retail banking market . The accelerated disintermediation of the sector is putting the meters back to zero in a sector rather accustomed to a certain conservatism. Financial institutions are also seeking to maximize interactions with their customers: omni-channel, presence on social networks (assistance, transfers), new mobile uses, rejuvenation of the audience, collaborative financing, diversification of profit centers.

    OP Financial Group (180 affiliated cooperative banks) is one of the largest financial companies in Finland. The group offers retail and commercial banking services and insurance services to more than 1.8 million members. Considering that a good part, if not the majority of the current sources of income in the financial sector, are no longer viable in the digital age, Harri Nummela, in charge of the group's digital innovation, considers this transformation digital vital to the perenniality of the sector. The group estimates that 300 to 400 million euros per year are needed to digitize its business model in 2017 and 2018. 2 billion euros will be spent by 2021. This massive investment is designed to reinvent a business model that will ultimately go beyond the traditional boundaries of the financial sector. "Retailers become media, and media become shoppable"!


  • 18:30

    Wrap-up dinner followed by the traditional Finnish sauna

    Lonna Sauna, Lonna Island, Helsinki

    The sauna is an essential part of the Finnish culture and national identity. There are only 5.4 million Finns but 3.3 million saunas. Public saunas were common in big cities, but now that most new apartments have their own sauna, public saunas are getting scarce. As the sense of community becomes an increasingly important part of the new Finnish urban culture, many new public saunas are re-emerging.

    Lonna’s public sauna is located on the island of Lonna in the archipelago just in front of the city center of Helsinki. This tiny island, just 150 m long, is part of the Suomenlinna district, located between Helsinki’s market square and the Suomenlinna fortress island. You can experience calm and almost sacred feeling of the traditional Finnish sauna.  Sauna building is built solely with natural materials. It is made of masterfully handcrafted wooden logs that are left untreated. Starting times are staggered the way that for women and men’s sides. Outside the saunas, there is a large terrace, which opens to spectacular scenery of the archipelago.

May 19

  • 10:00

    Guide Tour National Museum (and more during your free time in Helsinki)

    National Museum, Mannerheimintie 34, 00100 Helsinki

    At 10:00, we offer you a private guided tour of the National Museum.

    During your stay, we hope you will enjoy Helsinki one of the most pleasant cities in Europe. With a population of just half a million people and many Art Nouveau buildings, Helsinki is a human-sized capital city where you can stroll, especially at this time of year. Another good reason to visit Helsinki, outside of its park of innovative startups, is its gastronomy. The Finnish capital has some incredibly tasty traditional dishes, many well-stocked markets as well as many innovative restaurants.

    Which neighborhoods? If you choose to visit Helsinki on foot, you will surely want to know which neighborhoods are the most connected. Two popular neighborhoods in Helsinki stand out: Kallio and Punavuori

    Helsinki Design Museum The Design Museum will give you an overview of Finnish design and discover how it has evolved over the years.

    The Senate Square is one of the oldest parts of Helsinki. This huge square is home to some of the most important buildings in the city, such as the main building of the University of Helsinki, the Government Palace and the Helsinki Lutheran Cathedral.

    Fortress Suomenlina As a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Suomenlinna is a very interesting destination to discover on a day trip.

    Helsinki Archipelago Among the many islands of the Helsinki Archipelago, the islands of Vallisaari and Kuninkaansaari are worth visiting! Only open to the public since 2016, it welcomed the military, which they remain many fortifications, tunnels, caves ... To see also, the island of Lonna 7 minutes by boat from Helsinki.

    Porvoo To visit also around, the old city of Porvoo often quoted. It is the second oldest city in Finland. It is accessible by boat from Helsinki, and you will be seduced by its small red houses at the water's edge

    The surroundings of Helsinki Tallinn - the capital of Estonia - is a two-and-a-half-hour ferry ride from Helsinki, and it is easy to get there and back in the day. With its myriad of bell towers and medieval buildings, Tallinn resembles a fairytale city and offers a striking contrast to Helsinki's relatively modern buildings. You will have four hours at your disposal, or even more if you decide to spend the night in Tallinn.

  • 15:00

    Helsinki Running Day

    !! EXTRA !! The Helsinki Running Day will take place on 19 May. If you join us for our Study Tour, you may stay over the weekend and enjoy either the full marathon, 1/2 marathon, marathon relay, or the 5k.

    Marathon will start at 3 PM outside the Olympic Stadium next to the statue of Mr. Paavo Nurmi (Address: Mäntymäentie, Helsinki). The runners should be at the start area at 2:45 PM the latest. Select your preferred spot at the start area according to your own expected finishing time. The areas are marked by signs: 2:30, 3:00, 3:30, 4:00 etc.). Make sure you are in good time if you wish to get a good position at the start area.

    You'll find more details about the Helsinki Running Day on their website

Study Tour: Artificial Intelligence, Content Monetisation, and Customer Experience